1 5m 70m
3 (
1~7bar )
9 ( 1 )
气动 隔膜泵是 本公司开发的第 三代气动隔膜泵, 具有使用寿命长,不会停顿等优点,它既能抽送流动的液
体,又能输送一些不易流动的介质,具有自吸泵、潜水泵、 屏蔽泵、泥浆泵和杂质泵等输送机械的许多优点。 、不需灌引水,吸程高达 ,扬程达 ,出口压力
≥ ; 、流动宽敞,通过性能好,允许通过最大颗粒直径达 。抽送泥浆、杂质时,对泵磨损甚微; 、扬程、流量可通过 气阀开度实现无级调节 气 压调
节在 之间 ; 、该 泵无旋转部件, 没有 轴封, 隔膜 把抽 送的介质
造成环境污染和危害人身安全; 、不必用电,在易燃、易爆场所使用安全可靠; 、可以浸没在介质中工作; 、使 用方便、工作可 靠、 开停只 需简 单地 打开和关
然停机泵也不会因此而损坏,一旦超负荷,泵会自动停机, 具有自我保护性能,当负荷恢复正常后,又能自动启动运
行; 、结构简单、易损件少,该泵结构简单,安装、维修
方便,泵输送的介质不会接触到配气阀,联杆等运动部件, 不象其他类型的泵因转子、活塞、齿轮、叶片等部件的磨
损而使性能逐步下降; 、可输送较粘的液体 粘度在 万厘泊以下 ; 、本泵无须用油润滑,即使空转,对 泵也无任何影
QBK is new dev eloped air op erated diaphragm s eries of our
company which the third generation, it has the virtue of long service
lif e and nonsto p ope ration, not only it can convey s ome u neasy
fl owed medium, with the merits of selfpriming pump, submersible
pump, shield pump, slurry pump and impurity pump etc.
1. It`s unnecessary to pour the drawing wa ter, the suction lift
re aches 5m he ight, the deli very l ift reac hes 70m len gth an d the
export pressure 6bar.
2. Wide flow and good performance. The diameter allowed to
pass the max g rain reaches 10mm. The damage is very less to the
pump while exhausting the slurry and impurity.
3. The delivery lift and flow can pass the pneumatic valve open
to realize the step less adjustment(the pneumatic pressure adjustment
is between 17bar).
4. This pump ha s no ro tary parts and no b earing seals. The
diaphragm will completely separate the exhausted medium and pump
ru nning parts, workin g med ium. The conveyed medium can `t be
leaked outside. Thus it will not cause the environmental pollution
an d human bod y safe ty dangerous while exhau sting the toxin and
flammable or corrosive medium.
5. No electricity. It`s safe and reliabl e while using in the flam mable and explore places.
6. It can be soaked in medium.
7. It`s con venien t to us e and reliabl e to work. Only op en or
close the gas valve body while starting or stopping. Even if n o me
dium operation or pausing suddenly for long time because of accident matters, the pump will not b e damaged ca used by this. Once over
lo ading, the pump wi ll automatica lly sto p and possesses th e self
protection func tion. When the load recov ers no rmally, it als o can
st art automatically.
8. Simple structure and less wearing parts. This pump is simple
in structure, installation and maintenance. The medium convey ed by
the pump will not touch the matched pneumatic valve and coupling
le ver etc . Not like other kin ds pumps, th e performance will drop
down gradually because of the damages of rotor, gear and vane etc.
9. It can tr ansmit the a dhesiv e liqui d (the viscosity is below
10000 centipoises).
10. This pump ne edn`t the oil lubric ant. Even if idling, it has
any influence to the pump. This is a characteristic of this pump.