洛阳旅游宣传画册(2) - 副本

发布时间:2023-10-30 | 杂志分类:其他

洛阳旅游宣传画册(2) - 副本

这座古老而充满活力的城市位于中原腹地,是中国历史文化的摇篮。在这里您将在千年文明的长河中漫步,感受古老与现代的碰撞,探访历史遗迹,赏览自然风光,品尝美食佳肴,每一刻都是一场奇妙的体验。Explore the treasures of the ancient capital of the Central Plains and step into the bright land of a thousandyear civilization, Luoyang, Henan Province. Located in the hinterland of the Central Plains, this ancient and vibrant city is the cradle of Chinese history and culture. Here you will stroll along the river of a thousand years of civilization, feel the collision of the ancient and the modern, visit... [收起]
洛阳旅游宣传画册(2) - 副本
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The capital of the Empire at

the turn of the millennium

Luoyang under heaven










Explore the treasures of the ancient

capital of the Central Plains and step

into the bright land of a thousandyear civilization, Luoyang, Henan

Province. Located in the hinterland

of the Central Plains, this ancient

and vibrant city is the cradle of

Chinese history and culture. Here

you will stroll along the river of a

thousand years of civilization, feel

the collision of the ancient and the

modern, visit historical relics, enjoy

the natural scenery, taste the

delicious food, every moment is a

wonderful experience.


— 河南洛阳




►概述( Overview)


►洛阳博物馆 (Luoyang Museum)

►古墓博物馆(Museum of Ancient Tombs)

►隋唐大运河博物馆(The Grand Canal Museum of Luoyang Sui and Tang Dynasties)

►夏都二里头博物馆(Erlitou Museum)


►洛阳水席(Luoyang Water Banquet)

►鲜花饼(Flower cake)

►洛阳牛肉汤(Luoyang Beef Soup)


►天堂、明堂、应天门(Mingtang and scenic paradise、The site should be Tianmen)

►龙门石窟(The Longmen Grottoes)

►白马寺(White Horse Temple)

►老君山(The Laojun Mountain)

►隋唐城遗址植物园(Sui and Tang Dynasties City Ruins Botanical Garden)



►唐三彩( tri-colored glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty)

►杜康酒( Dukang Wine)

►黄河澄泥砚(Yellow River mud ink stone)


Luoyang is one of the four major holy cities in

the world, located in the hinterland of Kyushu.

It has a history of over 5000 years of civilization,

over 4000 years of urban history, and over 1500

years of capital establishment. It is the capital of

China with the earliest, most dynasties, and

longest history. Luoyang is one of the

birthplaces of Chinese civilization, the eastern

starting point of the Silk Road, and the center of

the Sui and Tang Grand Canal. The ruins of

Yanshi Shangcheng, Xiadu Zhenyi, Han and Wei

ancient cities, Sui and Tang Luoyang cities, and

Eastern Zhou Wangcheng are lined up from east

to west along the Luo River, forming the

spectacle of \"Five Capital Guan Luo\".





博览古今 景点推荐篇

Explore the Past and Present


Luoyang Museum

The Luoyang Museum was founded in

1958 and holds six major thematic

exhibitions: the \"Heluo Civilization\" and

\"Treasure Exhibition\", the \"Han Tang

Terracotta Exhibition\", the \"Tang

Tricolor Exhibition\", the \"Palace Cultural

Relics Exhibition\", the \"Stone Carving

Art Exhibition\", and the \"Calligraphy and

Painting Exhibition\". The exhibition area

is 17000 square meters. The museum has

20315 cultural relics in its collection,

including 5406 precious cultural relics.


博览古今 景点推荐篇

Explore the Past and Present


Museum of Ancient Tombs

Since ancient times, the Ancient

Tomb Museum has been known

as the \"North Mang Mountain

with few idle soil, full of old

tombs of Luoyang people\" in

Luoyang's North Mang

Mountain and surrounding areas.

Ancient tombs are scattered

throughout history, and the

Ancient Tomb Museum was

established accordingly.


博览古今 景点推荐篇

Explore the Past and Present


馆 Luoyang Sui and Tang Dynasties The Grand Canal Museum of


The Sui Tang Grand Canal

Cultural Museum stands on

the bank of the old Tongji

Canal in Luoyang, covering

an area of 47.7 acres and a

building area of 33000

square meters. The layout

of the museum gradually

transitions from south to

north, complementing the

garden water system space

of the Grand Canal Cultural

Park. The overall style is

solemn and vibrant,

modern yet elegant.


博览古今 景点推荐篇

Explore the Past and Present

The Erlitou Site in the Luoyang

Basin of Henan Province was

the capital of the mid to late

Xia Dynasty and is known as

the \"earliest China\" in the

academic community. The

Erlitou Xiadu Site Museum has

a total of 5 basic exhibition

halls, which systematically

display the history of the Xia

Dynasty, archaeological

achievements of the Erlitou Site,

the exploration process of Xia

culture, the dating project of

Xia, Shang, and Zhou dynasties,

and the research results of the

Chinese civilization exploration



博览古今 景点推荐篇

Explore the Past and Present

Erlitou Museum


旅游景点 景点推荐篇

Tourist Attraction

Mingtang Paradise Scenic

Area: Built in the core area

of the Ziwei City Site, it is

the most important

landscape of the Sui Tang

Luoyang City project. It

was an important place for

Empress Wu Zetian to

govern, worship Buddha,

and live in the past. This is

the political power center

of Empress Wu Zetian in

the divine capital of

Luoyang, and the scenic

area mainly includes two

buildings: the Ming Hall

and the Heaven. Mingtang

is the main hall of Ziwei

City in Luoyang, Tang

Dynasty, known as the

\"Palace of All Things\".

Heaven is the imperial hall

of Empress Wu Zetian.


Yingtian Gate is the highest

standard city gate in ancient

China. Its organizational

system has a profound impact

on Xuande Gate in Bianliang,

Northern Song Dynasty,

Chongtian Gate in Dadu,

Yuan Dynasty, and the

Meridian Gate in the Imperial

Palaces of the Ming and Qing

Dynasties of Ming and Qing

Dynasties. Its name is also

taken by Yingtian Gate in

Kyoto, Japan. It is known as

\"the first gate in the Sui and

Tang dynasties\" and \"the first

gate in the world\", which

occupies an important

position in the history of

palace architecture in China.



The Laojun Mountain

White Horse Temple


Longmen Grottoes

Founded in the first year of the Xiping

reign of the Northern Wei Dynasty, in

2003, the temple underwent its fifth

historical restoration. The new temple

incorporates the Tang Dynasty style and

renovates and protects the Jiangsong

Tower, Qianlong Imperial Stele Pavilion,

and Yibo Pagoda.

Together with Yungang Grottoes in

Datong and Mogao Grottoes in the

Mogao Grottoes of Dunhuang, they are

called the three largest grottoes in China.

These grottoes were first excavated in

494 yuan. There are over 97000 existing

Buddha statues, with the largest being

17.14 meters high and the smallest being

only 2 centimeters.

Going to the world for a thrilling feast

and eating instant noodles on Laojun

Mountain has become a popular

attraction on the internet due to short

videos. One of the three main peaks of

Funiu Mountain, Laojun Mountain has

an elevation of 2297 meters and is also

known as Jingshi Mountain.

旅游景点 景点推荐篇

Tourist Attraction



旅游景点 景点推荐篇

Tourist Attraction


Sui Tang Site Botanical Garden

Luoyang Luolong District Sui and Tang City Site Botanical

Garden, where you can not only admire peonies but also

appreciate the customs of Sui and Tang. The Sui and Tang

City Site Botanical Garden was built on the basis of the

Luonan Lifang Rhinoceros Site, which was the capital city

of the Sui and Tang dynasties. It started construction in

2005 and opened in 2006. There are 17 specialized parks

built in the park, including Qianzi Peony Garden and Yequ

Shuijing Garden


文化遗产 景点推荐篇

Cultural Heritage






Tri-colored Glazed Pottery of the Tang Dynasty


Dukang Wine


Yellow River mud ink stone

The birthplace of Du Kang Wine is located in Ruyang,

south of Luoyang, Henan Province. More than 3000 years

ago, Dukang was accidentally inspired by the idea of

\"empty mulberry and dirty rice, brewing millet and wheat,

and making mellow mash\" here. Through repeated research

and trial, he summarized the secret of liquor making,

created a brewing technology using grain (sorghum) as raw

material, created a precedent for Baijiu brewing in China,

and laid the foundation for Chinese Baijiu brewing.

The Yellow River Chengni inkstone is made from the soil

deposited in the old Yellow River channel as the raw

material through special production and firing processes. It

is not a stone inkstone, but an inkstone made of fine sand

and mud, with a texture similar to bricks and tiles, and is a

type of ceramic inkstone. It flourished in the Tang Dynasty

and flourished in the Song Dynasty. In the Ming Dynasty, it

reached its peak and became one of the four famous

inkstones in China. Throughout history, it was used as a

tribute and was deeply loved by literati and literati.

The Tang Sancai firing technique is a traditional handicraft

technique in Luoyang City, Henan Province, and is one of the

national intangible cultural heritage sites. The firing technique of

Tang tri color glazed pottery originated in the early Tang

Dynasty. As the essence of traditional art in the Tang Dynasty,

Tang tri color glazed pottery has a history of more than 1000

years. During the prosperous Tang Dynasty, it reached its peak.

After the Tang Tianbao, the production quantity gradually

decreased. By the Song Dynasty, the Tang tricolor had basically

disappeared, and after the New China, it was once again thriving.


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舌尖美味 景点推荐篇

Delicious tongue tip

Luoyang Peony Flower Cake is a specialty of Luoyang City,

Henan Province, also known as Baihua Cake or Peony Cake.

The taste is sweet and not greasy, which not only brings a

unique sweet experience, but also has the effect of nourishing

and regulating, and benefiting the body and fitness.




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舌尖美味 景点推荐篇

Delicious tongue tip

Luoyang beef soup is one of the unique flavors of

cuisine in Luoyang City, Henan Province, belonging to

the Henan cuisine. Beef soup not only replenishes

nutrients, but also warms the stomach and repels cold,

making it a favorite among Luoyang people in winter.



Luoyang Water Seat

舌尖美味 景点推荐篇

Delicious tongue tip

As a traditional delicacy in Luoyang, Shuixi has a long history and

has been thriving for thousands of years. Together with the Luoyang

Peony Flower Festival and Longmen Grottoes, it is known as the

Three Wonders of Luoyang. The water mat is mainly sour and spicy,

consisting of 24 pieces, abbreviated as \"38 mats\". Eating one dish

after another is like flowing clouds and water.



Luoyang Tourism and Culture Bureau
