
发布时间:2021-11-16 | 杂志分类:其他


北京大羿 二○二一 秋季拍賣會 预展及拍卖地点:北京大羿拍卖有限公司 [北京市朝阳区弘燕路山水文园东园 7 号楼 A03-04] 预展: 线上预展: 11 月 20 日 -11 月 26 日 微信小程序『羿趣』 10:00-20:00 拍卖: 11 月 27 日 星期六 13:30 传承:中国艺术珍品 19:30 无瑕:中国瓷器珍品 时间顺延 绚丽彩瓷 时间顺延 龙焱 时间顺延  皇家长物:宫廷艺术珍品 BEIJING DAYI 2021 AUTUMN AUCTION BEIJING DAYI AUCTION [A-03, Building 7, East Yard of Shan Shui Wen Yuan, Hong Yan Road, Chaoyang Distri... [收起]
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Porcelains with Cloisonne Enamel and Famille Rose Decoration 北京大羿 二〇二一 秋季拍卖会


北京大羿 二○二一 秋季拍賣會 预展及拍卖地点:北京大羿拍卖有限公司 [北京市朝阳区弘燕路山水文园东园 7 号楼 A03-04] 预展: 线上预展: 11 月 20 日 -11 月 26 日 微信小程序『羿趣』 10:00-20:00 拍卖: 11 月 27 日 星期六 13:30 传承:中国艺术珍品 19:30 无瑕:中国瓷器珍品 时间顺延 绚丽彩瓷 时间顺延 龙焱 时间顺延  皇家长物:宫廷艺术珍品 BEIJING DAYI 2021 AUTUMN AUCTION BEIJING DAYI AUCTION [A-03, Building 7, East Yard of Shan Shui Wen Yuan, Hong Yan Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China] PREVIEW: 20th-26th November 2021 10:00-20:00 PREVIEW ONLINE: WeChat Mini Program ‘YIQU’ AUCTION: Saturday, 27th November 2021 13:30 INHERITANCE: Selected Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art 19:30 FLAWLESS: Selected Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art Following Porcelains with Cloisonne Enamel and Famille Rose Decoration Following An Important Selection of Imperial Chinese Porcelains Following  The Highlights of Imperial Ceramics and Works of Art


北京大羿拍卖有限公司 BEIJING DAYI AUCTION Co., Ltd. 業務諮詢與合作洽談 請致電 +8610 67300330 北京市朝阳区弘燕路 山水文园东园 7 号楼 A03-04 A03-04, Building 7, East Yard of Shan Shui Wen Yuan, Hong Yan Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China 关注「公众号」 添加「客服微信」 了解更多拍卖资讯 提供更多艺术服务


大羿团队 DAYI AUCTION TEAM 业务团队 SPECIALISTS 汤 伟健  顾问 董 伦萍  副总经理 王 福有  瓷器工艺品部主管 余 锐  佛教艺术部主管 Tang Weijian Dong Lunping Wang Fuyou Yu Rui Consultant Vice General Manager Head of Department Head of Department Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art Buddhist Art 翟 运程  业务经理 邓 泳航  业务经理 王 子豪  业务经理 涂 丽  业务经理 Zhai Yuncheng Deng Yonghang Wang Zihao Tu Li Specialist Specialist Specialist Specialist Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art ACADEMIC RESEARCH 学术部 宋 永平 / 陈 川 Song Yongping / Chen Chuan CLIENT SERVICE 客服部 张 秀婷 / 刘 念 / 杨 舒涵 Zhang Xiuting / Liu Nian / Yang Shuhan MARKETING 市场部 杨 晓 / 金 媛媛/刘 Yang Xiao / Jin Yuanyuan/Liu Yang FINANCIAL 财务部 李 振宇 / 罗 群 / 李 超 Li Zhenyu / Luo Qun / Li Chao ADMINISTRATION 行政部 牟 松雪 / 刘 钊 Mu Songxue / Liu Zhao WAREHOUSE 保管部 周 昕 / 房 超 / 张 毅 / 沈 淦湘 / 林 培钊 / 林 东厚 / 谈 主拓 Zhou Xin / Fang Chao / Zhang Yi / Shen Ganxiang / Lin Peizhao / Lin Donghou / Tan Zhutuo www.dayiauction.com


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北京大羿二○二一秋季拍卖会 绚丽彩瓷 11 月 27 日  星期六   晚间时间顺延  现场拍卖 : 北京大羿拍卖有限公司 [北京市朝阳区弘燕路山水文园东园 7 号楼 A03-04] 视频同步拍 : 微信小程序『羿趣』 本场拍品 301- 320 Beijing Dayi 2021 Autumn Auction Porcelains with Cloisonne Enamel and Famille Rose Decoration Evening Sales following, Saturday, 27th November 2021 Auction Location: BEIJING DAYI AUCTION [A-03, Building 7, East Yard of Shan Shui Wen Yuan, Hong Yan Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China] Online Real-Time Bidding: WeChat Mini Program ‘YIQU’ Lot 301- 320 拍卖现场 电话及传真 Client services and absentee bids during the auctions Tel & Fax: +8610 85296925 扫码进入 微信小程序『羿趣』 观看线上预展 参与视频同步拍


本专场 撰文:李婷婷 英文翻译:杨晓


   瓷器上的纹饰是中国古代传统文化的重要载体之一。明、清官窑瓷器纹样较之民窑的严谨工整, 它们都以物言志,画必有意,表达着帝王对世界的理解,寄托着他们对生活的企盼。因此将吉祥图案 装饰在瓷器上是非常流行,特别是景德镇御瓷,纹样装饰必定样样如意,个个吉祥,即『图必有意, 意必吉祥』。    清乾隆御制洋彩海晏河清图碗造型秀美端庄,碗口外撇,深腹弧收,下承圈足。通体施白釉为地, 胎质细腻轻盈,釉面温润匀净,碗身外壁以突破传统的粉彩与珐琅彩相结合的方式描绘荷塘杏林双燕 图,洞石苍雅高耸,其后一株杏树延展围绕于碗周,杏花素雅绽放,粉黄相间,枝叶繁茂舒展,深浅相叠; 旁有荷塘,水波幽幽,莲花高洁,妍丽芬芳,似与杏花竞相争春,各见绰致,空中两只春燕嬉戏飞舞, 御风悠然,一只展翅向前,一只回眸等候,似有两情相悦之感,有预示繁荣、时来好运之吉祥寓意。    清乾隆粉彩开光菊花纹双螭龙耳壁瓶一侧平面,撇口束颈,颈部两侧以粉彩双夔龙耳饰之,肩部 作台阶状,腹部近底稍敛,下承外撇圈足,线条婉转,胎釉精良。瓶身两面以白釉为地,口部至肩部 自上而下分饰卷草纹、如意云纹、缠枝西番莲纹、缠枝花卉纹。腹部开光内饰数朵菊花争艳,周围以 描金边框装饰,开光外绘缠枝莲纹。胫部及圈足描绘蕉叶纹及卷草纹。全器设色妍丽雅致,口沿、足 底边及各部位转折处均描金边,极尽精致华丽。值得一提的是,上下两处卷草纹所用蓝料以玻璃白打 底,其中蓝料非常罕见,或为进口珐琅料。口内及圈足内施松石绿釉,底书矾红彩『乾隆年制』四字 篆书单行款。背面点缀红彩梅花朵朵,以掩饰支钉痕迹。拍品造型优美,画面笔触纤细工整,纹饰优 美华贵,意境典雅而不流俗,繁花盛开的娟秀与雍容浓郁的宫廷气息相结合,令人爱不释手。    清乾隆粉彩描金荷塘鹭鸶图小尊体量颇为精巧,可爱隽秀,十分罕见。小尊喇叭状口,鼓腹渐敛, 下承小圈足,足内施松石绿釉,中央留白,署矾红彩『大清乾隆年制』六字三行篆书双框款,款识形 式新颖少见。器内壁满施松石绿釉。腹壁莹洁的白釉地上以粉彩描绘通景的荷塘白鹭图。池水中,嫩 绿的叶柄、花梗从水中升起,托起硕大的荷叶、鲜艳欲滴的荷花与饱满多子的莲蓬,摇曳生姿。其间 点缀四只形态各异的白鹭,羽翼丰满而洁白,姿态悠然自得,轻逸出尘。整幅画面,呈现出一派自然 恬静的夏日荷塘美景。    清乾隆粉彩七月葵花图盖碗为乾隆朝粉彩茶器之珍贵隽品,精巧别致,碗敞口,深弧腹,拱形盖 顶设圆钮,扣合于茶盅之内。瓷胎细密,白釉莹润通透,碗身及盖面皆以粉彩绘七月葵花洞石图,黄 蜀葵娇艳盛开,圃簇似锦,大花黄粉相间,小朵粉丽柔嫩,含苞欲放,竞相争艳,摇曳生姿。洞石旁 红叶依附,点睛夺目,一派春光明媚之景。    清嘉庆粉彩描金福寿连年图壶壶形饱满如莲子,直口,溜肩圆腹,短曲流,弓形把,拱形盖顶置 宝珠钮,钮以矾红金彩绘以花蕊、莲瓣,配之造型好似莲花跃于水面。壶身口沿矾红地描金卷草纹一周, 器身及盖面白釉上以粉彩满绘缠枝莲纹饰,腹部间有红蝠衘以万寿符,花朵柔媚,枝叶繁茂,红蝠展 翅,万字回旋,有福寿双全,如意延年之吉祥寓意,足胫处一周仰莲纹样,底部松石绿釉上矾红书『大 清嘉庆年制』六字篆书款。全器婉约雅致,粉彩柔美娇艳,纹饰繁缛华美,布局井然有序,极尽御窑 瓷绘之能事,实乃皇家御用器之奢华风貌,碧色潋滟,光彩熠熠,甚是精妙,诚为稀珍,当为嘉庆官 窑之精美茶器也。    清道光粉彩杏林春燕图长颈瓶挺拔秀美,英姿绰约,撇口,长束颈,圆鼓腹,下承圈足。胎体白净, 釉面润洁。外壁器身以粉彩通景描绘杏林春燕图,一棵杏树蜿蜒参天,枝干遒劲,杏花或含苞待放, 或怒放争艳,花色粉调清秀,浓淡相间,一色千里,花团锦簇。其旁天竹、石榴婀娜多姿,湖石嶙峋, 如奇峰险峻。上方侣燕双飞,一俯一仰,追逐嬉戏,生机勃勃。口沿与胫部各施金彩一周,平添富丽之气。 ■ 大羿拍卖研究部


清道光 黄地洋彩洋花内五福纹宫碗 此品种碗按尺寸可分大小两种,大者口径 18 公分左右,外壁绘花卉六朵;小者口径 15 公分左右, 外壁绘花卉四朵,拍品即为后者。于清宫《活计档》中分别称为『大五蝠珐琅磁碗』和『五蝠 珐琅小磁碗』,最早于乾隆二年开始烧造。 道光元年十二月《御膳房銅磁琺瑯等樣器皿底檔》中记录:『……收得九江新到道光欵:…… 大五福琺瑯磁盌貳拾件、五福琺瑯小磁盌叁拾件……。』;及道光十三年七月《御膳房銅磁琺 瑯等樣器皿底檔》:『……道光欵:大五福琺瑯磁盌貳拾件、小五福琺瑯磁盌叁拾件……』。 或为拍品同类器之九江关进贡及清宫贮藏记录。另从相关档案资料可知,道光时期此式『五福 珐琅碗』应属传办瓷器,等级颇高,为专供『御茶膳房』使用。从当时贮存与存放数量上来看, 『五福珐琅碗』于清宫收藏中也属数量稀少之品种,犹显珍惜。 小碗敞口弧腹,下承圈足。外壁以黄釉为地,色泽靓丽晶莹,娇艳欲滴。其上以洋彩绘饰石竹、忘忧、 莲花、蜀葵四种缠枝花卉,花叶卷曲繁缛,花间枝头点缀含苞欲放的小花及花蕾。构图繁缛华丽, 画工复杂而不失严谨之态,雍荣华贵,气度不凡。内壁施白釉,碗心绘五只飞舞的矾红彩蝙蝠, 谐音五福,寓意洪福齐天。底心青花书『大清道光年制』六字篆书款。 拍品绘画风格、施彩、构图技法等皆源于西洋艺术,巧妙运用西方绘画中的明暗法,以亮点并 调合白彩绘花瓣、叶片之亮处,有明显的珐琅彩效果,体现出欧洲巴洛克装饰风格对中国美学 的影响。法国卢浮宫藏有一幅《美丽的花瓶》亦称《水晶花瓶里的鲜花》,从中即可见本器装 饰之花卉样貌,其上多种花朵均可从中此画中对应而出,色彩浓烈鲜明,罩施釉层厚重,有油 画颜料高纯度之厚涂效果,花瓣及藤蔓之上刻意留白,颜色深浅过渡自然,颇有西画中所追求 的明暗光影之感,极富微妙绚丽的层次肌理变化。 此类道光黄地洋彩洋花碗于全球各大馆藏中数量相对较少,且多以大尺寸居多,如拍品之小尺 寸碗珍罕难得。相同者参考水松石山房莫士挥[Hugh Moss]藏清道光黄地洋彩洋花五蝠纹小碗, 录于《御制》,香港,1976 年,图 8. 及香港佳士得 2010 年秋拍,编号 2982 清道光洋彩黄地洋 花宫碗一对,曾属十九世纪英国富豪阿尔弗雷特·莫里森[Alfred Morrison]的放山居[Fonthill House]旧藏,当时成交价为 662 万港币,可为之参照。 参阅: 莫士挥《御制》,香港,1976 年,图 8 香港佳士得,2010 年 12 月 1 日,编号 2982


Daoguang Period, Qing Dynasty A FINE AND RARE YELLOW GROUND AND ENAMELLED 'FLOWER' IMPERIAL BOWL The bowls in this pattern were built with two sizes. The larger size has a diameter of about 18 cm., and six flowers are painted on the exterior of the body; The smaller one has a diameter of about 15 cm., with a pattern of four flowers. The present bowl is in the second size. It raised on a rounded foot, inscribed with a six-character reign mark. According to the records, they were called 'large enamelled bat bowl' and 'small enamelled bat bowl', which produced from the 2nd year of Qianlong period, Qing dynasty. Searching from the relevant archives, it can be found that this type of 'bat enamelled bowl' should be a high- grade porcelain in the Daoguang period, which is specially used for 'imperial tea dining room'. From the storage quantity at that time, 'bat enamelled bowl' was extremely rare, even in the collection of Qing palace, which was still cherished. Delicately potted with deep rounded sides resting on a short straight foot, finely painted with yellow ground in bright tones, painted with flowers. The base inscribed with a six-character reign mark in blue glaze. The painting style and composition techniques of the present bowl are all derived from western art. They skillfully use the light and shade method in Western painting to highlight and blend the brightness of white color painted petals and leaves, which was highly influenced by European Baroque decorative style. The bowls in this shape are relatively rare in majority of collections allover world, and most of them are built with large size. Compare with a yellow ground and enamelled bowl of Daoguang period, which holds by Hugh Moss, illustrated in By Imperial command, Hong Kong, 1976, pl.8. Other bowl in similar patterns was sold in Christie's Hong Kong, 1st December 2010, Lot.2982, was collected by the Fonthill House, coudle be comparable. LITERATURE: Hugh Moss, By Imperial command, Hong Kong, 1976, pl.8 Christie's Hong Kong, 1st December 2010, Lot.2982




301 清道光  黄地洋彩洋花内五福纹宫碗 款识:『大清道光年制』六字三行篆书款 口径:十四·八  厘米 A FINE AND RARE YELLOW GROUND AND ENAMELLED 'FLOWER' IMPERIAL BOWL Qing Dynasty, Daoguang Six Character Seal Mark and of the Period 14.8 cm. diam. RMB: 150,000-250,000 301[款识] 301 参阅图:道光元年十二月《御膳房銅磁琺瑯等樣器皿底檔》中相关记录 道光十三年七月《御膳房銅磁琺瑯等樣器皿底檔》中相关记录 301 参阅图:法国卢浮宫藏《水晶花瓶里的鲜花》


301[俯视图] 301


清道光 黄地粉彩描金开光花卉暗八仙纹小碗 拍品为清代宫廷年节用碗,与故宫博物院清宫旧藏清道光黄地粉彩描金开光花卉暗八仙纹碗相同[参 见于《故宫博物院藏慎德堂款瓷器》,故宫出版社,2014 年,页 172],故宫统计此式样碗仅见三件, 碟、盘八件,晚清时大部分置于诚肃殿,由此可知拍品之稀珍可贵,传世不可多得。 小碗造型典雅周正,撇口弧腹,下承圈足,小器大样,把手可玩。外壁以柠檬黄彩为地,四处圆形 描金开光,内以粉彩绘灵芝、水仙、天竺等洞石花卉,有灵仙祝寿、玉堂富贵之祥瑞寓意,开光外 绘缠枝宝相花及西番莲纹样,间饰暗八仙图案。圈足内以矾红彩书“慎德堂制”四双行楷书款。此 器工艺考究卓著,施彩绚丽富贵,装饰华美非凡,为清代道光官窑上乘至精之作。 《清档》中对『慎德堂』瓷器的款识,有如下记载:『道光十四年二月二十二日,主事那隆阿首领 武进忠来说,太监沈魁传㫖:十四年年贡起九江呈进瓷器欵慎德堂製要红字,钦此。』由此可知, 慎德堂瓷器的款识,之所以都是矾红彩楷书,是由于道光皇帝的御旨所致。出于皇帝对于慎德堂的 偏爱,在慎德堂陈设、使用的许多日常用品上,均会镌刻由道光皇帝亲笔御书的『慎德堂制』、『慎 德堂御用』等款识。翻阅现存著录可知北京故宫博物院共藏有慎德堂器皿 357 件,而现留存下来清 宫旧藏署『慎德堂制』款瓷器 298 件,拍品即为慎德堂款瓷器,传世难得,称为可贵。 参阅: 《故宫博物院藏慎德堂款瓷器》,故宫出版社,2014 年,页 172。


Daoguang Period, Qing Dynasty AN EXQUISITE SMALL YELLOW GROUND AND FAMILLE ROSE GILTED AND INCISED 'EMBLEMS' BOWL The present bowl was made for the festival uses in the Qing Palace, which is the same with the yellow ground and famille rose 'emblems' bowl in the Beijing Palace Museum, illustrated in Porcelains with Inscription of Shendetang Collected by the Palace Museum, Beijing, 2014, p.172. The bowls in this type are extremely rare, there were only 3 examples in the Palace Museum, Beijing, as well as 8 dishes. The most of them were placed in Chengsu Palace in the late Qing dynasty. It shows how rare this bowl is. The shape of this small bowl is elegant and regular, delicately potted with everted sides, a flared rim, supported by a tapering foot. The exterior of the bowl covered with lemon-yellow ground, decorated with lucid ganoderma, narcissus, shows the meaning of fortune, longevity within four rounded sides. The foot inscribed with a four-character iron red 'shendetang' mark. With exquisite workmanship, gorgeous colors, wealth and extraordinary decoration, this ware is the representative work of Daoguang official kiln in the Qing Dynasty. These porcelains are regularly scripted with iron red glazed mark is due to the imperial decree of Emperor Daoguang. Because of the emperor's preference for Shendetang, many articles for daily uses in Shendetang will be engraved with 'Shendetang' and 'Shendetang imperial use' marks, which written by the Emperor Daoguang. Searching through the existing records, it can be seen that there are 357 shendetang utensils in the Palace Museum in Beijing, and now there are 298 pieces of the porcelains with 'shendetang' mark in the collection of the Qing palace. The present bowl is extremely rare and valuable. LITERATURE: Porcelains with Inscription of Shendetang Collected by the Palace Museum, Beijing, 2014, p.172




302 清道光  黄地粉彩描金开光花卉暗八仙纹小碗 款识:『慎德堂制』四字二行楷书款 口径:十一·二  厘米 AN EXQUISITE SMALL YELLOW GROUND AND FAMILLE ROSE GILTED AND INCISED 'EMBLEMS' BOWL Qing Dynasty, ‘Made of Shendetang‘ Four Character Mark, Daoguang Period 11.2 cm. diam. RMB: 120,000-150,000 302[款识] 302 参阅图: 故宫博物院清宫旧藏, 清道光『黄地粉彩描金开光花卉暗八仙纹碗』




清道光 粉彩开光五谷丰登纹碗 拍品与故宫博物院清宫旧藏清道光粉彩开光博古缠枝莲纹碗纹饰、款识等相同[参见于《故宫博物 院藏慎德堂款瓷器》,故宫出版社,2014 年,页 56-59,图 7]。道光三年十二月二十二日九江关 监督费覆升于《贡档进单》中记载:『[臣]费覆升跪进:……[上留]五穀豐登五彩大盌二十件、 [上留]五穀豐登五彩中盌二十件、[上留]五穀豐登五彩饭盌二十件、[上留]五穀豐登五彩汤 盌二十件。』在之后道光朝九江关进贡档案中可知,此纹样碗均在年末进贡,且品种数量不变,可 知其具有鲜明的年节喜庆色彩,充分表现出皇帝对来年天下五谷丰登、吉庆有余之吉祥祝愿。本品 应为其中大碗一式,传世难得可贵。 拍品为清代传统宫碗式样,敞口深腹,形制周正规范。器壁内外皆施白釉为地,口沿描金一周,外 壁金彩对称绘四组圆形开光,内以粉彩绘博古图,寓意『五谷丰登』、『太平有象』、『吉庆有余』、 『四季平安』等。图案分布对称,画意精巧,意境高雅。开光外以粉彩满饰缠枝花卉纹样,花叶茂盛, 藤蔓相连。全器构图细腻繁密,设色富贵华丽,装饰效果强烈,为典型的清宫皇家节庆用器,殊为可贵。 足内矾红彩书『慎德堂制』四字楷书款,字体隽秀,笔法顺畅,官款之式。 慎德堂是圆明园九州岛清晏建筑群中的一处堂名,于道光十一年建成,三卷式建筑。建成之际,道 光皇帝创作《慎德堂记》,表达了其节俭、修身、图治的执政方针理念,以『慎德堂』为题目,可 见道光皇帝对慎德堂的重视程度。陈浏于《陶雅》一书中称:『慎德堂为道光窑中无上上品,足以 媲美雍正,质地之白,彩画之精正在伯仲之间。』由此可见慎德堂款瓷器代表了道光官窑的最高水平, 质量精于普通大运官器,应为道光皇帝御用之器。 参阅: 《故宫博物院藏慎德堂款瓷器》,故宫出版社,2014 年,页 56-59,图 7。


Daoguang Period, Qing Dynasty AN EXQUISITE AND RARE FAMILLE ROSE 'ANTIQUE AND LOTUS' BOWL Compare with a comparable famille rose 'antique and lotus' bowl in Beijing Palace Museum, which illustrated in Porcelains with Inscription of Shendetang Collected by the Palace Museum, 2014, p.56-59, pls.7. From the records of Daoguang period, it can be seen that the bowls with pattern were paid as tribute at the end of every year, and the number and the varieties remained unchanged. It can be seen that it fully shows the emperor's auspicious wishes for bumper grain and more than auspicious celebrations in the world for the coming year. This product should be one of the large bowls, which is rare and valuable. This bowl is built in a traditional shape of the Qing dynasty, rounded sides covered with white glaze, the mouth rim is gilted, and the exterior is finely decorated with a painting of antiques, which shows the meaning of peace and auspicious celebrations. The painting pattern is in symmetrical distribution, exquisite and elegant. The exterior is also decorated with flowers in famille rose glaze, With exquisite and dense composition, rich and gorgeous colors and strong decorative effect, it is highly typical for the uses of royal festivals in the Qing palace, which is very valuable. The four character mark of 'shendetang' in the iron red glaze within the foot rim, the handwriting is smooth and typical. Shendetang is the name of one of the buildings on Kyushu Island in the Summer Palace. It was built in the 11st year of Daoguang. When the building was completed, Emperor Daoguang created the record of Shendetang, which expressed his ruling policy of thrift, self-cultivation and governance, which shows how seriously the emperor built the hall. It can be seen that shendetang porcelain represents the highest level of Daoguang porcelains. Its quality is better than that of ordinary official wares. It should be exclusively used by Emperor Daoguang himself. LITERATURE: Porcelains with Inscription of Shendetang Collected by the Palace Museum, Beijing, 2014, p.56-59, pl.7




303 清道光  粉彩开光五谷丰登纹碗 款识:『慎德堂制』四字二行楷书款 口径:十七  厘米 记录: 纽约佳士得,1994 年 12 月 2 日,编号 460 [其中之一] AN EXQUISITE AND RARE FAMILLE ROSE 'ANTIQUE AND LOTUS' BOWL Qing Dynasty, ‘Made of Shendetang‘ Four Character Mark, Daoguang Period 17 cm. diam. PROVENANCE: Christie's New York, 2nd December 1994, Lot 460 [One of two] RMB: 120,000-150,000 303[款识] 303 参阅图:道光三年十二月二十二日九江关监督  费覆升《贡档进单》中相关记录 303 参阅图: 故宫博物院清宫旧藏,清道光『粉彩开光博古缠枝莲纹碗』




清乾隆 粉彩过枝癞瓜纹碗 拍品为清代宫廷之名贵品类,故宫博物院现存一百零九张瓷器画样中,即有此一品种[参见《官 样御瓷:故宫博物院藏清代制瓷官样与御窑瓷器》,页 134,图 26]。南京博物院藏清乾隆粉彩过 枝癞瓜纹碗与本品相同,大维德爵士旧藏中亦有与此相近之碗,现存伦敦大英博物馆,馆藏编号 PDF.897;PDF.898。另外英国维多利亚及埃尔伯特博物馆、巴黎吉美博物馆均藏有相似之器,可为之 参照比较。 粉彩过枝癞瓜图碗创烧于清乾隆时期,乃乾隆御用茶具之典雅茗器,后世嘉庆、道光、光绪历朝均 有沿袭烧造,且各具时代特色,是为清代官窑经典制式。本品端正秀美,敞口微撇,弧腹下收,下 承圈足。器身满施白釉为地,其上以粉彩绘过枝癞瓜图,其间数朵清雅黄花,癞瓜饱满开裂,瓜瓤 垂而外流,蝶舞翩翩,相伴其中,更添灵动。翠竹、瓜蔓以青绿两色绘就,以示阴阳反侧,竹枝纤 长挺拔,瓜藤缠绕婉转,由碗外壁攀爬过枝延伸至碗内,设计构思巧妙精致,器底落『大清乾隆年制』 六字篆书款。癞瓜又称癞葡萄,其籽多而饱满,有瓜瓞绵绵、富贵多子之美好寓意,清代常作为吉 祥纹饰使用。民国许之衡于《饮流斋说瓷》中赞其:『过枝花杯、碗雅称隽品,至道光时,盛行过 枝癞瓜及过枝葡萄,癞瓜牵藤,间夹翠竹,繁丽中殊有玲珑剔透之致,较胜于寻常绘花卉者。』 参阅: 《官样御瓷—故宫博物院藏清代制瓷官样与御窑瓷器》,紫禁城出版社,2007 年,页 134,图 26 《宫廷珍藏:中国清代官窑瓷器》,南京博物院、上海文化出版社,2003 年,页 218 《东洋陶瓷大观·卷 7·法国吉美亚洲艺术博物馆》,东京,1981 年,图版 91


Qianlong Period, Qing Dynasty AN EXQUISITE AND RARE FAMILLE ROSE 'MELON' BOWL The shape of present bowl is extremely precious, which can be seen in the 109 porcelain patterns of Beijing Palace Museum, illustrated in Porcelain of The Palace Museum, Ceramics of Qing Dynasty, Beijing, 2007, p.134, pl.26. There is a same example which collected in Nanjing Palace Museum, another similar example can be found in Sir.David's collections, which in the British Museum, No.PDF.897, PDF.898. Compare with several similar bowls collected by the V&A Museum in the UK, Gemi Museum in Paris. The bowls with famille rose patterns were created from the qianlong period, which is quite exquisite and elegant, and exclusively for the imperial uses, and inherited by the imperial kilns of jiaqing, daoguang, and guangxu periods. Moreover, the bowls were built with distinguishing features, became a classical shape of the imperial porcelains of Qing dynasty. The present bowl finely potted with elegant shape, with deep rounded sides resting on a short straight foot, finely painted in bright tones of famille rose, with melons, leaves, and flowers. The painting extending around the exterior of the body, and over the edge onto the interior, the design is exquisite. The base is inscribed with a six-character reign seal mark. LITERATURE: Porcelain of The Palace Museum, Ceramics of Qing Dynasty, Beijing, 2007, p.134, pl.26 Treasures in the Royalty, the Official Kiln Porcelain of the Chinese Qing Dynasty, Shanghai, 2003, p.218 Oriental Ceramics,The World Great Collections, vol.7, Musee Guimet, Japan, 1981, pl.91




304 清乾隆  粉彩过枝癞瓜纹碗 款识:『大清乾隆年制』六字三行篆书款 口径:十·九  厘米 记录:香港苏富比,2011 年 10 月 5 日,编号 2072 AN EXQUISITE AND RARE FAMILLE ROSE 'MELON' BOWL Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six Character Seal Mark and of the Period 10.9 cm. diam. PROVENANCE: Sotheby's Hong Kong, 5th October 2011, Lot 2072 RMB: 200,000-300,000 304[款识] 304 参阅图:故宫博物院藏粉地瓜瓞绵绵碗平面图样 304 参阅图: 南京博物院藏 , 清乾隆『粉彩癞瓜碗』 《中国清代官窑瓷器》页 218


304[俯视图] 304


清乾隆 珊瑚红留白秀竹纹碗 拍品为清代官窑传统品种中风格尤为独特的器类,于《清档》中被称之为『洋彩白竹矾红碗』或『红 地白竹茶碗。』乾隆三十三年五月初三日总管内务府大臣三和、高恒于《奏折》中称:『具奏,奉旨: 「應偹呈览者俱偹呈览,偹赏磁器亦偹呈览,其余知道了,钦此」。……乾隆年款圆器内选出……:…… 洋彩白竹礬红碗三十件……』,或为拍品之清宫贮藏记录。 法 国 吉 美 博 物 馆 与 英 国 维 多 利 亚 和 阿 尔 伯 特 博 物 馆 等 均 藏 有 与 拍 品 品 种 相 同 之 器[ 参 见《La Ceramique Chinoise Ancienne》,2015 年 , 页 224; 及《Chinese Ceramics, Porcelain of the Qing Dynasty 1644-1911》,英国维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆,1998 年,编号 18] 拍品碗形秀雅,胎釉俱佳。碗心素白,外壁以珊瑚红留白技法描绘雪竹挺立,竹叶舒展,错落有致, 层次分明。所施红彩艳丽,更衬白釉纯净,竹叶本为清雅之物,不适宜用红色来表现,但此器却颠 覆传统做法,并周到地考虑到纹样的特性,以白色为叶,矾红衬托,红白各司其职,又相互映衬, 既不扰清雅,又夺人眼球,清新脱俗,独具艺术感染力,堪为大雅之藏 . 参阅: 《La Ceramique Chinoise Ancienne》,巴黎,2015 年,页 224 《Chinese Ceramics, Porcelain of the Qing Dynasty 1644-1911》,英国维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆,1998 年,编号 18


Qianlong Period, Qing Dynasty AN EXCEPTIONALLY RARE AND MAGNIFICENT CORAL-RED GLAZED 'BAMBOO' BOWL The present bowl is finely potted with an unique style among the traditional varieties of official kilns in the Qing Dynasty. According the archives of Qing Dynasty, there could be seen as 'enamelled iron red glazed bowl' or 'red ground and white glazed tea cup' . Sanhe and Gao Heng, who were in charge of the interior government, said in the memorial on May 3, the 33rd year of Qianlong that with the help of the instrumen, 30 enamelled iron red glazed bowls were selected... which was the storage record of this kind of porcelains in the Qing Palace. There were comparable bowls which collected by the Gemi Museum in France and the Victoria and Albert museums in the United Kingdom, illustrated in la Ceramique chinoise ancienne, 2015, p.224; and Chinese ceramics, porcelain of the Qing Dynasty 1644-1911, Victoria and Albert Museum in the United Kingdom, 1998, No. 18. The present bowl is finely potted in an elegant shape and covered with excellent glaze. The interior of the bowl covered with plain white glaze and the outside is painted with coral red glaze. The applied red color is gorgeous, which is more pure against the white glaze. The bamboo leaves are originally elegant and not suitable to be expressed in red. However, this ware subverts the traditional practice, and considerately considers the characteristics of the pattern, with white as the leaves and alum red as the background Red and white perform their respective duties and set off each other. They have unique artistic appeal, and can be regarded as the collection of great elegance. LITERATURE: La Ceramique Chinoise Ancienne, Paris, 2015, p.224 Rose Kerr, Chinese Ceramics, Porcelain of the Qing Dynasty, 1644-1911,V&A, 1998, No.18




305 清乾隆  珊瑚红留白秀竹纹碗 款识:『大清乾隆年制』六字三行篆书款 口径:十·九  厘米 AN EXCEPTIONALLY RARE AND MAGNIFICENT CORAL-RED GLAZED 'BAMBOO' BOWL Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Six Character Seal Mark and of the Period 10.9 cm. diam. RMB: 150,000-250,000 305[款识] 305 参阅图:乾隆三十三年五月初三日总管内务府大臣三和、高恒《奏折》中相关内容 305 参阅图: 英国维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆藏 清乾隆『珊瑚红留白竹纹碗』




清乾隆  松石绿地粉彩描金缠枝莲纹花口盖盒 拍品形制、装饰风格与故宫博物院藏清乾隆绿地粉彩勾莲纹盖盒相似,故宫博物院现存一百零九张 瓷器画样中,即见有此式花口盖盒[参见《官样御瓷:故宫博物院藏清代制瓷官样与御窑瓷器》, 页 280-281,图 80],图样规范,可知本器为清代乾隆时期之御窑官作,其上纹饰均以金彩勾勒, 尽显皇家富贵之气。台北故宫博物院藏清乾隆磁胎洋彩锦上添花盖盒亦于器型及风格上与之相近[参 见《华丽彩瓷—乾隆洋彩》,页 80-81,图 17],可参照比较。 乾隆时期广纳御窑厂之能工巧匠,御窑瓷艺集历代名窑良器之精萃,制器勇于创新,雍容华丽,诚 如寂园叟在《陶雅》中所说:『至乾隆,则华缛极矣,精巧之致,几于鬼斧神工。』本器即为一例 典型的清乾隆之官窑佳作,盖盒优美大方,生动别致,花口折沿,直腹平底子母口,圆鼓盖,宝珠钮。 通体尽施松石绿釉为地,均匀恬静,淡雅清新,其上以粉彩为饰,口沿正面绘缠枝莲间以寿桃托红 蝠纹样,背面亦饰缠枝莲花一周,腹外壁及盖面皆满绘缠枝番莲纹样,盖面宝珠钮满施金彩,周围 一周如意云纹,盖面与口沿及器身纹饰均可相扣对应,别有意趣,整器造型饱满圆润,制作规整细腻, 纹饰华美非凡,寓意为福寿长久,连绵不断,既俱西洋审美意趣,又有浓郁的皇家宫廷气息,传世 不为多见,识者当宝。 参阅: 《官样御瓷:故宫博物院清代制瓷官样与御窑瓷器》,紫禁城出版社,2007 年,页 280-281,图 80 《华丽彩瓷—乾隆洋彩》,台北故宫博物院,2008 年,页 80-81,图 17


Qianlong Period, Qing Dynasty A FINE TURQUIOSE GLAZED AND FAMILLE ROSE GILTED 'LOTUS' COVERED BOX There is a green ground and famille rose 'lotus' covered box which holds by the Beijing Palace Museum, which built in similar shape and style.The design of this covered box can be found in the porcelain patterns of Beijing Palace Museum, illustrated in Porcelain of The Palace Museum, Ceramics of Qing Dynasty, Beijing, 2007, p.280-281, pl.80. From the records, it can be known as an imperial product from official kilns in Qianlong period. The box is decorated with gold color glaze, shows the style of Qing courts. There is another example of an enamelled covered box with similar shape, which holds in the Taipei Palace Museum, illustrated in Stunning Decorative Porcelains from the Ch'ien-lung Reign, it can be comparable. This ware is a typical masterpiece of the official kiln of Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty. The covered box is built in beautiful, generous and vivid style, covered with turquoise glaze with pearl-shaped knob. One side of the body painted with lotus and peaches, the knob fully covered with gold color glaze, rounded by the ruyi- pattern. The decorative patterns are gorgeous and extraordinary, implying a long and continuous blessing and the meaning of longevity. It would be a perfect combination of western aesthetic and the flavor of the royal court. They are rare in history, and those who know them should be treasures. LITERATURE: Porcelain of The Palace Museum, Ceramics of Qing Dynasty, Beijing, 2007, p.280-281, pl.80 Stunning Decorative Porcelains from the Ch'ien-lung Reign,Taipei, 2008, p.80-81, pl.17


306 清乾隆  松石绿地粉彩描金缠枝莲纹花口盖盒 口径:十五  厘米 记录:伦敦佳士得,2015 年 11 月 11 日,编号 769 A FINE TURQUIOSE GLAZED AND FAMILLE ROSE GILTED 'LOTUS' COVERED BOX Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Period 15 cm. diam. PROVENANCE: Christie's London, 11st November 2015, Lot 769 RMB: 200,000-300,000 306 参阅图: 306 参阅图: 台北故宫博物院藏, 北京故宫博物院藏, 清乾隆『磁胎洋彩锦上添花盖盒』 清乾隆『松石绿地粉彩描金缠枝莲纹花扣盖盒』 306 参阅图: 故宫博物院藏,五彩瓷啖盒图样 306[底部图]




清嘉庆  粉彩描金福寿连年图茶壶 清宫品茗风尚由来已久,嘉庆皇帝曾赋诗『一瓯清兴足,春盎避清寒』咏茶,御用茶具用器亦承袭 历朝精粹,嘉庆时期装饰风格承前朝审美,同样可见乾隆器之富丽堂皇、典雅华美之风貌。台北故 宫博物院藏有一件乾隆时期蓝地粉彩福寿连年图茶壶,与拍品气韵及装饰风格相近[参见《也可以 清心 - 茶器·茶事·茶画》,页 158,图 136]。 壶形饱满如莲子,直口,溜肩圆腹,短曲流,弓形把,拱形盖顶置宝珠钮,钮以矾红金彩绘以花蕊、 莲瓣,配之造型好似莲花跃于水面。壶身口沿矾红地描金卷草纹一周,器身及盖面白釉上以粉彩满 绘缠枝莲纹饰,腹部间有红蝠衘以万寿符,花朵柔媚,枝叶繁茂,红蝠展翅,万字回旋,有福寿双全, 如意延年之吉祥寓意,足胫处一周仰莲纹样,底部松石绿釉上矾红书『大清嘉庆年制』六字篆书款。 全器婉约雅致,粉彩柔美娇艳,纹饰繁缛华美,布局井然有序,极尽御窑瓷绘之能事,实乃皇家御 用器之奢华风貌,碧色潋滟,光彩熠熠,甚是精妙,诚为稀珍,当为嘉庆官窑之精美茶器也。 参阅: 《也可以清心—茶器·茶事·茶画》,台北故宫博物院,2004 年,页 158,图 136


Jiaqing Period, Qing Dynasty AN EXQUISITE AND RARE FAMILLE ROSE AND GILTED 'SHOU' TEA POT The custom of drinking tea in the Qing palace has a long tradition, imperial tea sets and utensils also inherit the essence of previous dynasties. The decorative style of Jiaqing period inherits the aesthetics of the previous dynasties. We can also see the magnificent, elegant and beautiful style of Qianlong utensils. The Taipei Palace Museum holds a blue ground and famille rose tea pot of Qianlong period, which has similar decoration style and design with the present one. The small lotus seeds-shaped ewer resting on a slightly splayed foot, set with a curved spout opposite an arched handle attached to the body with a knob of clay on the top, which decorated with iron red and gilted lotus. The exterior of the body decorated with gilted grass patterns, abdomen painted with bats and 'shou' character. The foot inscribed with six-character reign seal mark. The whole ware is graceful and elegant, in bright and soft glaze color, which presents how mature the painting skills of Royal kiln porcelain was. LITERATURE: Empty Vessels, Replenished Minds:The Culture, Practice, and Art of Tea,Taipei, 2002, p.158, pl.136


◎本拍品目前处于保税拍卖状态,敬请留意《保税拍品竞买须知》。 307 清嘉庆  粉彩描金福寿连年图茶壶 款识:『大清嘉庆年制』六字三行篆书款 高度:十五·五  厘米 来源:瑞典地质学家费利克斯·泰根格伦[Felix Tegengren][1884-1980],     他在 1914-1917 年及 1922-1928 年间在中国工作,此壶于此期间购买,后于家族继承至今。 AN EXQUISITE AND RARE FAMILLE ROSE AND GILTED 'SHOU' TEA POT Qing Dynasty, Jiaqing Six Character Seal Mark and of the Period 15.5 cm. high PROVENANCE: Collection Sweden geologist, Felix Tegengren, 1884-1980.         He had been working in China from 1914 to 1917, 1922 to 1928.         The present pot was bought during the period, and inherited by his family. RMB: 800,000-1,200,000 307[款识] 307 参阅图: 台北故宫博物院藏, 清乾隆『蓝地粉彩福寿连年图茶壶』


