1. 北京大羿拍卖有限公司举办的拍卖活动均依据本图录中的《拍卖规则》,进行参加拍卖活动的相关各方必须仔
2. 本公司特别声明不保证拍卖标的的真伪、品质及价值,对拍卖标的不承担瑕疵担保责任,竞买人应亲自审看拍
3. 参加网络拍卖,需要提前交纳人民币不少于 1000 元的保证金,按照 1:5 的比例使用,保证金余额不足亦可追加。
4. 如需电话委托,竞买人在拍卖会开始前须持本人身份证或护照办理相关手续,并支付保证金人民币 20 万元,方
5. 竞投成功后,买受人须自拍卖成交日起三十日内向北京大羿拍卖有限公司支付落槌价及相当于落槌价百分之
十五的佣金及其他各项费用,并领取拍卖标的[包装及搬运费用、运输保险费用];买受人自拍卖成交日起 10
个自然日内付清拍品款项的可享受佣金 9 折优惠[即落槌价 13.5%]。竞买人逾期未足额支付的,竞买保证金
6. 本图录版权属北京大羿拍卖有限公司所有。未经本公司书面许可,不得以任何形式对本图录的任何部分进行复
1. BEIJING DAYI AUCTION CO., LTD. will organize all auctions according to the Conditions of Business enclosed in this
catalogue, which shall be carefully read and observed by all parties to such auctions.
2. BEIJING DAYI AUCTION CO., LTD. Declares that the Company cannot guarantee the genuineness, quality and value of
the Lot, and the Company shall not bear the liability for guaranteeing the drawbacks. Please contact staff of BEIJING DAYI
AUCTION CO., LTD. to consult or obtain information for inquiry of detail status of Lots and other relevant information.
3. For online real-time bidding, minimum deposit of RMB 5,000 is required, 8 times of bidding quota is available; bidders are
allowed to add more deposit online at any time. For absentee bid in writing, requiring a deposit of RMB 200,000. If you ask a
trustee to pay the deposits or purchase price, a copy of an identification document of the paying agent and a confirmation of
payment shall be supplied. For more information, please consult the Client Service Department. Tel: 13681597125 .
4. In the event of a successful bid, a complete single payment must be received by BEIJING DAYI AUCTION CO., LTD. Within
thirty days of the date of successful sale, and be in accordance with the hammer price plus and additional 15% of the hammer
price as buyer’s premium, and include any additional fees surrounding the lot as well [including shipping, packaging charges,
insurance fee, for which the buyer is responsible]. If the buyer complete the payment within 10 days of the date of successful
sale, could get 10% discount of the buyer’s premium [ which as 13.5% of the hammer price]. If the buyer fails to make full
payment within the time limit, the bidding deposit [earnest money] shall not be refunded and the Buyer shall also undertake
all corresponding liabilities, according to the Conditions of Business of BEIJING DAYI AUCTION CO., LTD.
5. The copyright to this Catalogue belongs to BEIJING DAYI AUCTION CO., LTD., No part of this publication may be
reproduced or used in any form or by any means without prior written permission of BEIJING DAYI AUCTION CO., LTD.
* 本场拍卖会 经京文物许可 [2022] 1094 号文件审核批复。