交通与出行:information board 信息板, take-off time 起飞时间, push back by 推迟, board 上
船(或火车、飞机、公共汽车等), touch screen 触摸屏, advanced AI assistant 高级 AI
助手, back seat 后座, new age of transportation 交通运输新时代, driverless car 无人驾驶
汽车, traffic jam 交通阻塞, self-driving car 自主驾驶汽车, delivery and public transport
industries 快递和公共交通行业
platform 站台, coach/carriage 车厢, sidewalk/pavement 人行道, one-way street 单行道
crowded 拥挤的, rush hour 高峰期, heavy traffic 拥挤的交通, traffic rules 交通规则
家庭生活:house paint 房屋漆, indoor temperature 室内温度, cooling system 冷却系统, solar
panel 太阳能电池板, electric vehicle 电车, hot air dryer 热风烘干机, bin bag 垃圾袋,
rubbish 垃圾, unpack 打开(箱、包等)取, moving box 搬家纸箱, fridge 冰箱, coffee can
咖啡罐, clean up the neighborhood 打扫社区
cabinet 储藏柜, cupboard 橱柜、衣柜, dishwasher 洗碗机, the air conditioner 空调, sheet
床单, blanket 毯子, carpet 地毯, curtain 窗帘, towel 毛巾, shampoo 洗发水
艺术鉴赏:match 相配, sound effect 声音特效, filmmaking industry 电影制作业, science
fiction 科幻小说(或影片等), theme 主题, paper cutting 剪纸艺术, filmmaker 电影制作
人, readable 可读性强的、通俗易懂的, relate to 能够理解并同情, high note 高音
the art field 艺术领域, entertainment 娱乐, appreciate 鉴赏, magazine 杂志, poetry
collections 诗集, leaf through a novel 翻阅小说, oil paintings 油画
医疗与健康:heart rate 心率, step count 步数记录, peace of mind 内心的平静, forgetful 健忘
的, fall to death 摔死, have a temperature 发烧, thumb 拇指, first finger 食指, fist 拳头,
finger joint 手指关节, put on weight 变胖, workout 锻炼, strength training 力量训练,
stress level 压力水平
nutrition 营养, a strict diet 严格的饮食, salty food 含有较高盐分的食物
工作与职业:new post 新职位, sales team 销售团队, business studies project 商业研究项目,
marketing strategy 营销策略, green product 绿色产品, top medical software company 顶
级医疗软件公司, human resources manager 人力资源经理, data library 数据库, cheating
email 诈骗邮件, security team 安全团队, issue parking ticket 开出停车罚单, high-quality
product 高质量产品, expand 扩展、发展, reasonable pay 合理的工资, flexible working
hours 灵活的工作时间, racing driver 赛车手, career 生涯,职业, academy (艺术、文学、
科学等的)研究院、学会, workload 工作量, business suit 商务套装, homeworker 居家办
公者, employment 就业, on business 出差, professional 内行,专门人才, smart business
decision 明智的商业决策
a new case 新案子, the project deadline 项目截止日期, educational background 教育背景
校园生活:experiment 实验, colored chemical liquid 有色化学液体, advanced calculation 高级的
计算, finger counting 手指计数, dance studio(付费)练舞房, end-of-year dance 年末舞会
a library card 借书证, librarian 图书管理员, bookshelf 书架, borrow 借入, renew 续借