KSI – STEMLAB Science and Technology Museum Half-Day Trip TEACHER’S GUIDE (Grade 7-9) 楷思爱——STEM 基地实验室中国科技馆半日营 教师指导(7-9 年级) This program is designed for half-day trips “research and learning excursions” for students for grades 7 and 9. It provides approximately 3 hours of content. 本课程是为 7-9 年级学生半日的研学活动而设计,约含 3 小时的研学内容。 This plan outlines the course of the day activities and notes on teacher roles throughout the process. 这份文件概述了半日营中涉及的各种活动及针对教师角色的建议和说明。 Most of the learni... [收起]
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KSI – STEMLAB Science and Technology Museum Half-Day Trip TEACHER’S GUIDE (Grade 7-9) 楷思爱——STEM 基地实验室中国科技馆半日营 教师指导(7-9 年级) This program is designed for half-day trips “research and learning excursions” for students for grades 7 and 9. It provides approximately 3 hours of content. 本课程是为 7-9 年级学生半日的研学活动而设计,约含 3 小时的研学内容。 This plan outlines the course of the day activities and notes on teacher roles throughout the process. 这份文件概述了半日营中涉及的各种活动及针对教师角色的建议和说明。 Most of the learning content is designed for students to work autonomously, in groups. Role of the teacher in most instances is to facilitate and guide rather than to conduct the activity. Act as safety monitor to be sure students are working safely, and that students are staying within their assigned groups. 大部分的研学内容要求学生以小组形式自主完成,因此教师在大多数情况下的作用是帮助引导 学生而非亲自参与实施活动。教师需要确保学生在安全的条件下开展活动,并保证学生时刻待 在自己被分配到的小组中。 TASK FOR BEFORE the SITE VISIT (OPTIONAL) 实地参观前的任务(可选) If desired, students can be given this research and critical thinking task prior to visiting the site: 在实地参观之前,如果有需要,教师可以与学生分享以下信息和具批判性思维的任务: “Beijing Science and Technology Museum first opened in 1988. It is the only state-level comprehensive science and technology museum in China. With the establishment of the new exhibition building in 2009, the museum now has four floors. It shows the new trends in science and technology on various applications, including aerospace, energy, transport, materials and machines, information technology and environment. Through colourful exhibits, interactive activities, interesting experiments and hi-tech films, you can easily understand some of the scientific theories and technology applications. The museum is now considered an important facility to popularize science and improve citizen’s science literacy and ability to innovate. Before we go inside, think about the following questions”: “位于北京的中国科学技术馆一期工程于 1988 年建成开放。它是中国唯一的国家级综合性科技 馆。随着 2009 年新馆的建成,科技馆现在一共有四层。它展示了科学技术在航空航天、能源、 交通运输、材料与机械、信息技术与环境等领域的新动向。通过丰富多彩的展品、互动活动、
有趣的实验和高科技电影,你可以轻松地了解一些科学理论和技术应用。科技馆现在被认为是 普及科学、提高公民科学素养和创新能力的重要设施。在我们进去之前,请思考以下问题”: Why should scientific achievements and discoveries be recorded and remembered in museums? 为什么科技馆要记录和保存科学成就和科学发现? How do museums preserve the items on display? How much care should be taken to protect these cultural relics? 科学技术馆如何保存展出的物品?保护这些文物要注意什么? How do museums decide which items to display? What criteria does an item need to fulfil to be considered for display? 科学技术馆是如何决定要展出的物品?一件展品需要达到什么标准才能考虑将其展出? This task can be carried out individually or in groups. Students can discuss their answers before arriving at the site. 学生可以单独或以小组的形式来完成此项任务,并在到达现场之前讨论各自的答案。 FIRST MORNING MISSIONS (arrival – lunch time) 上午的第一项任务(到达——午餐时间) As students leave the transport and gather in front of the main gate, distribute the student books. Have students look at the initial introductory pages. 学生下车并在大门前集合,教师发放学生用书(即活动手册),并让学生阅读手册的简介部分。 Explain that students will be working together in study groups, and that they should be organised in teams of 4 or 5. Students can self-organise, or other systems (teacher guiding, counting off, etc.) can be used to determine the groups. 教师向学生解释,他们将以学习小组(每组 4 或 5 人)的形式进行活动。学生们可以自由组合 或以其他形式(教师指导分组、报数分组等)完成小组分配。 Explain that they will be completing missions in their study groups, and that there are rules about how to work together. Have the teams look at the “rules” section in the introductory materials of the student books. Check that students have understood the rules by asking a few concept checking questions. If there are additional safety or informational items that students need to know, also give them this information at this point. 教师向学生解释,他们将以学习小组的形式完成所有任务,并且要遵循合作的规则。教师让学 生查看学生用书中简介部分所列的“规则”,并通过提出概念性问题的方式查看学生是否已经理 解了这些规则。如果还有其他学生需要了解的安全和信息事项,也可以在这个时候一并告知。
Once groups are ready, enter the area of the site for Mission One. Groups are free to explore the other exhibits after Mission One, Two, Three and Four are complete. Mission Five can be completed towards the end of the day after students have explored the museum. 各小组准备好以后,学生进入科技馆开始“任务 1”的部分。完成任务 1、2、3 和 4 后,小组可 以自由探索其他的展品。任务 5 可以在学生们参观完科技馆以后、当天研学活动的最后阶段来 完成。 MISSION ONE – THE GLORY OF CHINA 任务 1——华夏之光 Time limit: ~30 minutes 建议时长:约 30 分钟 Students will be working to answer initial Mission One questions at the Glory of China exhibit. Teachers and minders should not get directly involved with learners at this point. Later will be the opportunity for feedback and confirming their information. 学生在华夏之光展厅完成任务 1 开头的几个问题。教师和领队在这个阶段不要直接干预活动, 之后会有针对这个部分的学生反馈和信息确认的环节。 Students who are trying to rely on the teachers and guides should be encouraged – “This is teamwork, work with your group, discuss together, look around the museum for answers. We will check your answers later.” 不要鼓励学生试图依靠教师或领队的行为——“这是团队合作的任务,你要和你的小组成员一 起讨论,在科技馆里寻找答案,稍后我们再一起核对答案。” Groups that do not seem focused or on task can be gently guided. “Do you know what you should be doing now? Have you answered all of the mission questions? Does all of your team agree on the answers?” etc. 如果有小组看起来不够专注于任务,教师可适当地给予指导。“你们知道现在应该做什么吗? 你们已经回答完全部的任务问题了吗?你们小组里的所有人都同意这些答案吗?”等等。 As groups complete this work they should gather by the stairs to the MAIN LOBBY. After completing Mission One, it is up to the teacher to decide whether learners are allowed to explore the rest of the museum and complete the other missions. Teacher may allow learners to explore the museum in groups and set a time and location to meet up. 各小组完成任务后,在通往大厅的楼梯旁集合。学生们完成任务 1 之后,由教师来决定是否让 学生探索科技馆的其他部分。教师可以让学生分组去参观科技馆,并设定集合的时间和地点。 MISSION TWO – EXPLORATION AND DISCOVERY
任务 2——探索与发现 Time limit: ~45 minutes 建议时长:约 45 分钟 Students will use the time to perform several group tasks at the Exploration and Discovery Hall.They are encouraged to work collaboratively to answer the questions. Students should also make sure that everybody is ready before moving on to the next part. Students are allowed to roam around and use the interactive displays which interest them the most. These interactive displays do not have to be the ones in the booklet. Teacher should allow learners to choose what interests them. However, they must also ensure that the tasks are complete before moving to other areas in the museum. 学生将利用这段时间在探索与发现展厅完成几项小组任务。教师鼓励学生们合作回答问题。学 生们还要确保小组内每个人都准备好进入下一部分。教师可以让学生们四处走动,体验他们最 感兴趣的互动展品。这些互动展品不一定非是在学生用书中提及的。教师应当允许学生选择他 们感兴趣的东西。但是,他们必须确保在转移到科技馆的其他区域前要完成这部分的任务。 Similar to the Mission One section, teacher and guide roles at this point is to facilitate the student independent work and to help keep them on task if necessary. Teachers should not directly confirm or check answers to student work at this point. 和任务 1 相同,教师和领队的任务是协助学生独立开展工作,并在必要的时候帮助学生把注意 力集中在任务上。教师在此阶段不应当直接确认或核对学生的答案。 MISSION THREE – SCI-TECH AND LIFE 任务 3——科技与生活 Time limit: ~45 minutes 建议时长:约 45 分钟 Mission Three will take place in the Sci-Tech and Life exhibit. Students should read and discuss the Mission Three questions in their study groups before writing their answers down. By doing some initial thinking and brainstorming about these questions, we create a sense of motivation and higher level of engagement when students enter the area, as they are now looking at this information with specific purpose in mind: confirming their own ideas, and finding the specific information that they were unable to come up with on their own. 任务 3 在科技与生活展厅进行。学生在写下答案之前,应在学习小组内阅读并讨论任务 3 中的 问题。经过对这些问题的初步思考和头脑风暴,我们为学生在进入场馆时创造了强烈的动机与 高度的参与感,因为他们现在是带着特定目的来查看这些信息:确认自己的想法并找出那些自 己得不出答案的信息。 Teachers should check that groups have indeed taken some notes on these questions in their student books before moving on to Mission Four.
教师要检查确认,学生在进行任务 4 之前确实已经针对这些问题在手册里做了一些笔记。 Similar to the Mission One section, teacher and guide roles at this point is to facilitate the student independent work and to help keep them on task if necessary. Teachers should not directly confirm or check answers to student work at this point. 和任务 1 相似,教师和领队的任务是协助学生独立开展工作,并在必要的时候帮助学生把注意 力集中在任务上。教师在此阶段不要直接确认或核对学生的答案。 MISSION FOUR – CHALLENGES AND THE FUTURE 任务 4——挑战与未来 Time limit: ~45 minutes 建议时长:约 45 分钟 Students can take a short break before entering this section. Teacher encourages students to look through the booklet to familiarise themselves with the questions. Teacher reminds groups to work collaboratively and think thoroughly before answering. Learners can also reflect on the first three missions and discuss their answers and performance. 学生可以在进入这个区域前稍作休息。教师鼓励学生翻阅活动手册,熟悉里面的问题。教师提 醒小组在回答问题前要协同合作、仔细思考。学生也可以反思前三个任务,讨论它们的答案和 表现。 Similar to the Mission One section, teacher and guide roles at this point is to facilitate the student independent work and to help keep them on task if necessary. Teachers should not directly confirm or check answers to student work at this point. 和任务 1 相似,教师和领队的任务是协助学生独立开展工作,并在必要的时候帮助学生把注意 力集中在任务上。教师在此阶段不应当直接确认或核对学生的答案。 MISSION FIVE – CONCLUSION 任务 5——课程总结 Time limit: ~15 minutes 建议时长:约 15 分钟 Students can take a short break before beginning Mission Five. Use this time to encourage them to share their answers and mingle with other groups to practice their communication skills. Students can help each other out to find answers. This break can also be used for students to think about their time at the museum. Teacher can walk between groups to make sure the topics remain relevant and aid if needed.
开始任务 5 之前学生可以短暂休息一会。教师鼓励学生利用这段时间与其他小组分享答案,以 锻炼学生的沟通技能,学生们可以相互帮助以找到答案。也可以利用这个休息让学生回顾他们 在科技馆的时光。教师在小组间走动,确保学生探讨的主题仍与本次研学相关,并在需要的时 候为学生提供帮助。 Similar to the Mission One section, teacher and guide roles at this point is to facilitate the student independent work and to help keep them on task if necessary. 与任务 1 相似,教师和领队的任务是协助学生独立开展工作,并在必要的时候帮助学生把注意 力集中在任务上。 PARTIAL ANSWER KEY for MORNING MISSIONS 上午任务的部分答案 These answers are provided just to give a general idea for teachers unfamiliar with the site 答案仅为不熟悉科技馆的教师提供参考。 MISSION ONE 任务 1 • Look at the following inventions/innovations. Rank them according to when they were first invented/built. 观察下面的发明/创新。按发明/建造时间排序。 Silk weaving~5000 years ago Iron smelting (6th Century BC) ~2600 years ago Salt mining ~2300 years ago Celestial Globe (70-50 BC) ~2090 years ago Houfeng seismograph (suspended pendulum type) (132 AD) ~1890 years ago Armillary Sphere (10th or 11th Century AD) ~1000 years ago Multi-pot water clock (1316 AD) ~700 years ago Luoyang Bridge (1509 AD) ~510 years ago Intelligence promotion diagram (1862 AD) ~160 years ago 丝织~5000 年前 冶铁(公元前 6 世纪)~2600 年前 采盐~2300 年前 浑象(公元前 70-50 年间)~2090 年前 候风地动仪(悬垂摆式)(公元 132 年)~1890 年前 浑仪(公元 10 世纪至 11 世纪)~1000 年前
多壶式滴漏(公元 1316 年)~700 年前 洛阳桥(公元 1509 年)~510 年前 益智图(公元 1826 年)~160 年前 • Rank these nine inventions according to their importance in Chinese culture/development 判断这九项发明在中国文化/发展中的重要性并进行排序 This is an open-ended question where it is likely that each group will have a different answer. There is no correct answer as each group will have a different view of each invention. Teacher can ask each learner/group to share their ranking and explain their justification for their ranking. Teacher can ask learners to compare their rankings and come up with a final list that the class can agree on. 这是一道开放式问题,每个小组都可能有不同的答案。因为每组对每项发明都会有不 同的看法,所以没有正确答案。教师可以让每名学生/每组分享他们的排序并解释这样 排序的原因。教师可以让学生们比较他们的排序,并最终得出一个全班一致同意的排 序方式。 • Are there any other Chinese inventions within this hall that you believe are just as important as these nine? Why? 你觉得这个展厅内还有其他和这九项发明一样重要的中国发明吗?为什么? Another open-ended question with various answers. Teacher encourages learners to reflect on the items that they saw and think about any items that they believe should be in the museum. Teacher can ask a few students for their answers and, in an open class discussion, talk about why this particular item cannot be found in the museum. “Can it be considered old enough to be in a museum?” or “Is it important enough to be in a museum?” etc. 这是另一道开放式问题,答案可以多种多样。教师鼓励学生对他们看到的展品进行反 思,并思考他们认为应该放在科技馆里的物品。教师可以问几名学生他们的答案,并 和全班一起讨论为什么特定物品没有放在科技馆中。“它历史足够悠久到可以放进科技 馆里吗?”或者“它足够重要而被放进科技馆里吗?”等等。 • Why is important for scientists to continue the development of mankind? Why do we need science, anyway? 为什么对科学家来说继续推动人类的发展很重要?我们究竟为什么需要科学? This is an interesting question that could lead to a debate. Teacher can begin by asking a few students for their answers and follow their answers with a few more open-ended questions. After the discussion is complete, teacher can give their own short comments about why we need science. For example, “Science informs public policy and personal decisions on energy, conservation, agriculture, health, transportation, communication, defence, economics, leisure, and exploration. It's almost impossible to overstate how many aspects of modern life are impacted by scientific knowledge.” 这是一道可能会引起争论的有趣的问题。教师可以先问几名学生他们的答案,然后就 他们的答案提出一些开放式问题。讨论结束后,教师可以就我们为什么需要科学给出
自己的简短评论。例如,“在能源、节能、农业、卫生、交通、通信、国防、经济、休 闲和探索方面,科学为公共政策和个人决策提供信息。几乎很难统计科学知识影响的 现代生活的多少方面。” • Considering that Chinese technology is innovating at such a rapid pace, what do you think the future of China will look like in 50 years? 鉴于中国技术创新的速度如此之快,你认为中国的未来 50 年将会是什么样子? Teacher can give their theory on what the future will look like. Students can be reminded about how much faster technology is developing and advancing than before. For example, just a decade ago, mobile phones were used simply for the purpose of talking and texting. Now, they control our daily lives and it is impossible to think about leaving the house without it. Technology in cars is also developing at a much more rapid pace. It is now common to see cars that are battery powered and in the near future, we will see cars on the road that can fully drive themselves. Therefore, who knows what the future will look like in 50 years? 教师可以就未来是什么样子给出自己的理论,提醒学生技术的发展和进步比以前快了 多少。例如,十年前手机仅仅被用来通话和发短信。现在,手机控制了我们的日常生 活,我们几乎不能想象离开家没带手机会怎么样。汽车技术也在以更快的速度发展。 现在电池驱动的车已经很常见了。不久的将来我们会看到路上有很多完全自动驾驶的 车辆。因此,谁知道 50 年后的未来会是什么样子呢? MISSION TWO 任务 2 • Look around and find five interactive experiments which interest you. Note down your observations and you learned from this experiment. 环顾四周,找到五个你感兴趣的互动实验。记下你的观察结果以及你从这个实验中学 到的东西。 Here, each learner should have written down five interactive areas which they enjoyed. It is ok if they have more than this. Teacher can ask learners to volunteer and share their findings. Teacher can ask other students what they thought of certain areas. If a lot of students like one particular area, the teacher can ask them why they think this is. Teacher can also look at areas that students did not choose and ask them why and how it can be improved. 在这里,每个学生应写下他们喜欢的 5 个互动区域。如果他们不止 5 个也可以。教师 邀请学生自愿分享他们的发现。教师可以问其他学生对某些方面的看法。如果很多学 生都喜欢某一特定区域,教师可以问为什么他们有这个想法。教师也可以看看学生没 有选择的区域,问他们原因以及如何改进。 • Which areas did you enjoy the most? 你最喜欢哪个区域? This is an open-ended question where learners can freely express what they enjoyed in this section. Students can give their reasons for liking the display and the teacher can ask whether
they would like to know more about that topic at home. Teacher can also ask students to rank the interactive displays according to importance/ informational value/ interest etc. 这是一道开放式问题,学生可以在这部分自由表达他们所喜欢的区域。学生可以说出 他们喜欢这个展厅的理由,教师也可以问他们是否想在家里了解更多关于这个话题的 知识。教师也可以让学生根据重要性/信息价值/兴趣等对互动展厅进行排序。 • When was this book (On the Origin of Species) published? 这本书《物种起源》是什么时候出版的? C. 1859 年 • The theory describes how organisms change over time as a result of changes in heritable physical or behavioural traits. These changes allow an organism to better adapt to its environment, will help it survive and have more offspring. 这一理论描述了生物是如何随着时间的推移而变化的,这是可遗传的生理或行为特征 变化的结果。这些变化使得有机体能够更好地适应环境,这将有助于它生存并产生更 多的后代。 True 正确 • The theory has two main points. Firstly, all life on Earth is connected and related to each other. This diversity of life is a product of modifications of populations by natural selection, where some traits were favoured in and environment over others. Natural selection can change a species in small ways, causing a population to change colour or size over the course of several generations. 这一理论有两个要点。首先,地球上所有的生命都是相互联系的,这种生命的多样性 是自然选择带来的种群变化的产物,在自然选择中,某些特征比其他特征更受环境的 青睐。自然选择可以在很小的方面改变一个物种,最后导致一个种群在几代的时间里 改变颜色或大小。 A. Microevolution 微进化 • H.M.S. Beagle carried Charles Darwin around the world for five years and influenced his later thinking about how life evolved. However, it was the stop at this island which opened his eyes to his theory. 英国皇家舰队“贝格尔号”载着查尔斯·达尔文,用了五年时间环游世界,影响了他后来 对于生命进化的思考。然而,正是在这个岛上的停留使得他对自己的理论大开眼界。 C. Galapagos Islands 加拉帕戈斯群岛 • What is your opinion on the theory of evolution? 你对进化论有什么看法? Learners can share their feelings on the theory of evolution and can create a class discussion on why some people dismiss the theory. They can discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each argument. Teacher can make a vote on the students’ opinion on the theory of evolution.
学生可以分享他们对进化论的感受,也可以创建一个关于为什么有些人会否定进化论 的课堂讨论。他们可以讨论每个论点的优缺点。教师可以就学生对进化论的看法进行 投票表决。 • Rank these animals according to how long their gestation period lasts. 根据这些动物妊娠期的长短给它们排序。 Grass carp (30-40hours) Fowl (21 days) Rabbit (30 days) Tortoise (50-80 days) Gecko (92-120 days) Pig (114 days) Human (280 days) Cow (285 days) 草鱼(30-40 小时) 家禽(21 天) 兔子(30 天) 乌龟(50-80 天) 壁虎(92-120 天) 猪(114 天) 人(280 天) 牛(285 天) • How can we use tree rings to learn about the past? What can we do with this information? 我们怎样才能用树木的年轮来了解过去?我们能用这些信息做什么? Because trees are sensitive to local climate conditions, such as rain and temperature, they give scientists some information about that area’s local climate in the past. Very old trees can offer clues about what the climate in an area was like before measurements were recorded. For example, tree rings usually grow wider in warm, wet years and they are thinner in years when it is cold and dry. If the tree has experienced stressful conditions, such as a drought, the tree might hardly grow at all in those years. Learners can then think about how scientists use this information. 由于树木对当地的气候条件很敏感,它们给科学家提供了过去该地区当地气候的信息。 非常古老的树木可以提供关于某地区在有测量的记录之前的气候线索。例如,树木年 轮通常在温暖潮湿的年份生长的更宽,在寒冷干燥的年份生长的更窄。如果这棵树经 历过恶劣的环境,例如旱灾,那么在这些年里,它可能根本无法生长。学生可以思考 科学家们如何使用这些信息。 • Mitosis is a part of the cell cycle when replicated chromosomes are separated into two new nuclei 有丝分裂是细胞周期的一部分,复制染色体分裂成两个新的细胞核。 True 正确
• ________ is essential for sexual reproduction. _________ is the process of reductional division in which the number of chromosomes per cell is halved, and then doubled via fertilisation. ________发生在有性生殖中,________会将染色体的数目由二倍体减为单倍体,再经 由受精作用恢复成二倍体。 A. Meiosis 减数分裂 • Where can macrophage be found? 在哪里可以找到巨噬细胞? B. White blood cells within tissues 组织内白细胞 • The intestinal epithelial cells are in the dermal surface cell and cavity tract surface cell. They belong to simple columnar epithelium. They have many functions such as: 小肠上皮细胞是位于皮肤或腔道表层的细胞,属于单层柱状上皮。它们的功能有: A. Secretion 分泌 D. Absorption 吸收 • How many liver cells are there in the human body? 人体体内有多少肝细胞? The liver has half or one million hepatic lobules. Each hepatic lobule contains half a million liver cells. 肝脏有 50 万或 100 万个肝小叶。每个肝小叶含有 50 万个肝细胞。 250,000,000,000 - 500,000,000,000 liver cells 肝细胞 • Egg cells are the smallest cells in the human body 卵细胞是人体内最小的细胞。 False. They are the largest cells in the human body 错误。它们是人体内最大的细胞 • What is the name of this cell? 这个细胞叫什么? C. B-lymphocyte B 淋巴细胞 • Which cell is the most common type of blood cell? 哪种细胞是血液中数量最多的细胞? A. Red blood cells 红细胞 MISSION THREE 任务 3 • Describe, step-by-step, the 3D printing process from initial idea to final design 按步骤描述从最初构思到最终设计的 3D 打印过程。 There is no definite process. However, a rough printing process will be: Initial idea, virtual design by using a Computer Aided Design (CAD) software, CAD file conversion to fit a specific printer, preparing the printer (installing the polymers, binders and
other materials which are necessary), print design, clean and brush off any residual powder, complete model. 没有明确的过程,但是,粗略的过程是: 初始设想,利用计算机辅助设计软件(CAD)进行虚拟设计,将 CAD 文件转换成适合 特定打印机的文件,准备打印机(安装所需要的聚合物,粘合剂和其他材料),打印 设计,清洗和刷除任何残留粉末,完成模型。 • How has been the impact of 3D printing in the field of science and technology? How can 3D printing be used to good effect? 3D 打印在科技领域的影响如何?如何才能使 3D 打印产生良好的效果? There are multiple answers to this question. For example, in the field of medicine, 3D printing is become more widely used. From customs medicines and prosthetics to tissue engineering. The automotive industry is using 3D printing to test prototypes and replace certain car parts. Aerospace engineers use 3D printing to print parts that need to be precise and not economical to make using traditional methods etc. 该问题的答案有很多种。例如:在医学领域,3D 打印的应用越来越广。从进口药品和 假肢到生物组织工程。汽车工业正在使用 3D 打印技术来测试原型并替换特定的汽车零 件。航空航天工程师使用 3D 打印技术来打印需要精确度的零件,而这些零件通过传统 的方法制造成本却不低。 • What things can be printed on a 3D printer that can be useful for scientists and engineers 3D 打印机上可以打印出哪些对科学家和工程师有用的东西? There are countless of things that can be printed by scientists and engineers. Examples include: 3D printed pills which can replace multiple medications with just one pill Printed model of organs etc. for surgical pre-planning, which can safely speed up operations and offer cost savings. Custom prosthetics Prototypes Models Replacement parts for certain items 有数不清的东西都可以被科学家和工程师打印出来。例如包括: 3D 打印药片,可以用一片药片代替多种药物。 打印器官模型,用于手术前计划,可以安全地加快手术速度,节省成本。 定制假肢 原型 模型 某些物品的替代部件 • How can we make sure that this technology does not fall into the wrong hands? 我们如何确保这项技术不会落入坏人之手? This is an open question. Teacher asks for the learner’s opinion or can give a few ideas and check whether this idea is feasible. For example, is it possible for someone to provide their ID card when they purchase a printer? Should it be possible for printers to be sold on the second- hand market? Do designs need to be approved before printing? Etc.
这是一道开放式问题。教师问学生们的意见或提出一些观点,并检查这个想法是否可 行。例如,在有人购买打印机的时候是否可以提供身份证?打印机是否可以在二手市 场上销售?打印前的设计是否需要经过审批?等。 • Overall, what is your opinion on 3D printing? 总体来说,你对 3D 打印有什么看法? Teacher can ask the class for the benefits and drawbacks of 3D printing. Teacher can list them down and ask the entire class to come up with an overall conclusion. Do the disadvantages outweigh the advantages or are the advantages of 3D printing too great to ignore? 教师可以问全班同学关于 3D 打印机的优缺点。教师可以把它们列下来,让全班同学得 出一个全面的结论。是弊大于利还是 3D 打印的优势太大不容忽视。 • Look at the black box on display and write down your observations. 看看这个展示的黑匣子,写下你的观察结果。 Learners share their observations with the group. The teacher can explain what a black box is made from. The outermost shell is a case made of hardened steel or titanium designed to survive intense impact and pressure damage. The second layer is an insulation box while the third is a thermal block to protect against severe fire and heat. They are designed to protect the data from collision, water, fire damage. 学生与小组分享他们的观察结果。教师可以解释黑匣子是用什么做的。最外层的外壳 是由硬化钢或钛制成的,设计用于承受强烈的冲击和压力的损伤。第二层是绝缘层, 第三层是隔热块,以防止严重的火灾和高温。 • Contrary to the popular term \"black box\", the exterior is coated with heat-resistant bright orange paint for high visibility in wreckage, and the unit is usually mounted in the aircraft’s tail section. Why do you think this is? 与众人皆知的“黑匣子”一词相反,它的外部涂有耐热的亮橙色油漆,以提高残骸的可 见度,该装置通常安装在飞机的尾部。你觉得这是为什么? In an event of an accident, the tail section is the most likely part of an airplane to survive a large impact. 一旦发生事故,机尾部分是飞机中最有可能在强烈的撞击中幸存下来的部分。 • What do you think can be done to further improve this device? What else should be recorded in a black box? 你认为怎样才能进一步改进这个装置?黑匣子还应该记录哪些东西? Teacher can note down all students’ opinions on a board and, together, students can think of creating the perfect black box. Teacher can ask what else should be recorded and whether recording additional information is beneficial or could possibly cause privacy concerns. Should recording video be allowed? What are the privacy concerns? Or should all data be streamed to a device located away from the airplane? How can you make sure the data can be transferred reliably? Etc. 教师可以在黑板上记下所有学生的观点,学生可以一起想出创造完美黑匣子的办法。 教师可以问黑匣子还可以记录哪些内容,以及记录额外信息是否有益或可能导致隐私 问题。是否允许录制视频?什么是隐私问题?或者所有的数据都应该传到远离飞机的 设备上?如何确保数据能可靠地传输?等。
• How long did this journey take? 这段旅程一共花了多少时间? Roughly 4 hours 大约 4 小时 • Visualise how a train tilts when it goes around a corner and sketch your idea down 可视化火车转弯时是如何倾斜的,将你的想法画下来。 Teacher can choose a few learners to show their sketches to the class. Learners can compare their sketches to their peers and decide which one to be more accurate. 教师可以选一些学生向全班展示他们的草图。学生可以将自己的草图与同学间的进行 对比,并决定哪一个草图更准确。 • By levitating, what force is being reduced? 通过悬浮的方式,哪种力正在减少? Friction 摩擦力 • How much faster is this maglev train than Richard Trevithick’s invention? 这辆磁悬浮列车比理查德•特里维希克发明的列车快多少? Around 110 times faster 大约快 110 倍 • If maglev is not the future of rail transport, what is? What do you think trains will look like in 100 years? How will they be powered? 如果磁悬浮列车不是铁路运输的未来,那什么才是呢?你认为 100 年后火车会是什么 样子的?它们将由什么提供动力? This is an open-ended question. Teacher can ask whether in 100 year’s time, trains can be 110 times faster than today’s Maglev train. If not, what will hinder development? Is it possible for humans to travel this fast? Is it possible to generate the power to travel at higher speeds? Teacher can ask a few students how trains can be powered. What fuels can be used to power trains of the future? 这是一道开放式问题。教师可以问学生,100 年后,火车的速度是否能比现在的磁悬浮 列车快 110 倍。如果没有,是什么阻碍了它的发展?人类有可能有这么快吗?是否有 可能产生动力以更快的速度行驶?教师可以问几个学生火车是通过什么获得动力的。 什么燃料可以在未来为火车提供动力? MISSION FOUR 任务 4 • Earth’s natural environment is facing an increasingly heavy burden: damaged ozone layer, climate change, acid rain, deforestation, desertification, plastic pollution and reduced wetland. What has been the cause of these problems and what have been the main effects? 地球的自然环境正面临着日益沉重的负担,臭氧层破坏、气候变化、酸雨、滥伐森 林、荒漠化、塑料污染、湿地减少。导致这些问题的原因是什么?主要影响是什么? There are plenty of causes for each disaster. Causes for deforestation include human activities such as agricultural expansion, cattle breeding, timber extraction, mining, oil extraction, dam
construction and infrastructure development. The biggest sources of acid rain are coal- burning power plants, factories, and automobiles. When humans burn fossil fuels, sulphur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) are released into the atmosphere. Plastic pollution is a global problem that is growing exponentially due to both an increase in consumerism and an increase in the number of plastics used to manufacture the things we use on a daily basis. 每次灾难的原因都有很多。滥伐森林的原因包括人类活动,例如:农业扩张、畜牧业、 砍伐、采矿、石油开采、水坝建设和基础设施开发。酸雨最大的来源是燃煤电厂、工 厂和汽车。当人类燃烧化石燃料时,二氧化硫(SO2)和氮氧化物(NOx)被释放到大 气中。塑料污染是一个全球性的问题,由于消费主义观念的增长和用于制造我们日常 生活用品的塑料数量的增加,这个问题正在呈指数增长。 • Due to climate change, glaciers are quickly disappearing. What is the consequence of this? 由于气候变化,冰川正在迅速消失。这样会有什么后果? Students can share their answers. Glacier melting is causing multiple effects. Below are a few examples. Teacher can give a few clues and students can explain the effects in more detail. 学生可以分享他们的答案。冰川融化造成多重影响。下面是几个例子。教师可以给出 一些线索,学生可以更详细地解释影响。 Erosion - the movement of sea water exactly, makes soil and rocks move from one place to another. The more increasing of sea water, the more soil and rock movements will continue. This action will slowly erode coastal areas. 侵蚀——海水的运动,使土壤和岩石从一个地方移动到另一个地方。海水增加越来越 多,更多的土壤和岩石继续运动。这将慢慢侵蚀沿海地区。 Floods - if the sea level keeps rising, the number of damaging floods will increase. It will destroy buildings and houses around coastlines. Diseases and infections also spread during floods. 洪水——如果海平面继续上升,破坏性洪水的数量将会增加。它将摧毁海岸线附近的 建筑物和房屋。洪水期间疾病和感染也会蔓延。 Increasing of soil salinity - coastline’s soil is in danger of the increasing salinity rate due to sea level rise. The contamination by sea water impairs the soil organisms which have role in maintaining the soil condition. This will reduce crop output in areas and could lead to food shortages. 土壤盐分的增加——海岸线的土壤由于海平面上升而面临盐分增加的危险。海水的污 染损害了维持土壤状况的土壤生物。这将减少该地区的作物产量,并可能导致粮食短 缺。 Loss of beaches – beaches act as a natural barrier to waves. Without this natural barrier, coastlines are more prone to erosion. This can cause damage to houses and infrastructure along coastlines. 海滩数量的减少——海滩是海浪的天然屏障。没有这种天然屏障,海岸线更容易受到 侵蚀。这会对海岸线的房屋和基础设施造成破坏。 Habitat loss – animals that either live on glaciers (polar bears) or near coastlines will lose their habitat to sea level rise. This will increase the rate of extinction.
栖息地丧失——生活在冰川的(北极熊)或者海岸线附近的动物将因海平面上升而失 去栖息地,这将增加灭绝的速度。 Forced migration –populations near the coastlines will be forced to move inland. People will lose their possessions, jobs and livelihood. The increased amount of refugees will cause regional and political conflicts. 强迫迁移——海岸线附近的人口将被迫向内陆迁移。人们将失去他们的财产、工作和 生计。难民人数的增加将引起区域和政治冲突。 • Due to climate change, melting of polar glaciers, warming and expansion of upper sea water, global sea levels are rising. Over the last century, global sea levels have risen by 10-20cm. This figure is still rising. What will such phenomenon result in? 由于气候变化、极地冰川融化、上层海水变暖和扩张,全球海平面正在上升。上个世 纪,全球海平面上升了 10-20 厘米。这个数字还在上升。这种现象会导致什么? Learners will look around the exhibit for answers. The answers should be similar to the answers above. However, the displays at the museum will be more detailed. 学生将在展厅周围寻找答案。答案应该与上面的答案相似。不过,科学技术馆展示的 将更加详细。 • How can humans reduce the impact of climate change? 人类如何减少气候变化的影响? Students should have multiple answers to this question. Teacher can ask learners if they are doing anything to save the planet. This can include using less water, recycling, using public transport, not littering, using less electricity, eating less meat etc. Teacher can task students to do something at home that can reduce the impact of climate change. Students can perhaps do a journal at home describing what they are doing to reduce waste, water, electricity etc. 对于这个问题,学生的答案应该有很多。教师可以问学生,如果想拯救地球,他们可 以做些什么。这些可以包括:节约用水、循环利用、使用公共交通工具。不乱扔垃圾、 节约用电、少吃肉等。教师可以让学生在家里做一些事情,来减少气候变化的影响。 学生也可以在家里写日记,描述他们正在做什么来减少水、电的浪费等。 MISSION FIVE 任务 5 Mission Five should be completed at the end of the day, after the students have walked around most exhibitions. This section can be completed individually or in groups. These questions are designed to promote critical thinking and are therefore open questions. Most answers can be considered acceptable. Teacher can also delve deeper into each question by asking “how” and “why” questions. 任务 5 应在学生们参观完大部分展览、当天的研学活动结束前完成。学生可以独立完成这个部 分,也可以分组来完成。设计的问题旨在促进批判性思维,因此都是开放式问题。大多数答案 都是可以接受的。教师也可以通过问“怎么样”和“为什么”的问题来更深入地探究每个问题。 • Which exhibit did you enjoy the most?
你最喜欢哪个展厅? Teacher can ask each learner individually or do a poll by asking all the students at the same time. Students can volunteer and explain their decision. Teacher can also randomly choose certain students if they wish. This question has no right answer, so every answer can be considered correct. 教师可以单独问每个学生,也可以用投票的形式同时问所有的学生。学生可以主动参 与,解释他们的回答。教师也可以在学生愿意的情况下,随机选择几名学生来回答。 这个问题没有正确答案,所以每个答案都是正确的。 • Sketch a display or area that you found fascinating 画一个你认为非常有趣的展厅或区域 Teacher asks certain students to describe their sketch and explain what they found fascinating about it and what they managed to learn. Teacher can then ask the class if any other students found that display interesting and for their opinion. Finally, the teacher can also explain what they found interesting. 教师可以让特定的学生来描述他们的草图,并解释他们发现有趣的地方是什么以及他 们从中学到了什么。然后,教师可以询问班上是否还有其他学生也觉得那个展览很有 趣,并询问他们自己的观点。最后,教师可以解释自己觉得什么很有趣。 • In the future, what modern Chinese inventions or innovations do you think we will see in museums? 你认为未来我们会在科技馆里看到什么现代中国的创新发明? This is another open-ended question where the teacher can contribute to the answers. Teacher can give each group about one minute to think about any inventions or innovations that have been created by Chinese scientists/engineers or that China has played a major role in developing. Answers can include 5G, high-speed railway, cashless payments, bike sharing etc. Teacher can expand on this section by further asking students the impact of these inventions. 这也是一个开放式问题,教师可以提供一些想法。教师可以给每组一分钟的时间来思 考中国科学家/工程师的发明或创新,或者中国在其发展中发挥了重要作用的发明或创 新。答案可以包括 5G、高速铁路、无现金支付、共享单车等。教师可以通过询问学生 这些发明的影响来进一步扩展本部分。 • What would you like to learn more about? 你想进一步学习和了解什么? Encourage students to go home and learn more about the topics they looked at today. These topics should be of interest to the student to increase motivation. 鼓励学生回家学习更多他们今天所看到的主题。这些话题应该是学生们感兴趣的,足 够刺激他们的学习动机。 • Are there any things that you missed that you would like to see next time? 有没有什么东西你这次错过了,想下次再看的? Allow learners to reflect on what they saw before they answer the question. Teacher can also link this question to the previous question. Finally, teacher can ask everybody whether they enjoyed the experience and would like to come back.
让学生在回答之前反思他们所看到的。教师也可以把这个问题和前面的问题联系起来。 最后,教师可以问问每个人他们是否喜欢这段经历,是否愿意再回来。 After learners answer the questions in Mission Five, teacher can give a small conclusion to the field trip. 在学生们回答完任务 5 的问题后,教师对这次的研学活动做一个小的总结。 “This museum, and particularly the Glory of China exhibit showcases the significant accomplishments of ancient China in the field of science and technology, which played an important role in promoting Chinese social progress and world civilization. Other halls, such as the Exploration and Discovery Hall focus on scientific exploration in many areas: the origin of the universe, microscopic matter, natural phenomenon such as motion, sound, light and electricity, life and math. Without scientists and engineers constantly pushing the boundaries of science and technology, the world would be much less well-off than it is today. Thanks to their hard word, we are able to enjoy the benefits of modern life.” “这个科学技术馆,尤其是华夏之光展厅展示了古代中国在科学技术领域的重大成就,它们对 促进中国社会的进步和世界文明起到了重要作用。其他展厅,如探索与发现展厅则侧重于很多 领域的科学探索:宇宙的起源、微观物质、自然现象如运动、声音、光和电、生命和数学。如 果没有科学家和工程师不断地推动科学技术的发展,这个世界就不会像今天这样富足。多亏了 他们的努力,我们才能享受到现代生活的好处。”
Science and Technology Museum Half-Day Trip 中国科学技术馆 日营 STEMLAB Activity Booklet Grade 7-9 STEM 基地实验室活动手册
7-9 年级 Mission Instructions 任务说明 Work in teams, stay with your team members. Sometimes you can find the information here at the site, and sometimes you need to think and discuss with your team to find the answers. Be creative and serious in your thinking and debating! In order to complete your missions, write down your answers in this workbook. When you think the mission is completed, check that all of your team members are ready! These missions should take around 1 hour to complete. Be safe and respectful, but also have fun! 以小组为单位完成任务,与你的小组成员待在一起。 有时你可以在现场找到相关信息,有时你需要思考、和你的队友讨论以找到答案。请在思考和 讨论时保持创新和严肃的态度! 你需要把答案写在这本活动手册上才算完成任务。当你认为自己已经完成任务时,请核对你组 内的其他成员是否也已经全部完成任务了! 下面的任务约需 1 小时完成。 注意安全,待人有礼,玩得开心!
Introduction to the Science & Technology Museum 科学技术馆简介 China Science and Technology Museum features permanent exhibitions organised in line under five themes of displays: “Science Paradise”, “The Glory of China”, “Exploration and Discovery”, “Sci-Tech and Life”, and “Challenges and the Future”. There are also numerous public space display zones which include a domed theatre and even a 4D cinema! 中国科学技术馆设有“科学乐园”、“华夏之光”、“探索与发现”、“科技与生活”、“挑 战与未来”为主题的五大常设展厅。另外,它还包括大量公共展示区,这包括一个圆顶剧院, 甚至还有一个 4D 影院! If you look at the building, it may remind you of something very familiar. The building is designed in the shape of a huge Luban lock. Can you think why engineers chose this design? Well, for the architects, this building is like a key that can be used to unlock the mysteries of science. It also reflects that there is no boundary between science and different fields of studies. 参观这座建筑时,你可能会想到一些非常熟悉的事物。科技馆被设计成一个巨大的鲁班锁的形 状。你能想到为什么工程师会选择这个设计吗?对建筑师们来说,这座建筑就像一把钥匙,它 可以用来解开科学之谜。它也反映了科学和不同的研究领域之间没有界限的概念。 If you were to design the Science and Technology Museum, what would you use as your inspiration and why? Sketch your blueprint below. 如果你要设计科学技术馆,你会用什么作为你的灵感?为什么?在下面画出你的蓝图。 __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________
Treasure Hunt 寻宝 Find the following items. Where did you find them? 找到下列物品。你是在哪里找到它们的? __________ _________ __________ __________ __________ _________ __________ __________ _________
Map 地图 Which areas are you most interested in? List 10 down. 你最感兴趣的 10 个区域是哪些?请将它们列在下面的横线上。 1. ___________________________ 2. ___________________________ 3. ___________________________ 4. ___________________________ 5. ___________________________ 6. ___________________________ 7. ___________________________ 8. ___________________________ 9. ___________________________ 10. ___________________________ What is your aim today? What would you like to learn? 你今天的目标是什么?你想要学习什么?
__________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________
Mission One –The Glory of China 任务 1——华夏之光 Introduction China is a nation with extraordinary creativity. Throughout its history, Chinese scientists and engineers have utilised the wonder of nature to create glorious accomplishments in the fields of natural science and engineering. Many of the inventions that helped human development, such as the compass, papermaking technology, gunpowder, porcelain and silk originated in China. The “Glory of China” Hall displays some of China’s ancient inventions in the fields of mining, metallurgy, agricultural machinery, silk weaving, architecture, and ship building. This hall also demonstrates the explorations and discoveries of Chinese scientists with regards to medicine, astronomy, physics and mathematics. 概述 中国是一个具有非凡创造力的国家。纵观历史,中国的科学家和工程师利用自然奇迹,在自然 科学和工程领域都取得了辉煌的成就。许多有助于人类发展的发明,如指南针、造纸术、火药、 瓷器和丝绸都起源于中国。 “华夏之光”展厅展示了中国古代在采矿、冶金、农业机械、丝织、建筑、造船等领域的一些 发明。这个展厅还展示了中国科学家在医学、天文学、物理学和数学方面的探索和发现。 Look at the following inventions/innovations 观察下面的发明/创新 Rank these nine inventions according to their importance in Chinese culture/development. 根据这九项发明在中国文化/发展的重要性进行排序。 Salt mining 采盐 Silk weaving 丝织 Iron smelting 冶铁
Armillary Sphere 浑仪 Houfeng seismograph 侯风地动仪 Multi-pot water clock 多壶 (suspended pendulum type)悬垂摆式 式滴漏 Luoyang Bridge 洛阳桥 Celestial Globe 浑象 Intelligence promotion diagram 益智图 Ranking Name Reason 排序 名称 原因 1 ______________________ ___________________________________ 2 ______________________ ___________________________________ 3 ______________________ ___________________________________ 4 ______________________ ___________________________________ 5 ______________________ ___________________________________ 6 ______________________ ___________________________________ 7 ______________________ ___________________________________ 8 ______________________ ___________________________________ 9 ______________________ ___________________________________ Are there any other Chinese inventions within this hall that you believe are just as important as these nine? Why? 你觉得这个展厅内还有其他和这九项发明一样重要的中国发明吗?为什么? As you can see, China has contributed a lot to the advancement of humankind. Today, Chinese engineers and scientists continue to push the boundaries of human development. We are seeing Chinese companies leading the way in multiple technologies such as drones, 5G, and high-speed railways.
正如你所见,中国为人类的进步做出了巨大的贡献。今天,中国的工程师和科学家还在继续推 动着人类发展的边界。我们看到,中国企业在无人机、5G 和高速铁路等多项技术领域处于领 先地位。 Why is important for scientists to continue the development of mankind? Why do we need science, anyway? 为什么科学家继续推动人类的发展如此重要?而且,为什么我们需要科学? Considering that Chinese technology is innovating at such a rapid pace, what do you think the future of China will look like in 50 years? 考虑到中国的技术创新速度如此之快,你认为 50 年后中国的未来会是什么样子?
Mission Two – Exploration and Discovery 任务 2——探索与发现 In your group, head over to the Exploration and Discovery Hall (Gallery A). Here, there are multiple interactive tests and experiments that you can do with your groupmates. See which ones you like and answer the questions below. 和你的组员一起前往探索与发现(A 厅)。在这里,你可以和你的组员进行多种互动测试和实 验。看看你们喜欢哪个,并回答下面的问题。 Look around and find five interactive experiments which interest you. Note down your observations and you learned from this experiment. 环顾四周,找到五个你感兴趣的互动实验。记下你的观察结果以及你从这个实验中学到的东西。 Experiment 1 实验 1 Name 名称: _______________________________ Prediction 预测: ___________________________ _________________________________________ Result 结果: _______________________________ _________________________________________ What did I learn 我学到了什么?______________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Experiment 2 实验 2 Name 名称: _______________________________ Prediction 预测: ___________________________ _________________________________________ Result 结果: _______________________________ _________________________________________ What did I learn 我学到了什么?______________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________
Experiment 3 实验 3 Name 名称: _______________________________ Experiment 4 实验 4 Prediction 预测: ___________________________ Experiment 5 实验 5 _________________________________________ Result 结果: _______________________________ _________________________________________ What did I learn 我学到了什么?______________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Name 名称: _______________________________ Prediction 预测: ___________________________ _________________________________________ Result 结果: _______________________________ _________________________________________ What did I learn 我学到了什么?______________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Name 名称: _______________________________ Prediction 预测: ___________________________ _________________________________________ Result 结果: _______________________________ _________________________________________ What did I learn 我学到了什么?______________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________
Which areas did you enjoy the most? 你最喜欢哪个区域? At the Exploration and Discovery Hall (Gallery B) you will find many exhibits dedicated to life of Earth. 在探索和发现(B 厅),你会发现许多与地球生命有关的展品。 In biology, evolution is the change in the characteristics of a species over several generations and relies on the process of natural selection. The theory of evolution is based on the idea that all species are related and gradually change over time. This theory was first formulated by Charles Darwin in his book “On the Origin of Species”. 在生物学中,进化是一个物种经过几代的特征变化,依赖于自然选 择的过程。进化论是建立在所有物种都是相关的并且随着时间的推 移而逐渐变化的基础上的。这个理论最早是由达尔文在他的著作 《物种起源》中提出的。 When was this book published? 这本书是什么时候出版的? A. 2009 B. 1959 C. 1859 D. 1759
The theory describes how organisms change over time as a result of changes in heritable physical or behavioural traits. These changes allow an organism to better adapt to its environment will help it survive and have more offspring. 这一理论描述了生物是如何随着时间的推移而变化的,这是可遗传的生理或行为特征变化的结 果。这些变化使得有机体能够更好地适应环境,这将有助于它生存并产生更多的后代。 True 真 False 假 The theory has two main points. Firstly, all life on Earth is connected and related to each other. This diversity of life is a product of modifications of populations by natural selection, where some traits were favoured in and environment over others. Natural selection can change a species in small ways, causing a population to change colour or size over the course of several generations. 这一理论有两个要点。首先,地球上所有的生命都是相互联系的,这种生命的多样性是自然选 择带来的种群变化的产物,在自然选择中,某些特征比其他特征更受环境的青睐。自然选择可 以在很小的方面改变一个物种,最后导致一个种群在几代的时间里改变颜色或大小。 This is called 这被称为 A. Microevolution 微进化 B. Microchange 微变化 C. Microselection 微选择 D. Microadaption 微适应 But natural selection is also capable of much more. Given enough time and enough accumulated changes, natural selection can create entirely new species, known as \"macroevolution.\" It can turn dinosaurs into birds, amphibious mammals into whales and the ancestors of apes into humans.H.M.S. Beagle carried Charles Darwin around the world for five years and influenced his later thinking about how life evolved. However, it was the stop at this island which opened his eyes to his theory. 但自然选择能做的更多。如果有足够的时间和足够的变化累积,自然选择可以创造出全新物种, 这被称为“宏观进化”。它可以将恐龙进化成鸟,将两栖哺乳动物进化成鲸鱼。将猿的祖先进 化成人类。英国皇家舰队“贝格尔号”载着查尔斯·达尔文,用了五年时间环游世界,影响了 他后来对于生命进化的思考。然而,正是在这个岛上的停留使得他对自己的理论大开眼界。 A. Easter Island 复活节岛 B. Canary Islands 加那利群岛 C. Galapagos Islands 加拉帕戈斯群岛 D. Hawaii 夏威夷岛 Despite the wealth of evidence from the fossil record, genetics and other fields of science some still question its validity. Some politicians and religious leaders denounce the theory of evolution, invoking a higher being as a designer to explain the complex world of living things, especially humans. What is your opinion on the theory of evolution? 尽管从化石记录、遗传学和其他科学领域获得了大量证据,但仍有人质疑其合理性,一些政治 家和宗教领袖谴责进化论,他们提出有一个更高的存在作为设计师来解释复杂的生物世界,尤 其是人类。你对进化论有什么看法?
Gestation means theprocessofcarryingorbeingcarriedinthewombbetweenconceptionandbirth. All animals have different periods of gestation. Some animal’s gestation period lasts a few hours, whereas others can last a few months! 妊娠是指从受孕至分娩之间在子宫内进行或被进行的过程。所有的动物都有不同的妊娠期。一 些动物的妊娠期持续几个小时,其他动物的妊娠期可以持续几个月! Rank these animals according to how long their gestation period lasts. 根据这些动物妊娠期的长短给它们排序。 Grass carp 草鱼 Fowl 家禽 Rabbit 兔子 Pig 猪 Gecko 壁虎 Cow 牛 Human 人类 Tortoise 乌龟 Ranking Name Gestation period 排序 名称 妊娠期 1 ______________________ ______________________ 2 ______________________ ______________________ 3 ______________________ ______________________ 4 ______________________ ______________________ 5 ______________________ ______________________ 6 ______________________ ______________________ 7 ______________________ ______________________ 8 ______________________ ______________________
The colour and width of tree rings can provide snapshots of Earth's past climate conditions. Each ring marks a complete cycle of seasons, or one year, in the tree’s life. Because so much of a tree’s growth is determined by environmental conditions such as rain and temperature, the size and shape of the ring can tell a lot about the climate and conditions in which that tree was growing. How can we use tree rings to learn about the past? What can we do with this information? 树木年轮的颜色和宽度能简要说明地球过去的气候条件。每一 圈年轮都标志着树木生命中一个完整的季节周期或一年。因为 树的生长很大程度上取决于环境条件,比如雨水和温度,所以 年轮的大小和形状可以很好地反映该树生长的气候和条件。 我们怎样才能用树木的年轮来了解过去?我们能用这些信息做 什么? Answer the following questions about the cells in the human body 回答下列有关人体细胞的问题: Mitosis isapartofthecellcyclewhenreplicatedchromosomesareseparatedintotwonewnuclei. 有丝分裂是细胞周期的一部分,复制染色体分裂成两个新的细胞核。 True 真 False 假
________ is essential for sexual reproduction. _________ is the process of reductional division in which the number of chromosomes per cell is halved, and then doubled via fertilisation. ________发生在有性生殖中,________会将染色体的数目由二倍体减为单倍体,再经由受精作 用恢复成二倍体。 A. Meiosis 减数分裂 B. Mitosis 有丝分裂 C. Macrophage 巨噬细胞 D. Escherichia coli 大肠杆菌 Where can macrophage be found? 在哪里可以找到巨噬细胞? A. Red blood cells within tissues 组织内红细胞 B. White blood cells within tissues 组织内白细胞 C. Red blood cells within bones 骨内红细胞 D. White blood cells within bones 骨内白细胞 The intestinal epithelial cells are in the dermal surface cell and cavity tract surface cell. They belong to simple columnar epithelium. They have many functions such as: 小肠上皮细胞是位于皮肤或腔道表层的细胞,属于单层柱状上皮。 它们的功能有: A. Secretion 分泌 B. Digestion 消化 C. Contraction 收缩 D. Absorption 吸收 How many liver cells are there in the human body? 人体体内有多少肝细胞? __________________________________________________________________________________ Egg cells are the smallest cells in the human body. 卵细胞是人体内最小的细胞。 True 真 False 假
What is the name of this cell? 这个细胞叫什么? A. Sperm 精子 B. Egg cell 卵细胞 C. B-lymphocyte B 淋巴细胞 D. Red blood cell 红细胞 Which cell is the most common type of blood cell? 哪种细胞是血液中数量最多的细胞? A. Red blood cells 红细胞 B. White blood cells 白细胞 Mission Three – Sci-Tech and Life 任务 3——科技与生活 The 3D printing process builds a three-dimensional object from a computer-aided design model, usually by successively adding material layer by layer. Describe, step-by-step, the 3D printing process from initial idea to final design 3D 打印过程通常是通过逐层添加材料的方式,利用计算机 辅助设计模型来构建三维物体。 按步骤描述从最初构思到最终设计的 3D 打印过程。 How has been the impact of 3D printing in the field of science and technology? How can 3D printing be used to good effect? 3D 打印在科技领域的影响如何?如何才能使 3D 打印产生良好的效果?
__________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ What things can be printed on a 3D printer that can be useful for scientists and engineers? 3D 打印机上可以打印出哪些对科学家和工程师有用的东西? Although 3D printing can be used for good, in the wrong hands, this technology can be exploited. For example, there are reports of people printing their own guns. These plastic guns can be just as deadly as real ones and harder to find detect. This is a major security risk in busy areas such as airports or train stations. How can we make sure that this technology does not fall into the wrong hands? 尽管 3D 打印可以被用在好的方面,但是在错误的人手中,这项技术也是可以被利用的。例如, 有报道说有人自己印刷枪支。这些塑料枪和真枪一样可以致命,并且很难被侦察。这是机场或 火车站等繁忙地区的主要安全隐患。我们如何确保这项技术不会落入坏人之手? __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Overall, what is your opinion on 3D printing? 总体来说,你对 3D 打印有什么看法? A black box is an electronic recording device placed in an aircraft for the purpose of facilitating the investigation of accidents. They record critical data such as airspeed, altitude, and pilot actions. They also record sounds in the cockpit. There are two different flight recorder devices: the flight data recorder (FDR) preserves the recent history of the flight through the recording of dozens of parameters collected several times per second; the cockpit voice recorder (CVR) preserves the recent history of the sounds in the cockpit, including the conversation of the pilots. The two devices are usually combined in a single unit. Together, the FDR and CVR give an accurate testimony, narrating the aircraft's flight history, to assist in any later investigation.
黑匣子是为便于事故调查而放置在飞机上的电子记录装置。它们记录关键数据,如空速、高度 和飞行员的行动。它们还记录驾驶舱里的声音。有两种不同的飞行记录设备:飞行数据记录 器(FDR)通过记录每秒收集的数十个参数,保存最近的飞行历史。驾驶舱语音记录器(CVR) 保存了驾驶舱声音的最新记录,包括飞行员的对话。这两个装置通常组合在一个装置内。FDR 和 CVR 合起来提供了准确的证据,叙述了飞机的飞行历史,以协助以后的任何调查。 Due to their importance in investigating accidents, these devices are carefully engineered and constructed to withstand the force of a high-speed impact and the heat of an intense fire. What materials are they made from? How are they designed? Look at the black box on display and write down your observations. 由于它们在事故调查中的重要性,这些装置经过精心的设计和建造,能够承受高速撞击和大火 的高温。它们是用什么材料制成的?它们是如何被设计的?看看这个展示的黑匣子,写下你的 观察结果。 Contrary to the popular term \"black box\", the exterior is coated with heat-resistant bright orange paint for high visibility in wreckage, and the unit is usually mounted in the aircraft’s tail section. Why do you think this is? 与众人皆知的“黑匣子”一词相反,它的外部涂有耐热的亮橙色油漆,以提高残骸的可见度, 该装置通常安装在飞机的尾部。你觉得这是为什么? __________________________________________________________________________________ Following an accident, the recovery of the FDR is usually a high priority for the investigating body, as analysis of the recorded parameters can often detect and identify causes or contributing factors. Modern FDRs are accompanied by an underwater beacon that emits an ultrasonic \"ping\" to aid in detection when submerged. These beacons operate for up to 30 days and are able to operate while immersed to a depth of up to 6,000 meters. 事故发生之后,恢复 FDR 通常是调查机构的优先事项,因为对记录参数的分析通常可以检测和 确定原因或者有关因素。现代 FDR 还配有一个水下信标,下沉时可以发出超声波“ping”来辅 助探测。这些信标最长可以运行 30 天,并且能在水下 6000 米的深度运行。 Although modern black boxes are designed to withstand extreme scenarios, they are not always reliable. After the unexplained disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 in 2014, where the black box has yet to be found, commentators have called for improvements to be made. What do you think can be done to further improve this device? What else should be recorded in a black box? 尽管现代黑匣子的设计能够承受极端的情况,但它们并不总是可靠的。在 2014 年马航 370 航 班因不明原因失踪后,黑匣子仍未找到,评论人士呼吁黑匣子有待改进。你认为怎样才能进一 步改进这个装置?黑匣子还应该记录哪些东西?
The development of trains has come a long way since the first recorded steam-hauled railway journey on 21 February 1804. This train was developed and built in the UK by Richard Trevithick. This steam locomotive hauled ten tons of iron, 5 wagons and 70 men a distance of 15.69 km. It travelled at an average speed of approximately 3.9 km/h. 自 1804 年 2 月 21 日第一次有记录的蒸汽铁路运 输旅程以来,火车的发展取得了很大的进步。 这列火车是理查德·特里维希克在英国研发和 建造的。这辆蒸汽机车运送了 10 吨铁、5 节车 厢和 70 个人,运行距离是 15.69 公里。它的平均速度约为 3.9 公里/小时。 How long did this journey take? 这段旅程一共花了多少时间? Today, trains are far more advanced. Some trains are designed to tilt, enabling increased speed on regular rail tracks. As a train (or other vehicle) rounds a curve at speed, objects inside the train experience centrifugal force. This can cause packages to slide about or seated passengers to feel squashed by the outboard armrest and standing passengers to lose their balance. Tilting trains are designed to counteract this; by tilting the carriages towards the inside of the curve it compensates for the g-force. 今天,火车要先进得多。有些火车设计成倾斜的,这样可以在普通轨道上提高速度。当火车 (或者其他车辆)以一定的速度绕曲线运动时,火车内的物体会受到离心力的作用。这可能会 导致包裹滑落或坐着的乘客感觉被外侧扶手挤压,站立的乘客会失去平衡。倾斜式列车的设计 就是为了抵消这一点;通过使车厢向曲线内侧倾斜,以抵消重力。 Visualise how a train tilts when it goes around a corner and sketch your idea down. 可视化火车转弯时是如何倾斜的,将你的想法画下来。
Maglev is a system of train transportation that uses two sets of magnets, one set to repel and push the train up off the track, and another set to move the elevated train ahead. By levitating, what force is being reduced? 磁悬浮列车是一种列车运输系统,它使用两组磁铁,一组用来排斥和推动列车脱离轨道,另一 组用来推动高架列车前进。哪种力通过悬浮的方式减少了? __________________________________________________________________________________ With maglev technology, there are no moving parts. The train travels along a guideway of magnets which control the train's stability and speed. Maglev trains are therefore quieter and smoother than conventional trains and have the potential for much higher speeds. The Shanghai maglev train has a top speed of 430 km/h. 在磁悬浮技术中,没有移动的部件。火车沿着磁铁轨道行驶,磁铁控制着火车的稳定性和速度。 因此,磁悬浮列车比传统的列车更安静、更平稳,有可能达到更高的速度。上海磁悬浮列车的 最高速度为 430 公里/小时。 How much faster is this maglev train than Richard Trevithick’s invention? 这辆磁悬浮列车比理查德•特里维希克发明的列车快多少? __________________________________________________________________________________ Despite over a lot of research and development, currently high-speed maglev is only available in China and maglev transport systems are now operational in just three countries (Japan, South Korea and China). The incremental benefits of maglev technology have often been considered hard to justify against cost and risk, especially where there is an existing or proposed conventional high-speed train line with spare passenger carrying capacity. 尽管进行了大量的研究和开发,但目前高速磁悬浮列车仅在中国可用,磁悬浮列车运输系统目 前仅在三个国家(日本、韩国和中国)运行。人们常常认为,磁悬浮技术带来的效益很难与成 本和风险相抵消,特别是在现有的或拟建的常规高速铁路存在闲置客运能力的情况下。 If maglev is not the future of rail transport, what is? What do you think trains will look like in 100 years? How will they be powered? 如果磁悬浮列车不是铁路运输的未来,那什么才是呢?你认为 100 年后火车会是什么样子的? 它们将由什么提供动力?
__________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________
Mission Four – Challenges and the Future 任务 4——挑战与未来 Earth’s natural environment is facing an increasingly heavy burden: damaged ozone layer, climate change, acid rain, deforestation, desertification, plastic pollution and reduced wetland. What has been the cause of these problems and what have been the main effects? 地球的自然环境正面临着日益沉重的负担,臭氧层破坏、气候变化、酸雨、滥伐森林、荒漠 化、塑料污染、湿地减少。导致这些问题的原因是什么?主要影响是什么? Water contained in glaciers accounts for 97.8% of all the freshwater available on Earth. Estimates say that there are as many as 70,000 to 200,000 glaciers in the world. However, due to climate change, glaciers are quickly disappearing. What is the consequence of this? 冰川中的水占地球上所有可用淡水的 97.8%。据估计,世界上有 7 万至 20 万条冰川。然而,由 于气候变化,冰川正在迅速消失。这样会有什么后果? __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________
Due to climate change, melting of polar glaciers, warming and expansion of upper sea water, global sea levels are rising. Over the last century, global sea levels have risen by 10-20cm. This figure is still rising. What will such phenomenon result in? Look around the exhibit and write down your answer. 由于气候变化、极地冰川融化、上层海水变暖和扩张,全球海平面正在上升。上个世纪,全球 海平面上升了 10-20 厘米。这个数字还在上升。这种现象会导致什么?环顾展厅,写下你的答 案。
How can humans reduce the impact of climate change? 人类如何减少气候变化的影响?
Mission Five – Conclusion 任务 5——课程总结 1. Which exhibit did you enjoy the most? 你最喜欢哪个展厅? A. Glory of China 华夏之光 B. Science Paradise 科学乐园 C. Exploration and Discovery 探索与发现 D. Sci-Tech and Life 科技与生活 E. Challenges and the Future 挑战与未来 2. Why? 为什么? __________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Sketch a display or area that you found fascinating. 画一个你觉得很有趣的展厅或区域。 4. What was fascinating about it? 它有什么有趣之处? __________________________________________________________________________________ 5. What did you learn from this display or in this area? 你从这个展厅或区域中学到了什么? __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 6. In the future, what modern Chinese inventions or innovations do you think we will see in museums? 在未来,你认为我们在科技馆会看到哪些现代中国的发明与创新?
__________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 7. What would you like to learn more about? 你想进一步学习和了解什么? __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 8. Are there any things that you missed that you would like to see next time? 有没有什么东西你这次错过了,想下次再看的? __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________