
发布时间:2021-11-24 | 杂志分类:其他


LEADER OF 格然 公司简介 COMPANY PROFILE 南京格然家居有限公司坐落于中国文化历史名城-----南京陆郎镇新府工业园区,是一家引进国际先进生产设 备及生产技术的企业,专业生产真皮,布艺沙发的规模型现代企业。 格然家居有限公司成立于1992年,拥有3万平方米的现代标准厂房,5千平方的精装展示厅,员工300余人,公 司本着“道德为本、能力为先”的经营理念,引进国际先进技术、管理、销售模式,拥有一批经验丰富的专业 技术人员和管理人员,使得产品更加精益求精,格然家居有限公司经过30年的稳健发展,公司先后建立了“大 亨沙发”、“高格米亚”品牌系列,在全国各大中城市有一定的知名度,产品在消费者心中取得了很好的市场 口碑。通过一百多家专卖店,800多家经销商的共同努力,产品深受商业名流、影视和体育明星以及同行专家 的赞誉和青睐。“大亨沙发”... [收起]
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LEADER OF 格然 公司简介 COMPANY PROFILE 南京格然家居有限公司坐落于中国文化历史名城-----南京陆郎镇新府工业园区,是一家引进国际先进生产设 备及生产技术的企业,专业生产真皮,布艺沙发的规模型现代企业。 格然家居有限公司成立于1992年,拥有3万平方米的现代标准厂房,5千平方的精装展示厅,员工300余人,公 司本着“道德为本、能力为先”的经营理念,引进国际先进技术、管理、销售模式,拥有一批经验丰富的专业 技术人员和管理人员,使得产品更加精益求精,格然家居有限公司经过30年的稳健发展,公司先后建立了“大 亨沙发”、“高格米亚”品牌系列,在全国各大中城市有一定的知名度,产品在消费者心中取得了很好的市场 口碑。通过一百多家专卖店,800多家经销商的共同努力,产品深受商业名流、影视和体育明星以及同行专家 的赞誉和青睐。“大亨沙发”、“高格米亚”有不同风格的产品现已源源不断地被送往世界各地不同消费者手 中。 自公司成立以来,全体员工致力于创世界一流家具品牌,公司本着“以人为本,不断创新,重质量,讲信誉” 的宗旨,视质量与信誉为企业生存与发展命脉。以求真务实的工作态度,严格按照国际质量标准实施品质管 理。于2003年在同行中率先通过ISO9001/2000国际质量体系认证,公司注重开拓市场的同时,依然未放松自 身全面的提高,以追求更高的市场目标而努力,一切为了满足为顾客为目的。竭诚欢迎国内外新老顾客光临。 格然家居有限公司将不断为您献上更优秀的产品。 成绩只代表过去,希望还在将来,格然家居有限公司愿与各行业取长补短,用“新”服务,共创中国沙发文化 第一品牌新纪元,创造最适合中国人的沙发。


TOHHFEEDINOPNUNORIVSSMAUTIITON The sunshine falls casually, all the slight brightness are floating in the room. Sunshine slides into the corner of the warm house, which is so hasty, but we can catch the beautiful shadow of it still.Graceful colors and gentle material recapitulate the comfort and elegance of modern house to be a kind of simplicity and concinnity. The perfect visual feeling of house is full of energy, just like angels flying in the air and thesun.Wish the distance of heart and nature more and more close, wish to be embraced by nature, where we can be drunk in its warm atmosphere slowly.Furniture has its own character too, which can whispering gently with our spirit in the peaceful morning and poetic dusk. 甄选优质面料 面料采用天然织物(科技布与天然麻布),达到与婴儿肌肤接触安全标 准,绝不会过敏或起疹。天然织物具有吸湿排汗的功效,让接触皮肤时 刻保持干爽舒适,优质抗菌性能使面料不易发霉,有效避免细菌滋生。 红柳桉实木框架 大亨系列产品内部结构采用天然烘干红柳桉实木框架,材质坚硬,强度 和韧性较高,抗震性能很好,经抛光处理,光滑且耐用,能有效延长家 具的使用寿命。 优质高弹力海绵 海绵采用进口原料的高密度海绵,不添加任何粉质原料生产而成,环保 健康,整个海绵由多层不同软硬品质的海绵组成,回弹性佳,柔软性能 好,抗撕裂,绝热保温性强,隔音防震性能优异,永久压缩不变形,给 人超舒适的坐感体验。


DFAESSHIGIONN- Living room is an architecture which can not only meet the basic need of life, but can enjoy nature adequately. The changes of life style can be shown brightly and perfectly here, all colors can be brandished completely here too.No matter how vagabond our heart are, there are always some things on which we can land,wishing the truest bailment at the moment when missing is passing. MODEL: 8821-1# 206 92 178 118 92 92


Revisit the classic, colour profusion, the pursuit of innovation, hedonism, there are homes elsewhere. MODEL: 8821# 206 92 178 92 118 92


Views on the sunshine coast of regression ZhuGeDiao, aesthetic promoting natural, combined with the natural ability to today's high- tech, sunshine coast pay more attention to the connotation of life attitude, has always been the pursuit of a unique wind to express themselves, build the household life more cordial. LIFE IS ART IN HERE MODEL: G-8818# SIZE: 280*178cm 180 100 96 82 100 92 96


SALONS CON- TEMPO- RAINS 8822MODEL: # SIZE: 360*180cm 180 78 102 180 100


FPERSOS—ION 8826MODEL: # SIZE: 356*175cm 98 80 80 98 97 175


IN- SBPEIARUETDY- MY SPACE MY DECISION 8827MODEL: # SIZE: 352*178cm 96 80 176 97 178


CREATIVE, ARTISTIC CONCEPTION There is no new life without a new concept 极富创意的结构设计已令人叹为观止,在制作工艺上 更值得您细细品味,从细节中您亦可得到产品的品质 和品味。 It is surprised to have sutructre desing.And the technology is while being appropriated .From the details,you can find out the quality and graceful taste of products. MODEL: 8823-1# SIZE: 372*178cm 106 80 186 95 178


Luxury Life should be so free inward.Remembering the past times in the silent moment, there are too many things to treasure carefully. The understanding of the color and characteristic of life depends on yourself. However, you can find some authentic and colorful Living in the wonderful space of your own, appreciate the delicate and artistic furniture and taste the exiguous movement of life slowly! MODEL: 8823# 106 178 SIZE:372*178cm 186 80 95


CLEAN AND ELEGANT LIFE STYLE 生活的色彩与个性全在于自己的理解,而 生活中似乎也总有一些依托让你找到生活 真实而丰富的凭据。 The understanding of the color and characteristic of life depends on yourself. However, you can find some authentic and colorful evidence according to reallife MODEL: 8828# SIZE: 280*190cm 97 183 105 190


8817MODEL: # SIZE: 260*177cm 170 90 96 96 80 90 FPERSOS—ION


8820MODEL: # SIZE: 308*180cm 198 110 90 90 90 106 IN- BSPEAIRUETDY- MY SPACE MY DECISION


MODEL: 8811-1# 216 95 100 95 168 95


MODEL: 8811# 216 95 100 95 168 95


MODEL: 8882# 215 100 105 100 176 100


IDNUTCRTOIO- N The memories about home begin with a old tale, which is warm and fortunate.Create a kind of peace and harmoniousness in the warm home to achieve the combination with nature.Furniture has its own character too, which can whispering gently with our spirit in the peaceful morning and poetic dusk.Plain Maple has an eternal charm to intoxicate us. It is simple, with a kind of simple and natural temperament.All things are endowed with natural and mysterious colors in the chaste artistic space, which constructs a pure ambit.Life is to meet your own double need of substance and spirit by a kind of most felicitous way. MODEL: 8812# 乳胶 95 SIZE: 270*180cm 175 100 180 110 100


MODEL: 8810# 麻布 SIZE: 370*184cm 105 80 185 103 184


The perfect visual feeling of house is full of energy, just like angels flying in the air and thesun.Wish the distance of heart and nature more and more close, wish to be embraced by nature, where we can be drunk in its warm atmosphere slowly. The feeling of freedom comes from the deep heart. Staying in the perfect space, all the emotionis flying the imagination kingdom. LToIFTEASTE 8813MODEL: # SIZE: 336*175cm 90 78 168 97 97 78 88


MODEL: 8810-1# SIZE: 370*184cm 105 80 185 103 184 CCHLAASRSMICAL Concise and generous, science and technology cloth is easy to clean, wear-resisting add ash wood frame to show costly appearance more.


We are looking for the new expression of life andart, trying to turn the abstractive beauty intothe concrete things.Although perfection is difficult to realize, but we always take it as our spiritual pursuit and even a belief.Smooth white maple wood, with delicate appendix,appears graceful, healthy and natural characteristics, fully express the poetic style of modern living. The feelings and mood are thickat every moment in the day time, which need more deposition and consonance, letting us taste blessedness and happiness. ESTLYELGEANT 8815MODEL: # SIZE: 280*175cm 182 98 100 100 75 85


FSPPEEAERCLFEIENRCGETAL MODEL: 8815-3#双扶手 To absorb and purify the artistic soul SIZE: 220*100cm of china and the western with simple simplicty, and 220 breakthrough of traditonal deesign to demonstrate 100 the spirit of combination and present sense of stability and affluence.


8912MODEL: # SIZE: 357*204cm 185 75 97 204 97


THE ORIGINAL APFTSUUONRROROPNFTREIHTISESUSERIROEN IADNEDATLHISET Giving your room more light is not only to protect the Living in the wonderful space of your own, appreciate health, but to decorate your taste of life.The gorgeous the delicate and artistic furniture and taste the exiguous parlor are full of peaceful and elegant breath, the simple movement of life slowly!When facing the windows in and slight light makes the romantic taste. Life should be every season, we can not help imagining the flowers so free inward.Remembering the past times in the silent in the spring; there is wisps of breeze blowing, wisps moment, there are too many things to treasure carefully, of fragrant flowing everywhere.Our mind will get the too many things to taste slightly.The understanding of the serenity when our minds stay together with nature, which color and characteristic of life depends on yourself. is just the life style we are chasing.


Giving your room more light is not only to protect the health, but to decorate your taste of life.The gorgeous parlor are full of peaceful and elegant breath, the simple and slight light makes the romantic taste. Life should be so free inward.Remembering the past times in the silent moment, there are too many things to treasure carefully, too many things to taste slightly. Living in the wonderful space of your own, appreciate the delicate and artistic furniture and taste the exiguous movement of life slowly!When facing the windows in every season, we can not help imagining the flowers in the spring; there is wisps of breeze blowing, wisps of fragrant flowing everywhere. LEADER OF FASHION The gorgeous parlor are full of peaceful and elegant breath, the simple and slight light makes the romantic taste. Life should be so free inward.Remembering the past times in the silent moment, there are too many things to treasure carefully, too many things to taste slightly. 8816MODEL: # SIZE: 366*178cm 183 75 108 178 102


LUXURY & FASHIONABLE N TONE \\The gorgeous parlor are full of peaceful and elegant breath, the simple and slight light makes the romantic taste. Life should be so free inward.Remembering the past times in the silent moment, there are too many things to treasure carefully, too many things to taste slightly. 8883MODEL: # SIZE: 292*175cm 106 185 100 175


RELAXED COMFORTABLE TASTEFUL 8913MODEL: # SIZE: 276*180cm 98 90 178 70 98 180


ANOTHER Tasting the unlimited wild peace in the city is the most popular SURPRISE comfort.The progress of purchasing beauty can become a kind TO of extraordinary enjoyment because it includes our creative FURNITURE discovery.Pure but delicate, simple but happy, bright but colorful. PROFESSION Today, the humanistic care are turning to nature, which is relax yourselves completely in your ownspace, escaping from the disturbance of the outer world.Pure but delicate, simple but happy, bright but colorful. In fact our life can break off all the noise as this, and reach a spiritual state.We are considering the depth of life with art, trying to perform more humanistic care with the artistic meaning.Considering the function and comfort, special and humanistic structure will make you indulge in the leisure and enjoyment without any tiring feeling.Slight fragrance is floating in the air, misty light is flowing in the space, so we will be embraced in the poetic space in every gentle moment. We are looking for the new expression of life andart, trying to turn 8913MODEL: # the abstractive beauty intothe concrete things.Although perfection is difficult to realize, but we always take it as our spiritual pursuit SIZE: 276*180cm and even a belief.Smooth white maple wood, with delicate appendix,appears graceful, healthy and natural characteristics, 98 178 fully express the poetic style of modern living.The feelings and mood are thickat every moment in the day time, which need 98 more deposition and consonance, letting us taste blessedness and happiness. 180 70 90


FTUHRENSIOTUULRE MODEL: G-079# 108 180 SIZE: 376*180cm 188 80 96


MODEL: G-089# 110 175 SIZE: 371*175cm 186 75 97


FLAESAHDIEORNOF Although perfection is difficult to realize, but we always take it as our spiritual pursuit and even a belief.Smooth white maple wood, with delicate appendix,appears graceful, healthy and natural characteristics, fully express the poetic style of modern living.The feelings and mood are thickat every moment in the day time, which need more deposition and consonance, letting us taste blessedness and happiness. MODEL: G-096# 97 175 SIZE: 353*175cm 176 80 95


MODEL: G-092# SIZE: 366*175cm 104 79 183 95 175


MODEL: G-8806# SIZE: 292*178cm 106 186 97 178 110 97 LUXURY & FASHIONABLE N TONE Smooth white maple wood, with delicate appendix,appears graceful, healthy and natural characteristics, fully express the poetic style of modern living.We are looking for the new expression of life andart, trying to turn the abstractive beauty intothe concrete things.Although perfection is difficult to realize, but we always take it as our spiritual pursuit and even a belief.


MODEL: G-097# 95 175 SIZE: 350*175cm 175 80 100 IATDNHEDEAOTLHRISIETGINAL The melt of slim yellow and pink is deducing the subject of love forever. At the moment when the poetry is flowing, all the intrinsic fragrant of times unfolds with the wind.The sense melt with nature which grows in Plain Maple, leading us to experience the true meaning in the light-footed life. The memories about home begin with a old tale, which is warm and fortunate.


OHTHFEEDINOPNUNORIVSSMAUTIITON The sunshine falls casually, all the slight brightness are floating in the room.Sunshine slides into the corner of the warm house, which is so hasty, but we can catch the beautiful shadow of it still.Graceful colors and gentle material recapitulate the comfort and elegance of modern house to be a kind of simplicity and concinnity. MODEL: G-8807# SIZE: 350*180cm 175 175 98 80 80


MODEL: G-098# SIZE: 270*177cm 95 175 100 177


LFAESAHDIEORNOF The clean and elegant color and structure coruscate the unique expressive force and permanent life.Enjoying the warmth and poetry of home in every morning, the most beautiful details in the life are always so charming.The clean and elegant life style deduces the deep thought of life.The original fragrant of maple is flowing freely in the elegance of modern room. MODEL: G-8808# SIZE: 340*175cm 170 75 95 95 175


MODEL: G-099# SIZE: 352*175cm 92 83 175 96 175


OHTHFEEDINOPNUNORIVSSMAUTIITON MODEL: G-8809# SIZE: 364*180cm 102 80 182 100 180


1608MODEL: # SIZE: 363*175cm 182 75 106 175 100 CATLOTASCEHMENT 1611MODEL: # SIZE: 280*177cm 180 100 98 177 MODEL: G-068# SIZE: 360*179cm 180 180 103 76 96 SCPOINRCITEPTION 1615MODEL: # No matter how vagabond our heart are, there are always some things on which we can land,wishing the truest SIZE: 278*165cm bailment at the moment when missing is passing.The changes of life style can be shown brightly and perfectly 98 180 here, all colors can be brandished completely here too. Living room is an architecture which can not only meet 93 the basic need of life, but can enjoy nature adequately. 165


MODEL: G-076# SIZE: 371*175cm 110 75 186 97 175 To absorb and purify the artistic soul of china and the western with simple simplicty, and breakthrough of traditonal deesign to demonstrate the spirit of combination and present sense of stability and affluence. MODEL: G-071# 190 LToIFTEASTE 90 90 90 90 90 MODEL: 1177-1# SIZE: 284*175cm 180 104 95 175 MODEL: G-058# SIZE: 380*184cm 115 75 190 104 184


FASHION HOME ENJOY THE INDIVIDUAL CHARACTER SPACE 功能椅MODEL: # 75 90 SIZE: 340*175cm The memories about home begin with a old tale, which is warm and fortunate.Create a kind of peace and harmoniousness in the warm home to achieve the combination with nature.Furniture has its own character too, which can whispering gently with our spirit in the peaceful morning and poetic dusk.Plain Maple has an eternal charm to intoxicate us. It is simple, with a kind of simple and natural temperament.All things are endowed with natural and mysterious colors in the chaste artistic space, which constructs a pure ambit.Life is to meet your own double need of substance and spirit by a kind of most felicitous way.


LFAUSXHUIROYN&TONE Classical charm between brand-new and attractive.


SSSEIOMRFPITELSSIOCFITAY 901MODEL:# SIZE: 220*193*108cm 220 108 193


IN- BSPEAIRUETDY- MY SPACE MY DECISION 688MODEL:# SIZE: 225*200*118cm 225 118 200


897MODEL:# Lingering in our own room, we often forget time and season, only remember the gentle moment,which can quickly disappear.We are looking for the new expression of life andart, trying to turn the abstractive beauty intothe concrete things.Although perfection is difficult SIZE: 220*205*112cm to realize, but we always take it as our spiritual pursuit and even a belief.Smooth white maple wood, with delicate appendix,appears graceful, healthy and natural characteristics, fully express the poetic style of modern living. 220 112 Lingering in our own room, we often forget time and season, only remember the gentle moment,which can quickly disappear.We are looking for the new expression of life andart, trying to turn the abstractive beauty intothe concrete things.Although perfection is difficult 205 to realize, but we always take it as our spiritual pursuit and even a belief.Smooth white maple wood, with delicate appendix,appears graceful, healthy and natural characteristics, fully express the poetic style of modern living.


THE LEADER OF FASHION FURNITURE 691MODEL:# SIZE: 220*202*108cm 220 108 202


Luxury Life should be so free inward.Remembering the past times in the silent moment, there are too many things to treasure carefully. The understanding of the color and characteristic of life depends on yourself. However, you can find some authentic and colorful Living in the wonderful space of your own, appreciate the delicate and artistic furniture and taste the exiguous movement of life slowly! 687MODEL:# SIZE: 225*194*112cm 225 112 194


DFAESSHIGIONN- Living room is an architecture which can not only meet the basic need of life, but can enjoy nature adequately. The changes of life style can be shown brightly and perfectly here, all colors can be brandished completely here too.No matter how vagabond our heart are, there are always some things on which we can land,wishing the truest bailment at the moment when missing is passing. 898MODEL:# SIZE: 230*200*105cm 230 105 200
