
发布时间:2023-10-30 | 杂志分类:其他


• Luoyang is located in the west of Henan, across thenorth and south banks of the middle and lowerreaches of the Yellow River. It gets the name becauseit is located in the north side of the Luo River. It isone of the first batch of famous historical andcultural cities announced by the State Council, anational-grade regional central city, a sub-central cityof the Central Plains urban agglomeration, and animportant kernel city of the “the Belt and Road”.-图源: 去哪儿旅行官网Picture source:‘where are you go... [收起]
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洛阳L U O Y A N GB R O C H U R E


01 02 0Luoyang Celebrity 洛阳介绍历史名人Luoyang Introduction


03 04 Luoyang tourism Luoyang cuisine Luoyang洛阳旅游洛阳美食 洛阳历史 The development of








-图源:新浪网洛阳印象Picture source:Sina Luoyang impression


Luoyang Introduction


• Luoyang is located in the west of Henan, across the

north and south banks of the middle and lower

reaches of the Yellow River. It gets the name because

it is located in the north side of the Luo River. It is

one of the first batch of famous historical and

cultural cities announced by the State Council, a

national-grade regional central city, a sub-central city

of the Central Plains urban agglomeration, and an

important kernel city of the “the Belt and Road”.

-图源: 去哪儿旅行官网Picture source:‘where are you going to travel’ s office website


-图源:QQ浏览器博主南京金刀客Picture source:QQ browser

Luoyang Introduction



• Currently, the city is divided into 7 counties, 7 districts,

and 13 development zones of or above the provincial

grade, of which 2 are national grade development zones,

with a total area of 15200 square kilometers and resident

population of 7.079 million, including 4.706 million are

urban area residents. The urbanization rate of the resident

population has reached 66.48%. In 2022, the regional

GDP reached 567.52 billion Yuan, a 3% year-on-year


-图源:去哪儿旅行Picture source:‘where are you going to travel’office website







Celebrity:Bai Juyi -图源:zwbk.orgPicture source:zwbk.org



• Bai spent his free time writing poetry and visiting Yuan Zhen

who held a government position nearby. He had also been

promoted to the position of Imperial Tutor which came with

a significant salary. He was married by this time, although

his wife's name is unknown. In 829, his two-year-old son

died and Yuan Zhen died soon afterwards in 831. Assorted


• Bai Juyi quotes. Fumes of wine shorten the long road. BAI

JUYI, \"After Passing the Examination\" Shod with wings is

the horse of him who rides On a Spring day the road that

leads to home. BAI JUYI, \"After Passing the Examination\" -图源:微信公众号 黄工游记Picture source:WeChat official accounts


Celebrity:Cheng Yi -图源:必应网站Picture source:Bing


• Cheng Yi was one of the leading philosophers of NeoConfucianism in the Song (Sung dynasty (960-1279).

Together with his elder brother Cheng Hao (1032-1085),

he strove to restore the tradition of Confucius and Mencius

in the name of “the study of dao” (dao xue), which

eventually became the main thread of Neo-Confucianism.

Despite diverse disagreements between them, the two

brothers are usually lumped together as the Cheng

Brothers to signify their common contribution to NeoConfucianism.

• Cheng Yi asserted a transcendental principle (li) as an

ontological substance. It is a principle that accounts for

both the existence of nature and morality. He also asserted

that human nature is identical with li and is originally good.

The way of moral cultivation for Cheng Yi is through

composure and extension of knowledge which is a gradual

way towards sagehood. These ideas deviate from his

brother’s philosophy as well as from Mencius’. They were

developed into a school for the study of li (li xue), as a

rival to the study of the mind (xin xue), which was

initiated by Cheng Hao and inherited by Lu Xiangshan

(1139-1193) and Wang Yangming (1472-1529). Cheng Yi’s

thought had a great impact on Zhu Xi (1130-1200).


Celebrity: Cheng Hao

-图源:必应网站Picture source:Bing



• Cheng Hao, also known as Cheng Mingdao, was a pioneer of

the neo-Confucian movement in the Song and Ming

dynasties, which is often regarded as the second epoch of the

development of Confucianism, with pre-Qin classical

Confucianism as the first, and contemporary Confucianism

as the third. If neo-Confucianism is to be understood as the

learning of li (conventionally translated as “principle”), then

Cheng Hao and his younger brother Cheng Yi can be

regarded as the true founders of neo-Confucianism, as with

them li came to be regarded as the ultimate reality of the

universe for the first time in Chinese history .

• Cheng Hao’s unique understanding of the ultimate reality is

that it is not some entity but rather is the “life-giving activity.”

This understanding strikes a similar tone to Martin

Heidegger’s Being of beings which was created almost a

millennium later. Assuming the identity of li and human

nature, Cheng Hao argues that human nature is good, since

what is essential to human nature is humanity (ren), also the

cardinal virtue in Confucianism, and this is nothing but this

life-giving activity. A person of ren is the one who is in one

body with “ten thousand things” and therefore can feel their

pains and itches just as one can feel them in one’s own body.







-图片来源: 小红书picture source: Little Red Book App L U O Y A N G


The site should be Tianmen

Yingtianmen, the south gate of the Ziwei Palace in Luoyang,

Sui and Tang dynasties, was built in the first year of Sui Daye

(605), and was originally named Zetianmen. Yingtianmen is a

huge complex of \"concave\" characters integrated by the gate

tower, the duolou and the east and west que towers and the

corridors between them, which is an important occasion for the

Sui and Tang dynasties to hold grand ceremonies such as

enthronement, yuan reform, amnesty, banquet and receiving

envoys from all countries.

Yingtianmen was built in the first

year of Sui Daye, which is the site of

the first palace gate excavated by the

Sui and Tang capitals, and is also the

south gate of the Sui and Tang

Luoyang Palace City-Ziwei City.

Yingtianmen has existed for more

than 530 years, and is the highest

specification city gate in ancient China,

known as the \"first gate of the world\".


-图片来源: 小红书picture source: Little Red Book App



The Longmen Grottoes

Located in Luoyang City, Henan Province, Longmen Grottoes

is the world's largest treasure trove of stone carving art, and has

been rated as \"the highest peak of Chinese stone carving art\" by

UNESCO, ranking first among China's major grottoes. It is now a

world cultural heritage, a national key cultural relics protection

unit, and a national AAAAA-level tourist attraction.

The dragon gate was excavated by Dayu

Zhishui and the legend of the fish jumping

over the dragon gate also took place here. Its

grottoes were first excavated during the

reign of Emperor Xiaowen of Northern Wei,

flourished in the Tang Dynasty, and finally

ended in the late Qing Dynasty. It has been

built for more than 1,400 years by more than

10 dynasties, making it one of the longest

grottoes in the world. There are 2,345 statue

niches in existence, with more than 110,000

statues, which were built with a lot of

painting, most of which have faded today.


-图片来源: 小红书picture source: Little Red Book App


White Horse Temple

White Horse Temple, built in the eleventh year of

Yongping of the Eastern Han Dynasty (68 AD), is the first

government-run temple built after the introduction of

Buddhism to China, and is the \"Shiyuan\" and \"Ancestral

Garden\" of China, Vietnam, Korea, Japan, Europe and



The three main Buddhas, the two heavenly generals,

and the eighteen Arhats enshrined in the Daxiong Hall are

all the relics of the Yuan Dynasty \"Jiazhi dry lacquer\"

works, which are the rare cultural relics of the first class.

It is precisely because this kind of statue is very rare in

China that they have become an extremely rare material

for studying ancient Buddhist sculpture art, especially

Buddhist art in the Yuan and Ming dynasties.



-图片来源: 小红书picture source: Little Red Book App

The White Horse Temple spread Buddhism to Korea,

Japan, and Southeast Asia, popularizing Buddhism in Asia,

and later into Europe and the United States, becoming a

sacred place for Buddhist believers from all over the world.

Therefore, since the end of the 20th century, Japan has

donated funds to rebuild the bell tower of the White Horse

Temple and erect the Kukai statue; The governments of

Thailand, India and Myanmar have successively funded the

construction of Buddhist halls in the White Horse Temple,

making it the only international temple in the world with

Buddhist halls in the styles of China, India, Myanmar and








-图源:小红书Picture source:Little Red Book APP



Luoyang Beef Soup is one of the unique flavorful cuisines

of Luoyang City, Henan Province, which belongs to the Yu

cuisine. The dish is made with peppercorns, star anise,

cinnamon, grass fruits and other spices. There are many soup

restaurants in Luoyang, spreading all over the streets and alleys,

and the business of each restaurant is very prosperous. The

soup shop is usually not big, no matter how famous the soup

shop, the number of it is just two or three. Civilianization,

popularization, is the real reason why Luoyang soup can be a

long time hot and unfailing.

Luoyang Beef Soup


Peony cake is one of the traditional

delicacies of Luoyang, with a long

history, unique taste, rich nutrition

and many varieties, which is a good

gift for visiting relatives and friends.

Peony cake, also known as \"Hundred Flowers

Cake\", is one of the traditional Chinese snacks and

the most characteristic product of Luoyang. Peony

cake can decompose sugar and fat in human body.

It has the functions of promoting human

metabolism, lowering cholesterol and preventing

cell aging. At the same time, it has changed the dry,

crispy, brittle and hard characteristics of traditional

pastries, and successfully developed a healthy and

delicious food with beans as the main ingredient

which is fluffy, soft and elegant with special




Luoyang Peony Cake

It not only satisfies people's

pursuit of deliciousness, but

is also easy to carry, and as a

representative of Luoyang's

regional cultural specialties,

it has become a business card

for the publicity of the tourist

and cultural city. Luoyang Peony Cake adopts

the filling made of Danfeng

white peony flowers, together

with the crust made by special

technology, which is crispy

on the outside and fragrant on

the inside, sweet but not


-图源:小红书Picture source:Little Red Book APP

-图源:小红书Picture source:Little Red Book APP


Luoyang Water Banquet

- Peony Swallow Dish LUOYANG

-图源:小红书- Picture source:Little Red Book APP


Peony Swallow Dish is not only

the first dish in Luoyang Water

Banquet, but also the

representative dish of it.

There's a true story, in October

1973, when our beloved Premier

Zhou accompanied Canadian

Prime Minister Trudeau to visit

Luoyang. Luoyang people are

very hospitable, and wanted to

let the two prime ministers

happy with their meal.

In this \"Peony Swallow Dish\", a

bright peony flower carved

from the egg yolk of food is

placed in the middle of the dish.

Premier Zhou said at the banquet:

\"The peony in Luoyang tops

others in the world, and

Luoyang's dishes can also bloom

peony flowers.“ Later, \"Luoyang

Swallow Dish\" was renamed

\"Luoyang Peony Swallow Dish\".


The Soup of Bufantang

-图源:洛阳旅游Picture source:Luoyang tourism


What exactly is a \"non-turnover\"? The reference is not to

the soup does not turn over, but the soup soaked in the soft

and not melt chewing the bean aroma of the palm-sized

round cake.

The production of this cake is both complex and elaborate.

Mung beans in water to fully soak the soaked mung beans

peeled and ground into juice, and then add eggs to make

mung bean batter. Because it cooks quickly, the process of

cooking does not have to turn over, so it is called \"do not

turn over\".

When diners come to eat, the bold boss will put soaked

vermicelli, boiled shredded seaweed, shrimp, leeks, pepper,

monosodium glutamate, vinegar, plus soul peppercorns and

sour aged vinegar in a bowl, with the boiling soup in the

pot in a round hoop, and put a non-turned pancake in the

bowl to be served.




The development




The development of Luoyang is a historical process with

a long history, which has experienced alternating prosperity

and decline. Economic, cultural and political factors played

an important role in Luoyang's development. Today, Luoyang

is facing new challenges and opportunities such as

transformation and upgrading, urban renewal, and striving to

build a modern city and enhance the comprehensive

competitiveness of the city.


Luoyang city has appeared since the emergence of the

unified regime in China, basically accompanied the

development of the entire ancient Chinese history, so

Luoyang city in ancient Chinese history has a very

important position, produced a very far-reaching influence,

it is not an exaggeration to say that one of the origins of

Chinese civilization.

-图源:必应Picture source:Bing


-图源:必应Picture source:Bing


In the long history, Luoyang has made an

indelible contribution. Since the Xia Dynasty,

Luoyang has been the capital of China for 13

centuries through the Shang, Zhou, Han and

Tang dynasties. During this period, Luoyang, as

the political, economic and cultural center of

China, gave birth to many great inventions and

cultural heritages.



China First Tractor Company



Being a modern industrial city with a strong industrial

foundation, Luoyang is also taking the lead in times of “lane

change”. During the First Five Year Plan period, 7 of the 156

key projects nationwide were positioned in Luoyang. The first

tractor, the first road roller, the first float glass production line,

the first batch of automobile gearbox bearings, and many

other \"China's First\" debuted in Luoyang, laying a pivotal

position in the industrial landscape of China. In recent years,

Luoyang City has adhered to the orientation of highlighting

the pioneering trendy industries, promoting the transformation

of traditional industries to leading industries, incubating

emerging industries, and accelerating the construction of a

national advanced manufacturing base with a scale of over

one trillion Yuan.

Luoyang is one of the important industrial cities in China.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China,

Luoyang's industry has been developing rapidly. Luoyang

received great support and attention from the state. The

government has introduced a series of economic policies to

encourage investment and development. Luoyang became an

important economic center, attracting a large number of

businesses and investors. With the continuous improvement

of urban infrastructure and the improvement of transportation

convenience, Luoyang's economy has developed rapidly.


The prominent location advantage. Luoyang has been

known as “the cross roads of china” since ancient times, with a

geographical advantage of connecting the east to the west and

the south to the north. It is accelerating the construction of an

important comprehensive transportation hub city in China. The

main railway lines such as Longhai(Lanzhou-Lianyungang),

Jiaoliu(Jiaozuo-liuzhou), and Zhengxi(Zhengzhou-xi’an) highspeed railway pass through it. The preliminary work of the

Jiaoluoping (Jiaozuo-Luoyang-Pingdingshan) section of the

Huanan(Hohhot-Nanjing) high-speed railway has been smoothly

progressing, and the construction is expected to begin within the

year 2023.



The cross shaped high-speed railway hub is about to

emerge. National expressways, such as Lianhuo(LiangyungangKhorgos), Erguang(Erlianhot-Guangzhou), Ningluo(NanjingLuoyang), and Yanluo(Yancheng-Luoyang) intersect here,

accelerating the formation of the expressway network. Luoyang

Airport is one of the civil airports with the best clearance

conditions in China with 30 navigable cities.


In the social aspect, after the founding of Luoyang, the social

development gradually became stable and prosperous. The

government has carried out the strategy of sustainable

development, strengthened social management and public service

construction, and improved the quality of life of residents. Social

welfare programs such as education, medical care and elderly

care have been strengthened, and the people enjoy better

education and medical services. In addition, urban planning and

transportation infrastructure construction have been strengthened,

the urban environment has gradually improved, and

transportation has become more convenient and efficient.




Let good ecology become \"the fairest public goods\" and

\"the most inclusive well-being of people's livelihood\".
