
发布时间:2021-10-23 | 杂志分类:其他


CONTENTS 目录 03-04 企业简介 / Enterprins Introduction 05-06 产品理念 / Product concept 07-08 产品体系 / Product system 09-10 产品优势 / Product Advantages 11-12 空间产品 / Space products 13-16 酒店门厅空间产品 / Hotel foyer space products 17-20 走廊空间产品 / Corridor space products 21-28 房型空间产品 / Room space products 29-32 卫生间空间产品 / /Bathroom space products 33-34 部品产品 / Functional products 35-36 隔墙系统 /Partition wall system 37-38 墙面系统 / wall veneer system 39-40 吊顶系统 / Ceiling system ... [收起]
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CONTENTS 目录 03-04 企业简介 / Enterprins Introduction 05-06 产品理念 / Product concept 07-08 产品体系 / Product system 09-10 产品优势 / Product Advantages 11-12 空间产品 / Space products 13-16 酒店门厅空间产品 / Hotel foyer space products 17-20 走廊空间产品 / Corridor space products 21-28 房型空间产品 / Room space products 29-32 卫生间空间产品 / /Bathroom space products 33-34 部品产品 / Functional products 35-36 隔墙系统 /Partition wall system 37-38 墙面系统 / wall veneer system 39-40 吊顶系统 / Ceiling system 41-42 地面系统 / Ground systems 43-44 整体卫浴系统 / Integral bathroom system 45-46 项目案例 / Project cases 47-48 酒店 / Hotel 49-50 虚拟展厅 / Virtual Reality product 51-52 知识产权 / Intellectual property 目录 / 1-2


Enterprise Introduction 企业简介 装配式装修技术领导者 快装是中国装配式装修产品的提供商,致力于装配式 装修硬件及软件的设计与研发,目前已实现产品全空 间一体化的整体集成。快装同时也是拥有高度整合能 力的物联网企业,运用物联网技术对产品的标准化设 计、工厂化生产、装配式施工和信息化管理进行全面 有效的管控。快装目前产品包括隔墙系统、饰面系统、 地面系统、吊顶系统、模块化卫生间、整体厨房、空 气调节系统、电气控制系统等。 快装天下不断完善和提升空间产品的客户体验度是开 装不懈的 追求。 The leader technology of assembly decoration Conjoint is the supplier of assembly decoration product in China, concentrate on Design and Research and Develop in both hardware and software of assembly decoration, and now we have already achieved total integration of whole -space production. Conjoint is also an IOT(Internet Of Things) company who has highly capability of integration, we are able to manage and control the Standardized Design, Industrial Fabrication, Fabricated Construction and Informatization Management comprehensively and effectively with using IOT technology. Conjoint production now including Partition Wall System, Veneer System, Floor System, Ceiling System, Modularization Bathroom, Integral Kitchen, Air-conditioning System, Electric Control System, etc. Keep improving and consummating the customer`s experience of space-product is our unremitting craving. 企业简介 / 3-4


Product concept 改造痛点 产品理念 _地价租金压力大,时间改造成本高 _施工污染较大,垃圾清运费高 产品前景 _湿作业施工,室内空气质量不可控 _现场交付,受施工人员水平 影响较大,质量不可控 经过酒店专业调研的数据分析,中国一二线城市的快捷酒店存在巨大的升级及改造的需求背景。 现状分析如下: Change The Pain Point (1)商务出行需求持续扩大,但是性价比高的综合性商务酒店数量普遍不足; (2)传统商务酒店普遍存在规模较少,设计品质不够等综合问题,与一些新时尚的快捷酒店相比, High rent pressure, high time cost of reconstruction, heavy pollution, expensive fee of garbage cleaning, uncontrolled air quality caused by the construction in traditional way, and it also has disadvantage of 性价对比悬殊,急需改造。 uncontrolled completion effect caused by the different handicraft skills of workers. (3)城市核心地块的综合成本不断提高,包括租金水平及环保压力不断加大,传统装修不能吻合 轻改造美学 这种发展趋势。 装配式技术的综合特点在于能够兼容场地现状的复杂性,并提供一种轻松快速的改造策略。开装公司独 综上所述,对于酒店行业、特别是快捷酒店行业,急需一套可以行快速升级改造的装配式体系, 立开发了一套轻型快捷的物理连接体系,可以达到工厂预制、现场拼装的营造方式。工业化的拼缝、多 本公司致力于此,希望能将装配式的技术优势赋能整个产品的改造及升级。 样化的饰面选择给空间一种轻奢大气的美学。我们公司致力于用装配式技术的特点赋形一套全新的美学: 它将比古典更简约,又比现代更细腻,是新中产的审美首选,也是吻合上海这座海派城市底蕴的高雅美 Prospects For Transformation 学体系。 Based on the data analysis of the professional research on hotel field, there is a huge demand of updating Light renovation aesthetics and reconstruction of express hotels in China's first and second-tier cities. Here is the current analysis: (1)the demand for business travel continues to expand, but the number of cost-effective the integrated feature of the assembly technology is that it is suitable for the complicate construction comprehensive business hotels is generally insufficient. site, and it also can provide a fast and easy way of construction updating. Conjoint develops a set of light and (2)the traditional business hotels have many comprehensive problems like the scale is too small and be short quick physical connection system, it can achieve prefabrication and fast-installation like of design quality. Compared with some new fashionable express hotels, the cost- value is far from the building blocks. The craft seam and diversified veneer can provide a light luxurious aesthetics to the space. competitor, which urgently needs to be improved. Conjoint concentrates on using assembly technology to build a set of completely new aesthetics, it will be more (3)The comprehensive cost of urban core keeps increasing, including the rent level and the pressure of concise than classical and more exquisite than modern style, it is the first- choice of middle class which completely environmental protection. Traditional decoration fails to conform to this development trend. In summary, for match the need of aesthetics system in Shanghai, which the people has elegant and good taste here. the hotel industry, especially the express hotel, there is an urgent need for an assembly-type system that can be rapidly upgraded, and that is the speciality of Conjoint, 开装装配式升级解决方案,可以一站式完美解决现有痛点。 and Conjoint hopes to enable the transformation and updating of the whole field with using the advantage of our assembly technology. 产品理念 /5-6


Product System 3 5 6 产品体系 产品体系 / 7-8 酒店升级装配式解决方案,充分考虑客户需求,快装天下提供相应内装设计资讯及全套产品升级解决方案。从设计风格、产品选材、施工工 艺、体验 感等各维度提供专业服务,并通过开装装配式内装技术产品应用,最终实现价值提升。 The hotel upgrades the assembly solution, fully considers the customer's demand, provides the corresponding interior design information and the complete product upgrade solution. From the design style, product selection, construction technology, experience and other dimensions to provide professional services, and through the open assembly technology product application, the final realization of value enhancement. 2 1 4 1 Assembly wall 3 Equipped ceiling 5 Equipped Toilet 装配式隔墙 装配式吊顶 装配式卫生间 2 Equipped wall finishes 4 Assembly ground 6 Assembly Pipeline Integration System 装配式墙饰面 装配式地面 装配式管线集成系统


Product 01.快速安装 Fast Installation Advantages 快装模块化隔墙打破了传统的轻质隔墙的局限和存在的种种问题, 产品优势 达到了安装快速、施工简易、可完整拆卸的理想效果。 快 装饰面系统采用独特饰面挂扣连接专利,板与基层通过 The modular partition wall has broken the limitations and problems of the traditional light partition 挂扣连接,安装简易便利、不打钉、不打胶。同时连接更 wall and also achieved the ideal effect of fast installation, simpleconstruction and complete 加稳定牢靠,避免了饰面板松脱造成的危险。 disassembly. 饰面系统材质和式样有丰富的选择和搭配,天然石材、水 泥纤维板、陶瓷薄板、壁纸板、冰火板、涂装板、热转印 02.适配面广 Excellent Suitability 板,满足各种类型的装修风格和设计需求。 快装饰面系统材质和式样有丰富的选择和搭配,天然石材、壁布、 Conjoint patents the fastener which connect the wall-facing with base lay, this way 壁纸、冰火板、直印板等,可满足各种类型的装修风格和设计需求。 makes the installation process more convenient and simple, at the same time ensures the stable and firm connection with no nail and glue, av- oids the danger caused by The material and style of the Conjoint veneer system has rich choices, such as natural stone, falling of wall panels. wall cloth, wallpaper,ice-fire board, direct printing board, etc., which can meet various style of Conjoint veneer system has rich kinds of materials and styles to be selected like Natural the decoration and design requirements. Stone, Cement Fiber board, Ceramic sheet, wallpaper board, c- oating board, heating-transfer printing board, which can satisfiedevery kind of decoration styles and 03.绿色环保 ECO-Friendly requirementsof design. 快装材料采用无机制品,不含石棉、苯等有害物质,甲醛释放量符 墙饰面板基板 / Wall veneer baseboard 合E1级标准。 硅酸钙板是以硅质、钙质材料为主原料,加入植物纤维, Conjoint product is made of inorganic material, free of asbestos, benzene and other 经过制浆、抄取、加压、养护而成的一种新型建筑材料。 harmful substances, Formaldehyde emission conforms to E1standard. 开装采用8mm厚度硅酸钙板,性能稳定,不易变形,耐久 回收。 04.A级防火 Grade A Fireproof Property Calcium silicateplate is a kind of new building material which is made of siliceous 快装材料采用无机制品作为基板,具有强烈的耐火性,板材不燃烧, and calcareous materials and added plant fiber after pulping, copying, pressing 不会产生有毒烟雾,无火焰传递,防火性能达到A1级。 and curing. Conjoint uses 8mm calcium silicate plate which has advantages of stable performance, steady shape and easy- recycling. The baseboard of Conjoint product is made of inorganic material, it has excellent fireproof property resistance,it will neither produce any toxic smoke nor the flame transmission,the 铝合金构件 / Aluminum structure components 开 fireproofproperty is Grade A1. 装铝型材构件外观和质量要求按国家高精级标准执行, 表 05.坚固耐久 Solid Durability 面能实现多种效果,满足各种设计要求。 快装材料表面色纸及背面平衡纸含浸特殊配方之树脂后,采用全自 The appearance and quality requirements of Conjoint aluminum structure 动生产线,经高温高压特殊生产工艺技术压制而成,板面平整、不 components are in accordance with the national standards and the surface can 变形、无辐射且坚固耐久。 achieve a variety of effects and meet all kinds of design requirements. Conjoint product is pressed by the special technology of high temperature and pressure after the surface and backside impregnated with the resin of the special formula, the final product has flat surface, no deformation and no radiation. 06.二次利用 Reutilization 快装墙饰面系统采用独特的饰面扣装连接方式,安装简易便利、不 打钉、不打胶、连接稳定牢靠、可拆卸回收并进行二次利用。 Conjoint wall veneer system adopts a unique decorative buckle connection mode, which is easy and convenient to install, and it needs no nails, no glue. The conne- ction is stable and reliable,and it is also easy removable for recovery and reuse. 产品优势 / 9-10


Space products 空间产品 酒店门厅空间产品 走廊空间产品 房型空间产品 卫生间空间产品 空间产品 / 11-12


Hotel lobby space products 酒店门厅空间产品 快装酒店前厅产品之一,此系列产品主要展现整体而开阔的背景空间,材质选择 以清冷灰白调性为主,给人一种时尚高雅的轻奢美学。 Conjoint hotel lobby product: this series products mainly showing the integral and open background space, the material selection is mainly cold and gray tone in order to give the feeling of stylish and elegant light luxury. A - 大厅 面材 Mask 冰火板 中花白 意大利灰 规格 Spec 7000*3000mm Venato Carrara Italy Gray 酒店门厅空间产品 / 13-14


Hotel lobby space products 酒店门厅空间产品 快装酒店前厅产品之一,此系列产品主要展现竖向排版带来的韵律之美,结合灯 带及板面进退凹凸变化可以做出丰富的立面造型来,试图将音乐的和谐之美带入 整体空间的美学意向。 Conjoint hotel lobby product: this series products mainly showing the beauty of rhythmof vertical composing combined with light strip and concave-convex modeling, to bring the beauty harmonious of music to the whole space. B - 大厅 面材 Mask 冰火板 意大利灰 莎安娜米黄 规格 Spec. 7000*3000mm Italy Gray Sanna Beige 酒店门厅空间产品 / 15-16


Corridor space products 走廊空间产品 时尚大气的走廊装配式产品,饰面多样,构件丰富,可以结合灯带及其他实际功 能自由变化连接方式,墙饰面也有木纹、石纹、金属、壁布、格栅等多样化的选 择需求。 Corridor space product Conjoint fashionable assembly corridor product has rich kinds of veneer and structure liberallycombined with light stripeand other actual function. The wall veneer also has diversified selection like wood grain, stone grain, metal, wallpaper and grating. A - 走道 面材 Mask 壁布、环保 PP 膜 麦芽雪白 黄橡木 规格 Spec. 9000*2700mm Malt Snow White Yellow Oak 走廊空间产品 / 17-18


Corridor space products 走廊空间产品 快装的走廊产品可以满足从五星级酒店到快捷酒店等各种需求,根据各种性价比需 求可以自由调配,走廊的装配式打造对于提升酒店综合形象有巨大的影响,也是 我们的核心装配式产品之一。 Conjoint corridor product can satisfy different needs from Express Hotel to Five-star hotel, customers can select liberally based own need. A perfect corridor can exert a huge influence to the whole hotel, so this is also the core product of Conjoint. B - 走道 面材 Mask 冰火板、壁布 意大利灰 米点亚麻 规格 Spec. 9000*2400mm Italy Gray Rice Point Golden 走廊空间产品/ 19-20


Room space products 房型空间产品 快装拥有自主研发户型的综合设计能力,可以进行标准化房型的开发及酒店方需 求的房型定制服务,可以完成从卫生间到干区的整体装配式服务。 Guest-room product Conjoint has independent researchand development of the comprehensive design capacity, it can follow the development of standardized room and the demand of the hotel room customized service, can provide the whole-space service from the toilet to the dry area. A - 大床房 面材 Mask 壁纸、壁布 中灰 金沙深咖 规格 Spec. 3600*2800mm Medium Grey Shining Sand Coffee 房型空间产品 / 21-22


Room space products 房型空间产品 快装背景墙系列,凹凸视觉的立体效果,让简单的背景墙不会显得毫无设计感, 使整个客房空间温馨而又浪漫,时尚而又舒适。 Conjoint background wall series, convex visual stereo effect, so that the simple background wall will not appear to have no design, making the entire room space warm and romantic, fashionable and comfortable. B - 大床房 面材 Mask 壁纸、壁布 金沙深咖 云锦烟青 规格 Spec. 3600*2800mm Shining Sand Coffee Cloud Brocade Cyan 房型空间产品 / 23-24


Room space products 房型空间产品 快装背景墙系列,木纹板放在背景墙上,温馨的木质感让客房也变得更加舒适。在 木纹板背景墙上还加入了古典的吊灯,看起来就更加有趣。 Conjoint background wall series, wood panels on the background wall, warm wood texture to make the room more comfortable. The addition of classical chandeliers to the background wall of the wood panel looks even more interesting. A - 标准间 面材 Mask PP 覆膜板 黄橡木 梅尔菲极简条纹 规格 Spec. 8*600*2400mm Yellow Oak Melfi's Minimalist Stripe 房型空间产品 / 25-26


Room space products 房型空间产品 快装背景墙系列,受到中心对称和凹凸的灵感启发,结合灯带设计,一起 营造空间氛围。 Conjoint background wall series, inspired by center symmetry and bump, combined with belt design, togetherCreate a space atmosphere. B - 标准间 面材 Mask 壁纸、壁布 麦芽雪白 云锦烟青 规格 Spec. 3600*2400mm Malt Snow White Cloud Brocade Cyan 房型空间产品 / 27-28


Toilet space products 卫生间空间产品 快装拥有一套独立的整体卫生间体系,包含从独立防水底盘、地漏、排水系统、 装配式墙面及顶面的全体系方案。效果可以达到真瓷砖的美学效果。 Integral bathroom product Conjoint has a set of special integral bathroom solution, including independent underpan, floor drain, drainage system, assembly wall and ceiling. And Conjoint also can realize real ceramic effect in assembly system. A -卫生间 面材 Mask PVC 复合薄陶瓷板 至尊宝格丽深灰 至尊宝格丽浅灰 规格 Spec. 23.5*600*2500mm Supreme Bulgari Darker Grey Supreme Bulgari Light Gray 卫生间空间产品 / 29-30


Toilet space products 卫生间空间产品 快装卫生间墙面使用大理石效果转印板材,转印效果真实并且避免了大理石中氡气 的排放,形成了典雅大气的卫生间风格。 CONJOINT toilet walls use marble effect transfer plates. The effect of transfer printing is real and avoids the emission of helium in marble. Together with the stone material on the ground, it forms an elegant atmosphere toilet style. B -卫生间 面材 Mask PVC 复合薄陶瓷板 至尊宝格丽米黄 莎安娜米黄 规格 Spec. 23.5*600*2500mm Supreme Bulgari Beige Shaannuo 卫生间空间产品 / 31-32


Functional products 部品产品 隔墙系统 墙面系统 吊顶系统 地面系统 功能性产品 /33-34


Partition wall system 隔墙系统 水泥基隔墙板 1.采用预埋龙骨,扣件连接的方式,墙体安装快速、牢固, 不需胶粘材料进行连接。 2.条板模数选择合理,并可定 制设计长度,不需现场切割, 保证工地零扬灰。 3.水泥基 材质,防火隔音性能佳,可用作防火墙使用。 4.开装水泥基隔墙板在数年后仍可重新回收利用。 1.The wall is installed quickly and firmly by means of pre-burying keel and connecting fasteners.There is no need for adhesive material to connect. 2.Rational selection of bar modulus, and can be customized design length, without on-site cutting,Make sure the site is free of ash. 3.Cementbased material, good fire and sound insulation performance, can be used as a firewall. 4. Conjoint cement slabs can stillbe recycled after several years. ALC隔墙板 A LC 板是以硅砂、水泥、石灰等为主原料,经过高压蒸 汽养护而成的多气孔混凝土成型板材 (内含经过处理的 钢筋增强)。ALC板可做墙体材料,是一种性能优越的 新型环保建材。 A LC隔墙板具有质轻、坚固、环保、保温、隔音、透 气、防火、快速施工、成本适中等优点,市场反馈良 好 ,应用前景广阔。 The ALC board is based on Silicon sand, cement, lime, etc., and passes through high pressure.Plate of porous concrete formed from steam maintained(containing treated)Reinforced steel reinforcement). The ALC board can be used as a wall material and is a superior performance.The new environmental protection building materials. ALC partition board has light, solid, environmental protection, thermal insulation, sound insulation, transparentGas, fire prote ction, rapid construction, moderate cost and other advantages, market feedback is goodWell, the application is promising. 隔声性能 吊挂重物性能 单块可拆卸 可回收 A级防火 0甲醛排放 Soundproof performance Performance of hanging weights Single block disassembly Recyclable Class a fire prevention 0 Formaldehyde Emission 隔墙系统 /35-36


Wall veneer system 墙饰面系统 墙饰面系统 快装墙饰面系统按安装方式分为调平系统和自平系统。 调平系统以自主设计铝合金条龙骨搭配调平构件,可在 基层不平整的墙面上实现快速找平。 自平系统可在原基面平整墙体上快速安装,墙板与墙体 之间空隙仅需2mm。 The open-mounted wall decoration system is divided into a leveling system and a self-leveling system according to the installation method. The leveling system uses an independent design of aluminum alloy bar keel with leveling components.In the ground floor uneven wall to achieve rapid find flat. Self-leveling system can be installed quickly on the original foundation flat wall, wall panels and wallsThe gap between the body only needs 2mm. 快装饰面系统采用独特饰面挂扣连接专利,板与基层通 过挂扣连接,安装简易便利,不打钉,不打胶。同时连 接更加稳定牢靠,避免了饰面板松脱造成的危险。 饰面系统材质和式样有丰富的选择和搭配,天然石材、 水泥纤维板、陶瓷薄板、壁纸板、涂装板、热转印板, 满足各种类型的装修风格和设计需求。 Decorative surface system adopts a unique decorative surface hanging buckle connection patent, board and grass roots passOver hook connection, easy to install, no nails, no glue. At the same timeThe connection is more stable and secure, avoiding the danger caused by the loose panel.Facial system material and style have rich selection and collocation, naturalstone,Cement fibreboard, ceramic thin board, wall board, coating board, hot transfer board,Meet all kinds of decoration style and design requirements. 个性定制 单块可拆卸 可回收 A级防火 0甲醛排放 Custom Design Single block disassembly Recyclable Class a fire prevention 0 Formaldehyde Emission 墙饰面系统 /37-38


Ceiling system 吊顶系统 轻质模块吊顶系统 快装吊顶系统采用干法施工,搭积木式安装,摒弃了传 统吊顶满顶打钉,满顶嵌缝的复杂工序,两个工人几个 小时即可完成一整套完整吊顶的安装,大大缩短了工 期。后期维修和更换,不需要破坏式拆除,从而大大节 约了经济成本。 The conjoint ceiling system is constructed using a dry method and is fitted with a block type installation. Instead of the traditional complicat- ed process of hanging the roof full of nails and full of seams, the two workers can complete it in a few hours. The installation of a complete set of ceiling has greatly shortened the duration. Late maintenance and replacement do not require destructive demolition, resulting in significant savings in economic costs. 防火膜吊顶系统 软膜防火天花吊顶系统:快装软膜天花吊顶系统采用防 火玻纤制造,分模块化及整体天花两种产品系列:模块 化产品在工厂一次性成型,现场快速安装;整体天花产 品采用现场干作业安装的方式。两种安装皆不会采用任 何现场湿作业的安装程序,是一款快速、环保、实用、 安全的装配式体系。 Soft Film Fireproof Ceiling System Conjoint soft film fireproof ceiling system is made of glass-fiber, including modular and integral types: modular series is made by the way of onetime-molding in the factory, it can realize fast-installation, and integral ceiling is installed by dry method in construction site. These two types strictly using dry-method which means any parts 抗变形性 个性定制 耐热 可回收 A级防火 0甲醛排放 Deformation resistance Custom Design Heat-resisting Recyclable Class a fire prevention 0 Formaldehyde Emission 吊顶系统 /39-40


Ground systems 地面系统 地面工艺介绍 地砖部分 水暖部分 调平部分 优势: 快装地面模块化装配式体系,可广泛结合市面上的陶瓷 产品,是一款场景很广泛的饰面陶瓷化的装配式地面系 统,有直铺及地面架空两套体系,可以满足地面基面不 稳定的各种情况。本产品也可以结合地暖系统实现模块 化地热。 Inthe ground system, the ceramic composite plate is connected in a buttoning mannerThe application method has trulyrealized the dry construction of the ground system, and in the Modular installation under different conditions. The main form is divided into two systems: 1.Air-conditioned flat floor system(divided into water-heated floor and water- free heating work)Nengdi Ping) 2. Ground floor system 耐磨 抗刮 耐烟头 止滑 0甲醛排放 Wear-resisting Scratch Tobacco resistant head Slip 0 Formaldehyde Emission 地面系统 /41-42


Integral bathroom system 整体卫浴系统 卫生间系统 模块化卫生间将卫浴空间分解成单元模块,工厂预制现 场安装,满足客户不同功能和视觉要求。快装模块化卫 生间产品集成了最新型的材料、最安全的结构和最先进 的科技,在整体卫生间领域实现了颠覆性创新。 The hotel upgrades the assembly solution, fully considers the customer's demand, provides the corresponding interior design information and the complete product upgrade solution. From the design style, product selection, construction technology, experience and other dimensions to provide professional services, and through the open assembly technology product application, the final realization of value enhancement. 竖装墙板系统构造 快装竖装卫生间墙板采用18mm pvc发泡防火壁板,材 料经冷、沸水循环实验不产生变形,防水、耐热、抗冲 击、抗弯能力强,十分适合用于卫生间墙板饰面。面层 色彩为数十层进口色膜材料与环保胶经强压压制而成, 色彩饱满。 The wall of conjoint vertical toilet is made of 18mmPVC foam fire wall.The material has no deformation after cold and boiling water circulationtest, and is waterproof,heat-resistant, impact resistant and bending resistant.It is very suitablefor bathroom wall panel decoration. The surfacelayer of color as the color film imported dozens of layers of materials and environmental protection adhesive and pressing pressure, The color is full. 横装墙板系统构造 快装横装卫生间系列墙面采用进口装饰纤维水泥墙板, 该水泥墙板通常用于外墙面层装饰,防雨防潮,耐久 可靠。本可直接用于卫生间环境,我们又在其上覆以 防水涂料膜层,更增强了其防水性、耐久性以及能够 更好地表现色彩效果。 The conjoint cross section toilet wall adopts imported decorative fiber cement wall panels, which are usuallyused for exterior wall surface decoration, rain and moisture proof, durable and reliable.It can be used directly in the bathroom environment, and we are overlying it.The coating of water coating enhances its waterproof, durabilityand better performance of color. 清洁卫生 个性定制 坚固耐久 可回收 B级防火 0甲醛排放 快速安装 Sanitary Custom Design Solid anddurable Recyclable Maximum A Fire 0 Formaldehyde Emission Quick Instal 整体卫浴系统 /43-44


Engineering Introduction 工程案例 酒店 / Hotel 工程案例 /45-46


Hotel 项目名称:张江美居酒店翻新 项目地址:中国、上海、浦东 酒店 使用功能:五星级酒店 建筑面积:11平方每套,共100套 项目内容:室内设计、墙面翻新 竣工日期:2016年5月 施工工期:4名工人5天 项目名称:上海如家金标商旅样板间 项目地址:中国,上海,普陀区 使用功能:酒店 建筑面积:20平方米 项目内容:室内设计、软硬装施工 竣工日期:2017年6月 施工工期:2名工人5天 项目名称:浙江桐庐半边山下民宿 项目地址:浙江桐庐庐茨小镇 使用功能:双人房、单人房、亲子房、套房 建筑面积:900平方米 项目内容:室内设计、软硬装施工 竣工日期:2019年 施工工期:20天 项目名称:魔墅集装箱展厅 项目地址:中国,上海 使用功能:展厅 建筑面积:25平方米 项目内容:室内设计、软硬装施工 竣工日期:2018年5月 施工工期:4名工人2天 酒店 /47-48


Space Integrted Product-Hotel Updating Series 快装酒店升级虚拟展厅 实时体验、一键下单、批量化品控交付, 解决您的时尚房型首选 Real-time experience, one-click order, batch delivery with strict standard quality control, to satisfy your preferred fashion room 酒店升级虚拟展厅 /49-50
