
发布时间:2023-7-20 | 杂志分类:其他


4 一、展览展示内容序言沧州意为沧海之州,有 1500 多年建州史,因海而生、向海发展,总面积 1.4 万平方公里,人口 730 万,是国务院确定的沿海开放城市,是环渤海经济区和京津冀都市圈的重要组成部分。沧州沿海优势突出、产业基础雄厚、历史文化悠久。今年 5 月 10 日至 12 日,习近平总书记到河北视察,并第一次到沧州实地考察,就盐碱地综合利用、黄骅港规划建设等作出重要指示,为我们做好工作提供了根本遵循,给予了沧州 730 万干部群众最亲切的关怀、最强大的精神力量,为沧州发展提供了千载难逢的历史机遇。我们坚定不移沿着习近平总书记指引的方向勇毅前行,认真贯彻落实省委十届四次全会精神,完整、准确、全面贯彻新发展理念,解放思想、奋发进取,推动习近平总书记重要讲话精神在沧州落地见效,加快建设沿海经济强市,为谱写中国式现代化建设河北篇章贡献沧州力量。一、打造多功能、综合性、现代化大港沧州黄骅港位于渤海湾穹顶处,区位优势独特,海运条件便利,是我国西煤东运、北煤南运的重要枢纽港口,雄安新区便捷出海口、“一带一路”重要出海口,黄骅港将全力推动港口转型升级和资源整合,优化港口功能布局,加强港口能力... [收起]
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一、展览展示内容............................................. 4

二、视觉展示................................................ 19

三、数字沙盘................................................ 25

四、视频制作................................................ 27

五、3D 渲染................................................. 28

六、现场照片................................................ 31


4 一、展览展示内容


沧州意为沧海之州,有 1500 多年建州史,因海而生、向海发展,总面积 1.4 万平方公里,

人口 730 万,是国务院确定的沿海开放城市,是环渤海经济区和京津冀都市圈的重要组成部分。

沧州沿海优势突出、产业基础雄厚、历史文化悠久。今年 5 月 10 日至 12 日,习近平总书记到


为我们做好工作提供了根本遵循,给予了沧州 730 万干部群众最亲切的关怀、最强大的精神力量,










黄骅海岸线总长 116 公里,黄骅港规划岸线长度 71.4 公里,陆域面积 81.23 平方公里,可

布置泊位 125 个,其中万吨级以上泊位 104 个。已形成岸线长度 43 公里,建成集装箱、煤炭、

矿石、散杂货、原油、液化等生产性泊位 46 个,其中万吨级以上泊位 41 个,年设计通过能力 2.8

亿吨,拥有 1 条 20 万吨级单向航道和 1 条 5 万吨级双向航道。

2022 年,完成货物吞吐量 3.15 亿吨,集装箱突破 100 万标箱,吞吐量位列全国沿海港口

的第 10 位。煤炭下水完成 2.2 亿吨,居全国首位。与河北港口集团和上港集团合作,全面拓展

加密内外贸航线,已开辟了内贸外航线 32 条,通达全球 38 个国家和地区,港口国际化水平和


工建设;来自马来西亚的“美人鱼号”10 万吨级油轮成功靠泊;与石家庄国际陆港开展陆海联动,








国化工等世界 500 强企业。

总投资 57 亿元的港区集疏运体系和 56 亿元的散货码头、液体化工码头项目开工建设,项



机遇,加快推动 400 万吨 ( 一期 200 万吨 ) 国家煤炭储备基地和 200 万方原油商业储备基地落户。


成果,推动 5G、区块链等技术与智能装船、码头生产作业等深度融合,填补了世界散货港口智



01 盐碱地特色农业


碱地向适应盐碱地转变。2022 年,全市旱碱麦种植面积已达 100.2 万亩,总产量达到 22.37 万


和 2023 年《沧州市盐碱地综合利用实施方案》,在渤海新区黄骅市、海兴县开展试点工作,为

全省乃至全国盐碱地综合利用提供可推广、可复制的“沧州经验”,力争 2025 年旱碱麦种植面

积达到 200 万亩,亩产达到 300 公斤,形成一批国家地理标志产品。

02 高品质蔬菜产业示范区


建设。截至目前,全市蔬菜种植面积 86 万亩、总产量 376 万吨,拥有青县羊角脆、“大司马”


菜集约化育苗数量位居全国第三。到 2027 年,打造成京津周边高品质蔬菜产业示范区、京津雄

重要的蔬菜保供仓、国内领先的蔬菜科研中心,全市高品质蔬菜种植面积发展到 100 万亩以上、

总产量 420 万吨以上。

03 现代农业产业化

全市拥有农业产业化市级及以上重点龙头企业 406 家,其中国家级 8 家、省级 75 家,拥

有国家级产业强镇 5 个,国家级“一村一品”示范村镇 13 个,省级产业集群 11 个;涉农驰名

商标 7 件,国家地理标志产品 7 个。农业特色产业发展成效明显,实现了烤鸭胚产能、鲜梨出口、






6 到河北”的优先目的地。

01 特色鲜明、继古开今的文化带

沧州文化底蕴深厚,渊远流长,形成了杂技、武术等特色文化,大运河沿线共有 176 处物

质文化遗产和 375 个非物质文化遗产。建成了中国大运河非遗展示馆、东光谢家坝水工智慧展


沧州是“中国武术之乡”,武术门类、拳械达 53 种,占中国拳种的 40%。吴桥是“中国

杂技之乡”, 包括七大门类,1100 多个表演节目,中国吴桥国际杂技艺术节是世界著名的三大

杂技赛场之一。2006 年沧州武术、吴桥杂技被列入第一批国家级非物质文化遗产名录。

02 林水相依、原真唯一的生态带

实施绿化美化提升,对运河沿线补植补绿 5979 亩,绿化道路 183 公里,核心区绿化总面

积累计达 45.6 万亩,已建成运河公园、百狮园等各类生态公园 20 个,沿线 8 个县 ( 市、区 )

建成小游园、小公园等 5418 个。完成全线河道清淤疏浚,实现运河全线有水,中心城区段 50

年来首次旅游通航;大运河沧州段两侧堤顶路实现全线贯通,沿河 1 公里范围内 242 个村庄全


03 心向往之、流连忘返的旅游带

5 月 26 日,以“千里通波、大美运河”为主题的省第六届园博会开幕,中国大运河非遗展




之旅”和“又见运河·非遗精华之旅”3 条大运河沧州段非遗旅游精品线路。






深化产业协同。积极承接北京非首都功能疏解,打造渤海新区等 5 个省级承接平台。加强

与中石油、中海油、国能等央企对接合作,累计 78 家央企、国企二三级机构落户。九年来,累

计承接京津项目 713 个,总投资 3084 亿元。






沧州转化”创新协作模式。全市与京津共建协同产业技术研究院等科研平台 35 家,开展技术研

究项目 79 项。



深化公共服务协同。拓宽医疗、养老、教育等领域合作,全市已有 25 家医疗机构与京津

76 家医疗机构开展合作,12 家医疗机构纳入京津冀医疗机构检验结果互认范围。

五、推动传统产业转型升级 培育新动能

沧州产业基础雄厚,工业覆盖全国 41 个行业大类中的 36 个。全市共有县域持色产业集群

45 个,其中列入省重点县域特色产业集群 24 个。2022 年,全市营业收入超百亿县域特色产业

集群 21 个。



打造包装机械、新型建材、电力设备等完整产业链条。“强链” 上,通过新技术、新材料、新工艺,


以科技创新加速产业转型。建立市县两级科研基金,健全科技投入考核倒逼机制。2022 年

以来新增国家专精特新“小巨人”企业 21 家、累计 40 家,高新技术企业 166 家、累计 1175 家。

2022 年,全市享受研发费用加计扣除政策企业 1836 户、增长 80.17%,加计扣除金额 37.03 亿元、

增长 32.06%。



培育税收超 5000 万元企业 100 家以上,带动形成超百亿产业集群 25 个以上。

实施入园升规技改三年专项行动。自行动开展以来,已推动 2162 家工业企业入园,新增规

上工业企业 503 家,实施技改项目 1907 项。推动沧州临港经济技术开发区向三千亿级迈进,


发区向 500 亿级迈进。


用好企业家“直通车”等机制。2022 年以来,开展“五未土地”和闲置工业用地清理整治,盘

活土地资源 4.8 万亩。


深入贯彻习近平总书记重要指示要求,高标准高质量抓好中国 - 中东欧国家(沧州)中小

企业合作区建设,目前已高规格举办四届中国 - 中东欧国家 ( 沧州 ) 中小企业合作论坛,共达成


8 合作成果 217 个,总投资 1684.58 亿元。


成为全国首个实现海外挂牌实体运营的地市级国际传播中心。国际传播中心提供 365 天 ×24


积极融入共建“一带一路”,办好渤海湾(沧州)- 海湾合作论坛、2023 京津冀国际生物

医药和大健康产业发展大会、中国航海日活动周、2023 国际电商生态博览会和中国吴桥国际杂




积极推进全国现代商贸物流基地建设,打造了渤海新区、肃宁、新华区沧东 3 个省级物流

产业聚集区。目前沧州市拥有国家 A 级物流企业 7 家,跨境电子商务园区 3 个。

2022 年 11 月 14 日,国务院批复同意设立中国(沧州)跨境电子综合试验区,到 2027 年,

力争实现综合服务平台备案企业超过 1500 家,建立 10 个跨境电商园区,跨境电商进出口额达

到 50 亿元。


Cangzhou, literally means the Land along the Bohai Sea, has a history of more

than 1,500 years. With an area of 14,000 square kilometers and a population of 7.3

million, Cangzhou was born out of the Bohai Sea and strives for ocean-oriented

strength. It is one of the open coastal cities designated by the State Council and an

integral part of Bohai Economic Rim and Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei metropolitan circle.

Cangzhou is proud of its coastal resources, strong industrial foundation, and splendid

history and culture. During General Secretary Xi Jinping's visit to Hebei from May 10

to 12, 2023, he came to Cangzhou for the first time and gave important instructions

on the comprehensive utilization of saline-alkali land and the planning and

construction of Huanghua Port. This provides Cangzhou and its 7.3 million people

with fundamental guidelines for our work, a source of inspiration for taking greater

initiative, and unprecedented opportunity for development. We will move forward in

the direction guided by General Secretary Xi Jinping unswervingly, conscientiously

implement the spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 10th CPC Hebei Provincial

Committee, fully, accurately and comprehensively implement the new development



concept, emancipate the mind, forge ahead, promote the implementation of the

spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions in Cangzhou, accelerate

the construction of an economically strong coastal city, and contribute Cangzhou's

strength to creating a beautiful scene of Chinese path to modernization in Hebei.

1.Build a Multi-functional, Comprehensive and Modern Port

Located at the dome of Bohai Bay, Huanghua Port enjoys excellent accessibility

and shipping conditions. It is an important hub for China’s west to east and north

to south coal transportation, and it is also a significant sea outlet for Xiong'an New

Area and the Belt and Road Initiative. It will fully promote transformation, upgrading

and resource integration, optimize port functions, strengthen capacity enhancement,

innovate management systems and mechanisms, and develop into a multi-functional,

comprehensive and modern port.

Huanghua boasts a 116-kilometer coastline. Huanghua Port has a planned

shoreline of 71.4 kilometers and a land area of 81.23 square kilometers. It can

accommodate 125 berths, including 104 berths for vessels of 10,000 tons deadweight

or above. At present, a shoreline of 43 kilometers has been built with 46 production

berths for containers, coal, ore, bulk cargo, crude oil, liquefaction products, etc.

Among which, 41 berths can accommodate vessels of 10,000 tons deadweight and

above. The designed annual throughput capacity amounts to 280 million tons, with

one 200,000-ton one-way channel and one 50,000-ton two-way channel.

In 2022, Huanghua Port achieved a throughput of 315 million tons and a container

throughput exceeding one million TEUs, ranking the tenth among coastal ports in

China. The annual outbound coal throughput amounted to 220 million tons, ranking

the first in the country. In cooperation with Hebei Port Group and SIPG, 32 domestic

and foreign trade routes have been launched, destined for 38 countries and regions

around the world, and the port's internationalization level and radiating and driving

effect have been significantly improved. Liquid Chemical Terminal in Huanghua Port

Comprehensive Port Area, which is the largest liquefied hydrocarbon terminal in


10 China, is under construction. Vessel Mermaid, a 100,000-ton crude oil tanker from

Malaysia, docked in Huanghua Port successfully. Thanks to the collaboration with

the Shijiazhuang International Land Port, intermodal transport that combines road,

railway and sea becomes available on the China-Europe Freight Train. After the

signing of Memorandum of Cooperation on World Logistics Passport with DP World,

Huanghua Port has joined the World Logistics Passport initiative.

The aggregation of port-centered industries is boosting. At present, a \"4+3+3\"

modern port-centered industrial system has initially taken shape, with green

petrochemical, high-end equipment manufacturing, biomedicine and modern

logistics as the leading industries, three emerging industries of general aviation,

cultural tourism and new energy vehicles as the support, and three potential

industries of marine economy, great health and new energy as the supplement. A

number of Fortune Global 500 companies have invested and set up enterprises in

Cangzhou, such as CNOOC, Cargill, and ChemChina, etc.

The Port Area Collection and Distribution System with a total investment of

RMB 5.7 billion, and the Bulk Cargo Terminal and Liquid Chemical Terminal with a

total investment of RMB 5.6 billion, have been under construction. After completion

of these projects, it will facilitate road-railway-sea intermodal transport for

commodities, connect the port railways with trunk railways and terminal yards, and

bridge the last gap of port collection and distribution. In addition, the port is seizing

the opportunity of the state's support for the construction of commodity storage and

transportation bases, and stepping up efforts to finalize the four-million-ton national

coal reserve base (two million tons in the first phase) and the two-million-cubicmeter crude oil commercial reserve base.

Highlighting the green, smart and safe development, Huanghua Port will

consolidate the construction of Five-Star Green Port in China Energy Coal Port Area,

cherish the honor as one of the Top 10 Most Beautiful Ports in China, promote the

deep integration of 5G and blockchain technologies with intelligent loading and



terminal operations, and fill the technical gap of intelligent loading operation in the

world's bulk cargo ports.

2.Leverage Saline-alkali Land Resources to Develop Featured Agriculture

2.1 Featured Agriculture in Saline-alkali Land

By conscientiously implementing the important instruction of General Secretary

Xi Jinping on carrying out comprehensive utilization of saline-alkali land, we

strive to realize the transformation from the treatment to the adaptation of salinealkali land. In 2022, the planting area of dry-alkali-tolerant wheat reached 66,800

hectares, and the total output reached 223,700 tons. The dry-alkali-tolerant wheat

is favored by customers by its unique flavor. We scientifically formulate the ThreeYear Development Plan for the Comprehensive Utilization of Saline-alkali Land in

Cangzhou City and the Implementation Plan for the Comprehensive Utilization of

Saline-alkali Land in Cangzhou City in 2023, and carry out pilot work in Bohai New

Area Huanghua City and Haixing County, and provide the province and even the whole

country with replicable \"Cangzhou experience\" in the comprehensive utilization of

saline-alkali land, and strive to reach an area of 133,333 hectares of dry alkali wheat

cultivation in 2025, with a yield of 4,500 kg per hectare, and a number of national

geographical indication products will be launched.

2.2 Demonstration Zone for High-quality Vegetable Industry

Since the provincial party committee proposed to \"build demonstration zones for

high-quality vegetable industry in Hengshui and Cangzhou\", the construction of \"one

garden, three farms, and five bases\" has been initiated. Cangzhou has a vegetable

planting area of 57,333 hectares and an output of 3.76 million tons. Qingxian

Yangjiaocui melon and Dasima vegetable are examples of products with geographical

indications and well-known Chinese trademarks. Apart from having the largest goodtaste tomato production base in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, the city's number

of intensive vegetable seedlings ranks third in the country. By 2027, it will become

a demonstration zone for the high-quality vegetable industry around the BeijingTianjin area, an important vegetable supplier in the Beijing-Tianjin-Xiong'an area,


12 and a leading vegetable research center in China. The planting area of high-quality

vegetables will be more than 66,666 hectares, and the output will be more than 4.2

million tons.

2.3 Industrialization of Modern Agriculture

Cangzhou has 406 leading enterprises of agricultural industrialization at the

municipal level and above (8 of them are national level and 75 are provincial

level), five national-level strong industrial towns, 13 national-level \"one village,

one product\" demonstration villages and towns, and 11 provincial-level industrial

clusters, 7 well-known trademarks related to agriculture and 7 national geographical

indication products. The development of agricultural industries with special

characteristics has been effective, achieving a number of national firsts in roast duck

embryo production capacity, fresh pear exports and jujube trading volume.

3. Constructing the Grand Canal Cultural Belt, Ecological Belt and Tourism Belt

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that “the Grand Canal is precious

heritage pass down to us by our ancestors and is a flowable culture that should be

protected, inherited, and utilized. ” Enriched with the resources of both rivers and

seas and traditional Chinese culture and Wushu, Cangzhou has become a priority

destination for tourists with the fame of \"It is so close, and it is so beautiful, welcome

to enjoy your weekend in Hebei\".

3.1 A Cultural Belt with Distinctive Features

Cangzhou has a profound cultural background and a long history, which has

given birth to such distinctive cultures as acrobatic culture, Wushu culture and other

characteristic cultures. There are 176 tangible cultural heritages and 375 intangible

cultural heritages along the Grand Canal. The Grand Canal Intangible Cultural

Heritage Exhibition Hall of China, Xiejia Dam Hydraulic Wisdom Exhibition Center of

Dongguang, and Flood Dividing Facilities Hydraulic Heritage Exhibition Park of Jiedi

have been built, building Cangzhou into China's Grand Canal Intangible Cultural

Heritage City.



Cangzhou is the Hometown of Chinese Wushu. There are 53 kinds of sects and

boxing styles originated from or spread in Cangzhou, which accounts for 40% of the

total kinds in China. Wuqiao is the Hometown of Chinese Acrobatics, boasting of

seven categories and more than 1,100 performances. China Wuqiao International

Circus Festival is one of the three most famous acrobatic competitions in the world.

In 2006, Cangzhou Wushu and Wuqiao acrobatics were listed in the first batch of

national intangible cultural heritages list.

3.2 An Ecological Belt with the Original and Picturesque Views

Greening and beautification have been upgraded, and 5,979 mu of green and 183

kilometers of green roads have been replanted along the canal. The total green area

in the core area has reached 456,000 mu. There are 20 ecological parks such as the

Canal Park and the Baishi Garden, and 5,418 small gardens and parks in 8 counties

(county-level cities, districts) along the canal. The dredging of the whole river course

has been completed, the whole length of the canal in Cangzhou has flowing water.

The central urban section has been opened to navigation for tourism for the first time

in 50 years. Moreover, the the embankment top road on both sides of the Grand Canal

in Cangzhou has been completed and 242 villages within 1 km along the canal have

all reached the municipal standard of beautiful villages.

3.3 A Tourism Belt Worth Visiting

On May 26, the 6th Hebei Provincial Garden Expo with the theme of “Thousands

of Miles of Waves, Great Beauty of the Grand Canal” was officially opened. The

China Grand Canal Intangible Cultural Heritage Exhibition Hall, Cangzhou Dahua

Industrial Heritage Cultural Zone, and Nanchuan Pavilion Cultural Commercial

Street were opened to the public at the same time. Such 3 magnificent pavilions as

Qingfeng Pavilion, Langyin Pavilion and Nanchuan Pavilion reappear their former

images. The Grand Canal cultural belt has become a good place for the elderly to take

walks, young people to exercise, children to play, and tourists to visit, which shows


14 a new look of the ancient canal. At the same time, three excellent tourism routes of

Intangible Heritage of the Grand Canal in Cangzhou have been created, namely \"Tour

of Inheritance of Craftsmanship\", \"Tour of Acrobatics\" and \"Tour of Key Intangible

Cultural Heritage\".

4. Integrating and Serving the Coordinated Development of the Beijing-TianjinHebei Region

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that we should promote the coordinated

development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region to a new level and make it to be a

pioneering area and a demonstration area of Chinese-style modernization.

Giving full play to its unique advantage of being adjacent to Beijing, Tianjin

and Xiong'an, Cangzhou is exploring and deepening all-round and multi-field

matchmaking cooperation in industry, transportation, science and technology, as well

as effectively transforming opportunity advantages into development advantages,

and strives to accelerate its development in serving Beijing and Tianjin.

Deepening the coordination in industry. Cangzhou is actively undertaking the

relocation of Beijing's non-capital functions with building five provincial-level

undertaking platforms such as Bohai New Area. And it keeps strengthening the

matchmaking cooperation with central enterprises such as PetroChina, CNOOC and

China Energy. A total of 78 second-and third-level institutions of central enterprises

and state-owned enterprises have settled down. In the past nine years, 713 BeijingTianjin projects have been undertaken with a total investment of RMB 308.4 billion.

Deepening the coordination in ecology. Adhering to joint prevention and control

of air pollution, joint protection and treatment of water environment, and joint

disposal of hazardous wastes across regions, Cangzhou is creating a new model of

regional ecological integration in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei.

Deepening the coordination in innovation. Advancing cooperation with



universities and research institutes such as Tsinghua University and CCID Research

Institute, and accelerating the formation of an innovative cooperation mode of

“research and development in Beijing and Tianjin, achievement transformation

in Cangzhou”. Cangzhou has jointly established 35 scientific research platforms

with relevant institutions in Beijing and Tianjin such as Collaborative Industrial

Technology Research Institute, and carried out 79 technical research projects.

Deepening coordination in traffic. Actively integrating itself into the one-hour

Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Traffic Circle, Cangzhou is accelerating the progress of major

projects such as the Shijiazhuang-Hengshui-Cangzhou-Huanghua Port Intercity

Railway, Xiong'an-Shangqiu High-speed Railway, Tianjin-Weifang High-speed Railway,

as well as Quyang-Huanghua Port Expressway, Handan-Huanghua Port Expressway,

and the reconstruction and expansion project of Cangzhou section of RongchengWuhai Expressway, etc.

Deepening coordination in public services. Broadening cooperation in the fields

of medical care, old-age care and education, Cangzhou has 25 medical institutions

cooperating with 76 medical institutions in Beijing and Tianjin, and 12 medical

institutions included in the scope of mutual recognition of inspection results of

medical institutions in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei.

5.Promoting the Transformation and Upgrading of the Traditional Industries and

Cultivating New Driving Forces

Cangzhou has a solid industrial base, covering 36 of the 41 major industries in

China. There are 45 county-level characteristic industrial clusters in Cangzhou city,

among which 24 are listed as provincial key county-level characteristic industrial

clusters. In 2022, there will be 21 county-level characteristic industrial clusters with

operating income exceeding RMB 10 billion.

Promoting industrial chain upgrading by projects. In terms of extending the

chain, Cangzhou is accelerating the coordinated development of basic chemicals, fine


16 chemicals, and material chemicals and promoting biomedicine and other industries

to extend from primary and intermediate products to end products. In terms of

supplementing the chain, a number of key industrial projects will be accurately

introduced and cultivated to build a complete industrial chain of packaging

machinery, new building materials and power equipment. In terms of strengthening

the chain, industries such as pipeline equipment and foundry will be driven to

increase the added value of products by new technologies, new materials and new


Accelerating the industrial transformation with scientific and technological

innovation. Cangzhou establishes municipal and county-level research funds, and

improve the mechanism of scientific and technological investment assessment.

Since 2022, there have been 21 national specialized and innovative \"Little Giant\"

enterprises, with a total of 40, and 166 high-tech enterprises, with a total of 1,175. In

2022, there were 1,836 enterprises enjoying the policy of adding and deducting R&D

expenses, an increase of 80.17%, and the added deduction amount was RMB 3.703

billion, an increase of 32.06%.

Driving the development of industrial clusters by leading enterprises. To

stimulate pillar industries, the industrial leaders are fostered. The incentives are

tailor-mad to serve the key listed enterprises. Focusing on characteristic industries,

the system of chain owner and chain length will be implemented. By the end of the

\"14th Five-Year Plan\", more than 100 enterprises with tax revenue exceeding RMB

50 million will be cultivated, and more than 25 industrial clusters exceeding RMB 10

billion will be come into being.

Implementing the three-year plan to move enterprises into industrial parks,

to expand their scale, and to upgrade their technologies. So far, 2,162 industrial

enterprises have been moved into the park, 503 have expanded their scale, and 1,907

technological campaigns have been carried out. The revenue targets are expected

to be RMB 300 billion for Cangzhou Coastal-port Economic and Technological



Development Zone, to be RMB 200 billion for Cangzhou Development Zone and

Renqiu Development Zone respectively, to be RMB 100 billion for Botou Development

Zone, and to be RMB 50 billion respectively for the development zones in Qingxian,

Dongguang, Cangdong, etc.

Optimizing the business environment to stimulate market vitality. Cangzhou has

streamlined administration, delegated powers, improved regulation and services,

formulated the Action Plan for Optimizing and Upgrading Business Environment and

other documents, and launched a one-stop service for entrepreneurs. Since 2022,

48,000 mu of land have been revitalized, including idle industrial land or lands that

were inappropriately approved, supplied, invested, or used.

6.Making Good Use of the International Exchange Platforms to Create New

Highland for Opening-up

For fully carrying out the important instructions and requirements of General

Secretary Xi Jinping into practice, we build the China-CEEC SME Cooperation Zone in

Cangzhou with high standard and quality. In the last four sessions of the China-CEEC

(Cangzhou) SME Cooperation Forum, 217 cooperation results have been achieved

with a total investment of RMB 168.458 billion.

Cangzhou and Xinhua Net have jointly built Cangzhou International

Communication Center, Platform for Enterprises in Cangzhou Going Global, and

Cangzhou Smart Media Platform. The International Communication Center has

become the first prefecture-level international communication center in China to

realize the operation of overseas listed entities, which provides 365 days × 24 hours

of international communication services across the time zones for comprehensively

introducing Cangzhou’s advantages of location, resources, development vitality,

and cultural characteristics.

For proactively integrating itself to the Belt and Road Initiative, a number of

international events have been held and co-organized by Cangzhou city, such as


18 the Bohai Rim (Cangzhou)-Gulf Cooperation Forum, 2023 Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei

International Biomedical and Great Health Industry Development Conference,

China Navigation Day Week, 2023 International E-commerce Expo, China Wuqiao

International Acrobatic Art Festival, China Cangzhou International Wushu Festival

and other well-known activities at home and abroad. Making good use of domestic

and international markets and resources, Cangzhou actively supports the enterprises

to go global to participate extensively in various trade promotion activities such

as exhibitions and forums for broadening the international circle of friends and

promoting the high-level opening to the outside world.

For advancing the construction of modern commercial logistics base in China,

Cangzhou has built three provincial logistics industry clusters in Bohai New Area,

Suning County and Xinhua District. At present, Cangzhou has 7 national A-level

logistics enterprises and 3 cross-border electronic commerce parks.

On November 14th, 2022, the State Council approved the establishment of the

China (Cangzhou) Cross-Border E-Commerce Comprehensive Pilot Zone. By 2027,

more than 1,500 enterprises will be registered on the integrated service platform, and

10 cross-border e-commerce parks will be established, with the import and export

volume of cross-border e-commerce reaching RMB 5 billion.























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